Running into the Past

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When they got home, they shared their news with the pack who were decorating for Halloween in the main house. Most of them responded happily while others still seemed stand off-ish to Theo. It hurt Theo a bit to see some of them still not liking him, but he couldn't think about that much. He has more important matters to deal with.

After telling the pack and asking for some alone time, Theo and Ezra managed to get back to their cabin. Theo immediately plopped onto the bed, kicking off his shoes.

Ezra closed the bedroom door, taking off his shoes and jacket as well. "How are you feeling?" Ezra asked.

Theo shrugged, bringing a hand up to cover his eyes. "Fine. Not too bad anymore."

Theo jumped, feeling hands go under his shirt and press against his stomach. Theo moved his hands, seeing Ezra between his legs with a smile. Immediate heat rushed down Theo, making his cock throb behind his pants. Theo sat up, shoving his hands under Ezra's shirt and resting his hands against Ezra's bare back.

Ezra leaned down, catching Theo's lips. Theo melted at the touch, not realizing how touch starved he felt. Quickly he grabbed the hem of Ezra's shirt and tugged up, causing a guttural chuckle to escape him. Ezra pulled away, helping Theo take the shirt off.

"Someone's eager." Ezra whispered, reaching to take off Theo's shirt as well.

Theo went to lift his foot to scoot back, only to hiss at the sharp pain from his broken foot. Theo looked up sheepishly at Ezra. "Forgot my leg was broken."

Ezra sighed. "With the baby and your leg, I don't think sex is a way to go. But that doesn't mean fooling around is off the table." As Ezra said that he got to his knees, reaching for the button and zipper on Theo's pants.

Theo watched with heat flooding his face as Ezra zipped down his pants, revealing his bulge in his underwear. Theo opened his mouth to speak but his breath caught when Ezra's tongue licked the top of his underwear where the head of his penis pulsed.

"You taste sweet." He moaned in a husky voice. Pulling his gray underwear down allowing his cock to spring out.

Ezra wasted no time. Theo felt Ezra's hot breath against his tip, holding his breath in anticipation. He's never had a blow job before, so he had no idea how this was going to feel.

Ezra's tongue licked at the tip and Theo jumped in shock, arching his back when Ezra took him into his mouth. Theo let out a moan, tears springing to the corner of his eyes. Ezra bobbed his head, licking every vein and inch of Theo's cock, his lips feeling the heat of his blood.

Theo jerked, grabbing for Ezra's shoulders to pull him back. Ezra barely managed to let go before Theo cummed on his stomach, shuddering against the release.

"Someone's sensitive." Ezra teased, wiping the stray cum from his nose and lip.

Theo was panting against the bed, staring at his stomach that was now slick with his own cum. "I.. couldn't help it."

Ezra stepped up and grabbed both of Theo's thighs, pulling him up and onto his hips. Theo squeaked, holding onto Ezra's shoulders as he walked around the bed towards the couch. He placed Theo down who has already hardened his cock.

"This is a better place to be with your leg." He says allowing Theo's hurt leg to hang off the couch as the other one spread the wide couch.

Ezra was right, with his foot flat on the ground instead of dangling, it felt much better. Theo wanted to resume, he reached up and grabbed for Ezra's pants, unbuttoning them and pulling at them. Ezra helped, letting his cock spring free.

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