Traitor In Our Midst

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The entire pack was fanned out, trying to find Reid who had disappeared into the woods. Theo wasn't ready to transform into his wolf form to help aid in the search and instead made his way to the main pack house. Busting in through the door, he spotted Sage on the couch, with Elijah sitting next to her. Elijah was their newest member to join and this was really the first time Theo had been in the same room with him.

  Theo walked around the couch, seeing the extent of the damage. With Sage bandaged and bleeding, it gave Theo flashbacks to when Alfie had passed away. He forced the lump in his throat down and instead focused on what was in front of him.

  "How is she?" Theo asked, grabbing Elijah's shoulder gently.

  "She's got 3 slashes through her abdomen, but they aren't too deep. I'm waiting for the truck so we can take her to the hospital." He explained. "There's not much we can do for her, now."

  Theo cursed under his breath, getting to his feet and running to the main door. Peaking out, he noticed how eerily quiet the area was and felt something prick down his spine. With it being so quiet, Theo felt like he was the only one here.

  Looking over to the driveway, he paled. The truck that they used to drive people to the hospital or for big hauls was right there in the driveway. Feeling an unwanted presence right behind him, Theo knew instantly what was happening.

  Ducking, Theo felt air through his hair and he kicked back, realizing his foot connected with flesh. Theo turned to see Elijah with a syringe in one hand and the other holding his knee.

  Theo ran and tackled him to the ground, hearing the syringe clatter nearby. He felt a punch to his arm, but Theo was hell bent on protecting him and Sage.

  Theo elbowed him in the face, grabbing Elijah's arm and rolling him over onto his stomach, planting both legs so they pinned him to the ground.

  "What were you doing?!" Yelled Theo, glaring at him.

  A chuckle made Theo angrier. "Helping Defiant... They are growing more."

  Theo rolled his eyes. "I'm so sick of Defiant. If I give you the ring will you leave?!" Theo snapped.

  He really was so done with Gilbert and their clan. He just wanted to be able to raise his children his way. He didn't want this sleeping with one eye open thing anymore.

  Elijah laughed. "This isn't even about the... ring anymore. You are... pregnant with twins." He looked over his shoulder, meeting Theo's gaze. "He now has his eyes on you."

  Theo scoffed. "He can try to come for me, but I'm going to defend myself to the end." Theo brought down his elbow and squared him in the face, knocking him out.

  Theo sighed, grabbing for a piece of thin fabric, and secured Elijah's wrist behind him before stepping away just as he smelled Ezra's scent. 

  Theo walked to the front door, spotting Ezra and Austin walking with Moses and Ty carrying Reid.

  "How's Sage?" Ezra asked.

  "She needs a doctor but we also have another problem." Ezra hugged Theo as they turned into the house. Ezra spotted Elijah tied up with a bloody nose and his eyebrows shot up.

  "What-" Theo broke from the hug and pointed to Elijah.

  "He's working with Defiant, too. He tried to attack me with my back turned. I sensed something was off and tackled him." He explained.

  Austin whistled. "Damn, okay, Theo. I see you." He walked over to the couch and scooped Sage up carefully into his arms. "Ty, hand Reid to Moses and start the car." He demanded.

  Ty did just that and grabbed the keys from the hook on the wall. Austin followed closely behind with Sage in his arms.

  Theo sighed, looking down at the syringe on the floor. "You should get them both into the basement. When they come too we can question them." Theo said.

  Ezra nodded, grabbing Elijah's arms and dragged him towards the basement with Moses following. With Ezra nowhere in sight, Theo bent down and grabbed the syringe, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup. He poured the clear liquid into the cup and sniffed it from afar. It had a flowery smell to it as well as an earthy peppermint smell. He has smelt this before, he just couldn't remember where. Turning on the garbage disposal and turning on the hot water, Theo discarded whatever was in there and rinsed the cup. He didn't want anyone getting their hands on it so discarding it was best.

  "What are you doing?" Asked a concerned voice.

  Theo jumped, turning around to see Ezra walking in. Theo relaxed slightly, reaching over to turn off the water and disposal. "Elijah came at me with a syringe full of this weird stuff. I needed to get rid of it before someone else used it again."

  Ezra walked over and stood next to the counter with him. "A syringe? Why didn't you let me look at it first?" Ezra asked.

  Theo blinked, looking at the disposal then back up at Ezra. "I... don't know. The first thing on my mind was getting rid of it." Theo walked away from the sink and over to the table, pulling out a chair and sitting.

  Ezra sighed, walking over to join him. "Did Elijah say anything to you?" He asked.

  Theo reached over and grabbed Ezra's hand, rubbing circles on his palm. "Only that our worst fears are reality," Theo mumbled, looking into Ezra's eyes. "Gilbert wants the twins because they will be powerful. Which means I need to learn how to defend myself with or without my wolf form."

  Ezra nodded. "I knew a pack would try to swoop in and do this, but Defiants are dangerous. They have clever ways of getting what they want. I think everyone needs to learn to protect themselves."

  Theo nodded, putting a smile on his face. "I protected myself today though. I felt pretty confident." Theo brought his hands to his hips and straightened his back. "Nothing Alpha Theo can't do!"

  Ezra laughed, covering his mouth when Theo shot him a look. Ezra reached over and grabbed Theo's shoulder. A wave of sparks flooded Theo and he felt a sudden shift within him. His stomach fluttered and his blood became hot. Something within him stirred and lusted for more contact. Theo couldn't seem to relax, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't clear the clouded, single minded way that he only wanted one thing.


  His body craved for him, almost like he didn't have control of his own body. Theo felt his cheeks and ears heat and with that, came the unthinkable. His erection hurt. Theo squealed, pulling away from Ezra's hand and covered his face with his own, ignoring the sweat bleeding on his forehead.

  "Theo are you okay?" Ezra asked.

  Theo shook his head, trying to shrink away into oblivion. "I... I can't think straight." Theo breathed out, panting against the way his clothes clung uncomfortably to his body.

  Ezra looked him up and down before finally it set in. He remembers all this feeling when he was a blooming Alpha. Theo's hormones had just kicked in.

  Ezra smiled. "Your pills are working. Feeling horny will happen."

  Theo slammed his head on the table, hard. "We are under a crisis and Sage is on the brink of death. How can I be this horny in a situation like this?" Theo groaned.

  Ezra sighed. "Because you are new to the Alpha hormones. Your wolf is becoming balanced out so now you are going through the stages of it. You will be moody, extremely hungry and above all, horny in terrible situations. It's happened to all of us at some point."

  Theo's face flushed again and he tried to shift in his seat, but that only made his erection worse. "I hate my life," Theo croaked out.

  Ezra stood up and grabbed for Theo's hand, standing up. Theo shoved his shirt down to hide the erection, but Ezra didn't seem to care as he guided Theo up the stairs.

  It took Theo a moment to realize that Ezra was leading him into the bathroom.

  A/N: Sorry for the delay in updates. I had a lung infection and a cold. It wasn't a fun week for me, but I'm back and better than ever! As I should warn there will be smut in the next chapter, but only a little *side eye* so I hope you enjoy!

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