A Nightmare

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That night Theo had a nightmare of the night he got beat by Jayson, waking up at 1 a.m drenched in a cold sweat. He threw his blanket off, getting shivers at the fact Jayson was appearing in his sleep again. He shot up from bed, walking out of his room and making his way downstairs. He filled a glass with water, downing the full thing. When he was done, he leaned against the counter.

  He didnt know how long he stood there for, until he heard footsteps behind him. Gasping he turned around, only to see it was Austin.

  "Calm down, it's just me." He snapped.

  Theo let out a shakey breath, stepping aside. "S-sorry. I'm a bit jumpy." The says, stepping closer to the window.

  Austin just lifted a brow, hearing how loud Theo's heartbeat was. "Why are you up this late? Couldnt sleep?" He asked.

  Theo nodded. "Uh... yeah. I had a nightmare. One that hasn't come up in almost a year."

  Austin cleared his throat, walking over to the island with his glass of water. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

  Theo smiled, happy that Austin was starting to show concern for him now. And here he thought Austin hated him.

  "It was uhm... just about the night I broke up with Jayson. Him beating me. I guess running into him has brought up buried feelings." Theo explains, looking out the window. He wished he hadnt.

  He spotted the same hoodie standing next to his step-brothers car, Jayson's eyes looking directly at him. Theo saw Jayson smirk, wave at him before taking off down the street. Theo knew for sure he had grown pale. He shot forward and slammed the curtains closed before backing away from the window. Austin lifted a brow.

  "What's the matter?" He asked.

  Theo gulped, clearing his throat. "Nothing just uh... I uhm... the window being opened at night is not a good thing. I'm going to uhm... head back upstairs." The says, quickly booking it up the stairs while also acting like he wasnt trying to get away. Austin squinted, getting out of the chair, he walked over and peaked out, but say no one on the street. He was definitely going to tell Ezra about this.

  With that, he made his way back upstairs, pausing by Theo's room. Quietly he leaned against the door, hearing Theo sniffle quietly. That concerned Austin. He backed away, walking into the room. He walked over to Ezra's bed by the wall, shaking him awake.

  Ezra groaned. "What?!" He grumbled, turning around to face Austin.

  "We need to talk. Get up." He said, backing up to sit on the side of his bed.

  Ezra sighed, throwing off the blanket, throwing his legs over the bed. "I'm up. What was so important to wake me up at-" he squinted at alarm clock. "1 in the morning?"

  Austin cleared his throat. "Theo." He said.

  That got Ezra's attention. "What about him?"

  "He had a nightmare about Jayson. I heard him walking around so I ambushed him. He told me. But then he did something.... odd." He explained.


  Austin stood up, walking over to their window. "He looked out the window and went pale. Like... void of color and his face turned so fearful. He closed the curtains fast. He saw something and whatever he did it scared him enough that hes crying in his room right now." Austin explained, walking over to sit in their office chair.

  "Do you think... he saw one of our patrol men and thought it was someone stalking the house?" Ezra asked.

  Austin leaned back in the chair, turning back and forth. "I guess so. But it was weird. Ever since Jayson returned, hes been jumpy. Maybe keeping him at the Pack house is best." Austin suggests, reaching over to grab one of the stress balls on the table, starting to mess with it.

  "No. The pack already has a lot on their plate. Having Theo there would just cause distraction. Keeping him from school though is a good idea. I'll talk to mom and ask her to carry it to Howard. Seeing Jayson will only make him more jumpy and with Defiants Pride walking around keeping him close is wise." Ezra explained.

  "We still have to go to school though. Moms going to force us. But at least we will know where Theo always is." Austin coughed, throwing the ball on the table, getting off the chair and making his way to the bed. "Get back to bed. We'll talk in the morning."

  Ezra agreed, turning over in bed.

  In the morning, Ezra, Austin, Howard and MJ were sitting by the island, waiting for Theo to come down. When he did, Ezra cringed at how horrible he looked. His eyes were puffy and the bags were deep. His hair was a mess as well.

  Theo looked up, hesitating as he entered the room. "What's uh... what's up?" Theo asks, walking over to plop on the chair.

  Howard sighed. "I heard about Jayson being back. And discussing it with the family, we think it's best you stay home for a bit. We've already talked to the school." He explained.

  Ezra could see Theo's physical tension release, looking relieved at the words. He leaned forward with a small smile on his face. "Thank you all. I've been dreading going back to school. I know it uhm... pains you to see me like this Dad. I really thought he didnt affect me like he used to... guess I was wrong."

  Howard stepped forward, engulfing Theo in a hug. "Whatever you need, Theo, we are all here. We are family now. It does hurt me but you will get through this. I know it." He kissed the top of Theo's hair.

  Theo blushed in embarrassment, seeing Ezra and Austin sharing a look. He shoved his dad away. "Thanks. I know that." He said. "Thank you. All of you. I'm going back to sleep... I didnt have a good night." He said, scooting out of the chair.

  "Oh! Before you go Theo, we have a meeting tonight." Ezra says.

  Theo looked back, seeing Ezra's expression emphasized to keep his mouth shut. Theo gulped nodding. "I'll be ready." He says, going up the stairs and disappearing up the stairs.

  Another meeting? Wonder what this will be about. Thought Theo as he surrendered to his bed.

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