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Theo had managed to fall asleep during the drive, but it was interrupted. He felt his hands being roughly grabbed, dragging him out of the van. He slammed against the ground but the abuse didn't stop. Allen held a fistful of Theo's shirt, bringing him up to his feet.

Theo staggered against the treatment, but managed to steady himself on his feet. Allen pulled his chain; Theo stumbling into a small cabin that was in the middle of nowhere.

Upon entering the house, Theo was brought over to a small door. Allen opened it, revealing a small enclosed space with a twin sized bed. That was about all that was in this small room.

Allen threw Theo to the bed. "Your damn Alpha. Spoiling our damn plans." Allen mumbled under his breath.

Theo turned to face Allen, gulping. Allen smirked. "Dont worry. I'll be back." He says, closing the door and locking it.

Theo sat up, crawling to the small vent by the door, peaking out into the hallway. He was met with no one in the room but the door was wide opened.

Theo sighed, sitting back against the bed, looking at the small ceiling above him, the amount of dust giving him shivers. Theo turned over to his side so that he wasn't staring at a disgusting cieling and instead was eyeing his hands.

  Being in this situation, it reminded him of Jayson, making him shiver. All he wanted was to be back at the pack house with his dad, MJ, Ezra, Austin and even the douchebags like Reid and Isaac. Anything was better than this place.

  A loud thud outside of the door alerted Theo; he shot up from the bed, spotting movement.

  The door opened up and Allen stood there. "A snooper was caught right outside the cabin. A surprise to say the least. But don't worry." A wide smile appeared on his face as he bent out of veiw and dragged a body in front of the cabin.

  Theo stared, mortified at the lifeless eyes staring back at him. The floor filling with blood from a slit throat.

  It was one of his friends, Paul. A pack member of Bloodrose. Theo slapped his mouth, looking away from the body. Allen took pleasure in this, folding his arms, he leaned against the top of the small door.

  "I take it you know eachother?" He chuckled. "Poor chap. Tried to sneak up on me and ended up with a slit throat." Theo felt the bed sink. Panicked he tried to jump away, but Allen caught his shoulders first, pining him to the wall.

  "Behave, little one. If you don't want to end up like him, I'd do as your told." He smirked. "Now strip for me. I have a meeting in an hour and I must get you bathed and dressed. Make a fuss and you won't like the consequences." Theo shivered at Allen's hand caressing his cheek.

  Allen stepped away, giving Theo a bit of breathing room. He couldn't explain what he felt, but anger is the most prominent feeling and he channeled that. Leaning against the wall, he brought both legs up and slammed them against Allen's stomach, watching him fall against the wall in surprise.

  Theo took his disorientation to his advantage and scrambled out of the room. He jumped over Paul, trying not to look at his dead friend, his adrenaline refusing him to take a beat and mourn.

  He jumped over the couch, nearly toppling to the ground as he threw himself against the door. He slammed it opened with his body, feeling the cold air hit him.

  His hair was grabbed, short living his taste of freedom as he slammed against the floor of the cabin. He skid to a stop when he hit the couch. Before Theo could deny anything, hands slammed his shoulders to the ground allowing him to face Allen.

  "That was very ballsy of you, sadly, it won't end well. Shall I show you how bad you have it?" He asks.

  Expecting a beating, Theo flexed his muscles, ready for any form of hit. He didnt expect to be kissed by this gross man. Even worse is his body immediately rejected the touch.

  Theo gagged, choking against the mouth that grabbed his. When Allen let go, Theo immediately emptied what little he had in his stomach on the dirt.

  "I wouldn't do what you just did again. Being touched in a sexual way by someone other than your Spark will result in sickness. Having intercourse is worse. Try that again and you will find out what I mean." Grabbing the fistful of the now weakened Theo, he dragged him across the ground until they made it to another room, this one smaller; he was thrown in. This door wasn't as sturdy, as if Allen is trying to test if Theo was stupid enough to escape.

  Allen sighed, looking down at the collapsed Theo against the wall. His phone rang, distracting him. Answering, he walked out of the room, leaving the door opened. A blatant trap Theo saw through immediately.

  Instead of trying to escape, he laid against the wall, rubbing his stomach and listening to the muffled conversation that Allen was having. He couldnt really make out what it was about, so instead he changed out of his dirty clothes and into the new ones that were left on the floor. They didn't fit; the old musty gray dress shirt that Theo swears used to be white nearly engulfed him. It went down to his knees and looked to be about a 4x. His pants were black skinny jeans that seemed to be a size too big but he could deal with them.

With new clothes on, he sat against the wall with his knees to his chest. His mind wandered to Paul, thinking back at what happened. Why was Paul even there in the first place? Was he trying to tail them and just got caught? Was he... able to tell Em and Ty where he was before dying?

  All these questions being asked and he didn't have an answer. Just then Allen came back into the room, folding his arms.

  "Seems I have to go. Duty calls. But don't worry, I will be back tomorrow." He stalked closer to Theo, who uncurls his legs, trying to appear bigger than he felt. Allen spotted Theo's leg out in front of him while the other was bent back into his chest. A wicked idea popped into his head.

  "Just so you don't get any ideas," he brought his foot up and smashed it down with a sickening crunch echoing the room. It took Theo a moment to realize what had happened. His whole leg burned and screamed, causing him to let out the loudest holler he's ever done. Theo fell to the side, bringing his now broken leg close to his chest. "Just some insurance. I'll have Deity come look at your leg tomorrow."

  With Theo writhing in pain, Allen chuckled to himself and turned to walk out of the room, making sure to lock the door behind him.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but here it is!!! I hope you guys enjoy!!!

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