So Close, So Far

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Theo hadn't seen Allen or Gilbert since he first awoke. Upon keeping an eye on the window, he watched the sun rise and fall, concluding he's been here for 5 days already. He barely touched the food that would be brought in by a young girl around the age of 13. She only drops the food off and then immediately leaves, not giving Theo a chance to talk to her.

Today, on the 6th day, Theo is in for a surprise. The door opened, revealing Allen in a loose unzipped jacket, skinny jeans and a new piercing added to his face. Theo got on guard fast, jumping off the bed and getting into a defensive stance. Allen chuckled, running a hand through his long blonde hair. "Well aren't you lively today."

"Just cautious." Theo answered, his voice, thankfully, came out strong.

Allen chuckled. "By your stance I can tell you don't know how to fight so cut the bullshit." Allen leaned forward, and before Theo could react, his hand was grabbed and he was forced to the ground. Theo groaned, feeling a knee in the middle of his back, his hand being forced up towards his shoulder blades. Theo let out a whimper.

"Well that was easier than expected." He whispered, close to Theo's ear.

Theo thrashed agsinst the hands; fighting against him, but he wasnt as strong as this string bean looking man. Most likely because Allen is a Werewof. Theo is only human. "Get off of me!" Theo breathed.

Allen found his struggling somewhat amusing, enjoying the antics Theo is willing to go in order to get out of his hold. "Your boy toy called. Turns out they aren't interested in finding you. So, in order to tell him we are not joking-" a sinister chuckle escaped him. "We will send him a message." Allen removed his knee, still holding onto Theo's wrist, he dragged him to his feet. Allen grabbed a fist full of Theo's hair and forced him out of the room.

Upon entering the hallway, Theo could hear blaring music downstairs and the sound of people laughing and talking. Some bottles were rattling around on the ground giving Theo the indication they were drinking. Another door opened at the end and Theo was thrown to the floor, smacking his head on the ground.

Gathering himself up, his eyes traveled around him, noticing the room they were in now was vacant with no bed, furniture and only hardwood floor with stone walls. Derek and Juan were standing on both sides of the doorway, smirking. Theo got a sinking feeling in his stomach.

Allen leaned against the doorframe, folding his arm over his chest. "I heard during the attack on your pack house that you caused quite some damage to these two. I would say it's only fair they get there revenge." Theo paled. "Dont kill him, you two." He exhales quietly, reaching for the door, he closed it.

A beat passed between them. Juan moved first, which prompted Theo to as well. He scrambled to his feet, dodging wherever Juan was. He slammed against the wall, his shirt grabbed and he was thrown to the ground. A kick hit his chest so hard; Theo lost air.

It didn't stop there. The punches and kicks to all sides of his body felt never ending. Thankfully he curled his head in, receiving minimal damage to his head and face. But not for long. Theo's hand was grabbed, exposing his face. A punch to his right cheek, split his lip.

Just as he braced for another one to come, Allen busted through the door, looking frazzled. Juan and Derek dropped Theo, standing up.

"Lighthide is here." Allen shoved forward and hooked a chained leash to Theo's shock collar. He jerked forward. "Get to your damn feet." He snapped.

Despite wanting to protest, Theo complied, getting to his shaking feet. He was dragged out into the hallways, where fighting could be heard. "We should take him around the back!" Derek says.

Allen nodded.

Theo searched the crowd of fighting people and wolves, looking for Ezra or even Austin. He just wanted to be saved. Theo yelped, a shock of electricity tickling his neck. Theo picked up his pace. Once outside, Theo spotted who he was looking for.

Austin stood a few feet away, fighting two of Defiants Pride. He jumped up, kicking one of them in the chest, before punching the other one in the face. Theo ignored Allen's harmful shenanigans.

"AUSTIN!" He shouted, trying to break free of the chain.

Austin turned, spotting Theo fighting off the second in command, who had him chained like a dog. He had bruises showing his hands and his lip and cheek were bruised and bleeding. Austin growled, running forward, ignoring Juan and Derek advancing towards him.

Allen pulled the chain forward with all his might. Theo shot forward with a hand tangling into his hair on the back of his head. His face was smashed against the van's cold metal exterior. The world spun with black dots dancing his vision. Theo's knees buckled being caught by Allen before he fully fell to the floor.

Allen tossed him into the back of the van, just as Austin got there. He grabbed Allen and punched him in the face.

Allen laughed. "You think that will hurt me?" Allen grabbed Austin by his jacket and swung him forward, slamming him against the floor. "Im stronger than you. Tell your precious Alpha he ran out of time. He is going to regret saying no to us. I hope he enjoys watching his Mate be crumbled to Ash." He kicked Austin in the face, knocking him out.

Getting into the van, Ezra barelled out of the pack house, just in time to see Allen drive off. Ezra cursed, running forward to his brother. He crouched down, placing a hand on his pulse. He breathed a relieved sigh, listening as the fighting die down around him, sitting back on his butt.

"Dammit." Ezra snapped.

They intended for it to be smooth sailing with this plan. Get in and get out. They didn't expect around 40 of Defiants Pride to be here. Even though half of them were drunk, they are still monsters to fight. Ezra just wants Theo back. That's all he wants. He can't even save him like this.

Austin gasped, shooting up from the floor. Finally realizing what is happening, he groaned, holding his bleeding nose. Ezra ran a hand through his hair, sharing a look with a confused Austin.

"Theo... I'm sorry. I couldn't get to him in time." Austin muttered, realizing where he was.

Ezra shook his head. "Dont apologize. It was a rough situation to be in... did you get a chance to see him?" He asked.

Austin bit his lip, nodding. "I did... but he didnt look very good." Austin could feel the rising anger in Ezra, flinching away. "He had a bruise on his chin while his lip and nose bled... but what got me was the fact he was leashed like a damn dog to a shock collar."

Ezra growled, shooting up from the ground. "We need to get him back no matter what!" He snapped.

Austin nodded, rubbing at his nose. "We will. We need to be patient. He can't be gone that long and we will definitely find him in time." Austin reassured.

"We better." Ezra turned back to the house. "Come on. Let's gather the others. We need to come up with another plan."

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