Back In Your Arms

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Theo could hear voices around him and a loud beeping as he slowly regained his senses. Groaning, his eyes started to open, taking in a lighten room that smelled of pine and mint. Theo closed his eyes once again, adjusting slowly to the lights around him. The cieling was a dark oak that melted into some log like cabin walls. He was sitting on something soft yet hard at the same time. It was in the middle road of being comfortable.

It was peaceful for that split second of discovering the room, then he remembered what happened. Quickly he shot up on the bed, his breathing starting to quicken as he felt his heart hammer against his ribs. He turned his head, realizing he was in a room he was familiar with.

When his eyes landed on the floor and at the clothes that gathered, he realized he was back in the cabin. Back with Lighthide.

He relaxed against the pillows, finally taking the time to get his bearings. First he realized he was hooked up to medical equipment. An IV in his arm and a heart monitor also. The next thing he realized was his broken leg, now covered in a medical boot positioned on a stack of pillows.

After getting the state of his body in order, he looked around to see if Ezra or any familiar faces were near. Theo was out of luck. Grabbing the blanket that covered half of him, he threw it off. He sat up, grabbing his leg and twisting so that both legs dangled off the side of the bed. Just as he was about to rip the IV out, the door opened. Out of instinct, Theo flinched as his skin grew a few shades pale.

Juan walked into the room, which would've given him a position to bolt for the nearest window if Austin didn't enter with him. Both swapping stories. Theo watched as Austin's eyes flew to him but they didn't register that Theo was awake.

At least not right away.

His eyes bulged and his head snapped back to Theo. "Theo?! Oh my God you're finally awake!"

Theo was engulfed in a hug before he even knew what was happening. He never thought he would see them again and with Austin here hugging him, he allowed tears to fall as he wrapped his arms around him.

"Wow, save the waterworks for Ezra." Austin teased.

Theo let out a chuckle, pulling back from the embrace. "Wh-where is he?" Theo asked, wiping the tears free of his face.

The door opened again and Theo's heart hammered in his chest, his whole body shaking. Ezra entered, in a hoodie, some pants and shoes. His hair a mess and some bruises still on his face. But those eyes that pierced him, made Theo lose it.

Ezra ran forward just as Theo tried to Stand. Ezra caught Theo as they slumped to the ground, Theo's hold on Ezra was iron, afraid if he let go he would be back on that dusty cabin floor again. Everything seemed to hit Theo. The loss of Paul, the pain, missing Ezra; everything slammed him.

Theo cried out in Ezra's hoodie, his body shaking at the sheer force it caused.

"Im here. Don't worry. I'm here." Ezra whispered over and over again as if it was his mantra. Theo felt better with his voice at his side.

Ezra pulled back, bringing his hands up to cuff Theo's cheeks. "Look at me." He whispered. Theo obliged, taking in the pain his eyes held. "There's something I need to tell you."

"Ezra I wouldn't. Wait until he's much more stable." Austin shot in, snatching Theo's curiosity.

"What happened? Did something happen?" Theo asked.

Ezra bit his lip, but a sad smile found his lips. He brought his hand up to wipe the tears away, resting his hand on Theo's shoulder. "Nothing happened. It's something we just found out." He planted a kiss on Theo's forehead, earning Theo to rest his head on Ezra's chest. "I will tell you after we get you better."

"If it's important enough to wait until I'm able to function. I will wait... just... dont... don't leave me." Theo felt tears escape as he grabbed hold of Ezra's clothes. He stayed close to him, keeping his arms neat his chest.

"I won't leave you." Ezra wrapped his arms around Theo. It only took a minute for Ezra to realize that Theo went slack against him, falling asleep in his arms. Ezra sighed, picking Theo up and putting him back in bed.

He turned to the others. "Its going to be a long road to recovery for him." Ezra says.

"At least he will have us. But... how are you going to tell him that he's pregnant?" Austin asked.

Ezra looked over at Theo's sleeping form and shook his head. "Gingerly. I won't tell him until I know he can handle it." He turned to walk out of the room but Juan stopped him.

"Stay with him. He needs to wake up with you by his side. We can handle everything right now. Your job is to stay by his side. I did awful things to him when we first met and having ne around isn't going to help heal him. Stay." Juan says.

Ezra smiled, nodding his head. "You've got it." He turned to Austin who nodded as well.

Austin and Juan exited the room, closing the door behind them. Ezra peeled off his shirt and shoes, sliding into bed next to Theo. He wrapped his arm around Theos stomach, smiling at the thought of having children. He just hopes Theo feels the same way he does.

He rest his head on the pillow, falling asleep to Theo's breathing.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait but here it is!!!! Also sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer!!

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