Save Me From Him

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Theo slowly woke up, making his way downstairs. The house was quiet since everyone was off doing their things. Theo grabbed a bowl, a pan and some Ramen, making him lunch since he slept past 12. As he stood there making him some food, all he could do was think about the meeting last night. He looked down at the ring on his chest, gulping at the way it looks. It was a cool black and white with some neat writing that wasnt any language Theo knew.

  He glanced at the counter, spotting the whistle where he threw it at night. Not only is he the holder of that, but he has patrolmen guarding the house. He hasn't seen any but it was a comforting thought knowing they were around incase he needed them.

  After making his food and eating, Theo decides to text Em about everything that's going on. Just as he sent why he wasnt at school, he heard a knock on the door. Thinking nothing of it, Theo made his way to the door, opening it. He was immediately shoved back with the door, causing his heart to pick up. He stumbled, trying to regain his footing. He heard his door slam, looking up all color drained from his face.

  Jayson stood by his door with a wicked grin. Theo immediately shot up stairs taking two at a time, hearing Jayson not to far behind him. He turned into his room, going to shut the door but Jayson managed to get his foot through, prevents Theo from closing it. Theo remained by the door, pushing all his weight against it. He could tell it was pissing Jayson off but he didnt care. Anything to keep him safe.

  Reaching into his pocket he fished his phone out pulling up Ezra's number he texted him one word: Help.

  Since he was distracted on his phone, Jayson managed to get the door shoved opened, causing Theo to stumble onto his butt. He quickly tried to crawl away, but didnt get far when a hand scooped him from his waist, turning him over onto his back. Theo groaned, weight pressing against his body. As Theo was disoriented, Jayson grabbed one of Theo's long sleeved shirts from the floor and grabbed his hands, tying them around his beds leg above his head. Theo tried to wiggle free but any movement only seemed to hurt his hands.

  "Ever since you called the cops on me that last time and sent me to Juvenile, all I could think while there, was why I never had the balls to do anything else beyond beating you." He smirked, his hand dropping to Theos slightly exposed belly. He caressed it, causing Theo to squirm again. "The whole time I was there I had this plan that I thought you would be stupid enough to fall for. Get you to forgive me and then I'd ask to talk to you. I thought for sure you would have said yes to that, but you seem changed. Probably because of those boys you hang around." He brought his hand up further.

  "Please..." Theo begged, finally finding his voice. "Dont do this."

  Jayson laughed. "I'm going to make you pay. Starting with the one thing I didnt get to try. Your body." He brought his hands up, reaching Theo's nipples. He twisted causing Theo to start sobbing. Jayson reached for another shirt, shoving it into Theos mouth before continuing to fondle him. As one hand played with his nipples, Theo could feel the other one making their way to his waistband.

  All Theo could process right now was that he was going to get raped and it's all because he opened the door without caution. He should have known better, especially with the packs that are after him.

  He felt the hand slip into his basketball shorts, rubbing at his boxers. Theo started struggling again, shouting muffled words.

  Everything was halted when the door downstairs was opened and footsteps entered the house. Theo felt instant relief flood him as he made muffled noises. Jayson bends down, biting him on the shoulder, causing Theo to scream but go silent.

  "Theo? I got your text! Where are you?" It was Ezra.

  Theo quickly thought of something to get his attention. Looking up he found it. Extending his hands, he used all his strength to slam his bed post, causing it to squeak loudly against his wooden floors. Jayson looked over at him with a glare just as the door was shoved opened. The weight was immediately thrown off of Theo. Theo watched as Ezra punched Jayson so hard against the wall that he was knocked out.

  Austin came running up just as Ezra dropped to the floor, taking in the sobbing Theo. Ezra's heart hurt, seeing Theo so crushed. He quickly untied Theos hands, watching him shoot up, ripping the other shirt out if his mouth. It was then he realized he was hyperventilating.

  "Its okay, Theo. You're fine. Hes not going to hurt you anymore." Ezra said. Austin stepped forward, bending down to grab Theos phone.

  "I'm glad you were able to send the text. Who knows what would have happened." Austin said.

  Theo shuddered at the thought of it, bringing his knees up he hugged himself close, staring at Jayson who was knocked out in the hall. "He... he said he was going to rape me." Theo mumbled a bit hysterically.

  Ezra sighed. "We should get you to the pack house. You'll be safe there. I'll have Austin call the cops and tell them what happened." He said, holding out his hand for Theo to grab.

  The wriped tears away, reaching up to grab his hand. They never expected what that would entail.

  He felt a jolt of electricity run through his hand and down his spine, causing Theo to gasp. His tears no longer running, instead all he could do was look at Ezra's shocked face. Austin lifted a brow.

  "What's the matter you two?" He asked.

  Theo looked down at his hand, confused as to what happened. "I... felt something."

  Ezra looked over at Austin. "I... think... I think I felt the spark." Ezra finally said.

  Austin's face immediately changed and he looked between them. "You're not a Beta. You're an Alpha. I always knew you were!" Shouted Austin.

  Theo gulped, thinking back at the previous conversations hes had. If what they felt was the spark... that meant they were.... soulmates?

  Soulmates with his stepbrother?

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