Authors Note: Very Important!!!

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Majority of the people want both so here is what I'm going to do to make it so everyone can enjoy.

   This will still be strictly Theo and Ezra, but I'm going to sprinkle in Austin and Mathew plots until a certain chapter (which I have planned out in my notes already) that will start off the Austin and Mathew spin off book. I will start each chapter off that begins with Austin as "Austin's p.o.v" if it doesn't have one, it's Theo. If you don't like them, I'm sorry, I'm trying to make it so everyone can enjoy. You can skip the Austin chapters if you want, they wont really affect the main story line. (Only a little) but you can still read without them! Please be kind and fair to others!!

(Don't expect a lot of Austin and Mathew chapters though. I know we are eager to read their love story, but I have a plan in mind for how this story will flow. No complaining please.)


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