Theo Takes Charge

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Theo woke up feeling much more refreshed than he had in a few weeks. He wasn't at all surprised to find Ezra wasn't next to him because the air smelled of pancakes and bacon. He got dressed in his least wrecked clothes as he left his room to head downstairs.

Austin was sitting at the island, messing with something while Ezra was finishing whatever he was doing by the sink. Theo walked over to Ezra and wrapped his arms around him.

"Good morning," Theo sang. "How are you today?" He asked.

Ezra turned, wrapping his arms around Theo's neck. "Well, good morning to you as well," he bent down, kissing Theo on the lips. "I'm doing just fine."

"Awe, as much as this is cute, I am eating breakfast and would not like to throw it up." Austin interjected.

Theo looked over at him, watching him mockingly smile with a mouth full of food. He couldn't help but laugh, reaching for one of the plates and filling his up.

Satisfied with the plate, he made his way over next to Austin and started stuffing his face as well. After a few bites, he spoke.

"After breakfast, can we head to my house?" He asked.

Ezra nodded. "Yeah, since Howard and mom have a cabin here now, we will have to stop by and ask for the house key first."

Theo shook his head, pointing upstairs. "No need, I got mine."

"Great. I'm also bringing Austin and Lisbeth along." He says.

Theo knitted his eyebrows together at the mention of Lisbeth. "Did she volunteer?"

Austin shook his head. "Right now, she is the only one we trust, and she is a trained nurse. I mean, she didn't go to school, but she interned for Dr. Hall for 2 years."

Theo nodded, turning back to his pancakes.

"We also have Austin birthday coming up in 3 weeks. So we need to do something for that." Ezra added, grabbing a piece of bacon and eating it.

Theo smiled wide. "Oh, how old are you going to be?"

"18." Austin answered with so little interest that it made Theo pout slightly.

"You should be happy reaching 18. It means you are an adult now." Theo encouraged, finishing the last bit of his food.

Austin groaned, handing the plate off to Ezra, who took it happily. "It also means I can find my soulmate. That is not something I want to do right now."

"And why not?" Ezra asked, taking Theo's plate as well and turning to the sink, starting up the hot water.

Austin raised a brow and looked between Theo and Austin. "Have you seen how much shit you guys have been going through because of it? Yeah, I don't need that drama in my life right now." He explained.

Theo shrugged in a knowing way, turning to Ezra. "He's got a point, ya know."

Austin sighed. "Let's get going now that everyone has eaten. I'll be waiting by moms car." Without much, he left.

Theo sighed, grabbing for a glass of orange juice. Chugging it down, he got up and walked over to the laundry basket and grabbed some fresh socks. As he stood, a cramp shot up his back, and he yiped slightly.

"Theo? What's wrong?" Ezra was next to him in seconds, guiding him over to the couch.

"It's just a... well... cramp?" He explained. "I get them from time to time."

Ezra made his way up the stairs as Theo put on his socks. As Ezra emerged, he was holding Theo's house keys and a pair of converse. He handed the converse off to Theo, who put them on.

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