Very Own Spark

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With this news, Ezra was now desperate to get him away from Jayson or anything else he could think of that was a potential threat. Theo was still trying to wrap his a head around the fact he was Ezra's soulmate. He didnt quite understand what that meant, which is why they were off to the pack house to confirm everything. Theo could tell he felt different. Everytime he would glance at Ezra his heart would flutter lightly in his chest. He has never felt so attracted to Ezra before. Yes he would peak at him every now and then but never an attraction this deep.

They pulled up to the pack house, Ezra immediately getting out to help Theo. As they were walking towards the door, Alfie immediately opened it.

"I knew something happened." He said. "Theo smells different."

Theo knitted his eyebrows together as they were entering the house, confused by what Alfie had said. Ezra guided Theo to the couch, a few of the members that were already there grew curious at the new smell Theo was giving off.

Alfie sat in the single couch, looking over at them. "What happened?" He asked.

Ezra gulped. "I uhm... saved Theo from his ex who tried to... do soemthing Vulgar and when I touched Theo... I felt it." He said.

Alfie finally understood, sitting back in his chair. "You felt the spark, didnt you?" He asked.

Ezra nodded.

"My dear boy and here everyone thought you were just a Beta but nope you are an Alpha. The first in our pack to find his Spark. You do know what this means right?" Alfie asked, looking at Theo who was just severely confused.

"Yes I do." Ezra replies.

Theo looked between them, deciding to speak up. "I dont. What does it mean?"

Alfie smiled. "It means Ezra is next in line to lead. And you will be right beside him." He explains.

Theo looked over at Ezra but instead of finding his eyes, he found his lips. Everything in his body wanted to kiss Ezra with the overwhelming urge of passion. He blushed, turning away quickly, hearing Alfie chortle.

"Your lust is to be expected. The fist few months of a spark you both become irresistible to eachother. During a New Moon you will experience what is known as heat. Though you have about a week and a half before you get your first one." He said, standing up. "And just so you know, since you just felt it, your lust tends to be felt by people surrounding you. It's quite powerful." He says.

That only made Theo blush even harder. Ezra stood up, facing Alfie. "We cant have him at the house now. Not with Jayson after him. Can we take one of the cabins for ourselves?" He asked.

Alfie nodded. "The one at the very end should suffice. Once you get settled in though, I need a meeting with both of you alone. Tomorrow perhaps." He said, walking away, shooing the prying eyes as well.

Theo looked over at Ezra who had deflated where he stood. Taking a moment to breathe, before turning towards Theo, holding out his hand.

"Let's get to the cabin. You'll feel better after a shower." He says.

Theo grabbed Ezra's hand, feeling familiar tingles run through his hand. They tickled but he enjoyed the way they danced under his skin. Ezra felt them too, allowing a small smile to escape his lips as he brought Theo out into yard, turning down the pathway hes been down only once. As they passed people, he saw them all sniff the air, looking shocked at mainly Theo. Theo couldnt seem to understand why he was being gawked at.

"Do I... stink or something? Why does everyone keep sniffing my scent?" Theo asked, as they made it to the cabin.

Ezra laughed. "You dont stink. You have the smell of a wolf now. It tends to happen when you spark." He explains, opening the door to reveal a big cabin that looks as if it hasn't been touched in a hot minute. Theo stepped in, amazed at the chandelier on the ceiling and the lights that hung to give it a more aesthetic appeal. There were stairs to the right, connected to the wall, leading to an upstairs balcony. This cabin was huge, looking to be able to fit at least 45 people if they were packed like sardines. It was massive.

"Bathroom is upstairs to the left. I'm going to call Austin and see how things are." He said, walking out of the cabin, leaving Theo alone. Theo sighed, making his way upstairs. When he entered the bathroom, he was taken aback by how big it was. The shower was exposed in the corner, only a small glass cover was blocking it. The bathtub was next to it, both of them separate. That was a first for Theo. The bathroom also had ginormous mirrors that excited him.

It felt romantic in a way. Undressing he got in the shower, taking a quick on, scrubbing where Jayson touched harshly. Letting his skin grow red. Once he was out he dried off with the towels, spotting a very fluffy blue bathrobe that was sure to swallow him when he out it on. Testing it, he threw it on, watching at it went down to the middle of his calves.

He walked out if the bathroom, seeing Ezra sitting on the couch with a bag next to him. Theo gulped, walking down the steps. When he entered the main room, Ezra shifted upon seeing Theo's wet, dripping hair and the fact he was in a bathrobe.

"What's the bag for?" Theo asked.

Ezra snapped out of his daze, grabbing the bag. "Oh, I had Austin pack you a bag. It's some clothes and essentials." He said, handing the bag over to Theo. Their hands brushed and Theo nearly melted at the touch. Everything in his body was telling him to throw himself at Theo, but he fought it mentally. He needed to give himself time to process the spark before he jumps into anything serious.

"Thank you." He said, turning to walk back up the stairs.

Once Theo disappeared upstairs into the bedroom, the front door opened up. Austin stepped in just in time to see Ezra bury his face into his hands.

"That bad, huh?" Austin asks.

"Worse! My inner wolf just wants to engulf him up but I dont. We were just stepbrothers not 3 hours ago. Now we are destined to be soulmates." Ezra groaned.

"The spark is irresistible. You both will have a hard time fighting it. Why not just accept the lust?" Austin asked, plopping down on the couch next to him.

Ezra sighed. "Because I dont want him fearing me. I dont want to force him into anything he doesnt want to do. I wont do that to him." Ezra says.

"Let's see who makes the first move. My bet is on you. Wolves feelings are harder to tame than humans." Austin mumbled, smirking when Ezra scoffed, standing up.

"Dont you have somewhere else to be?" Ezra shot.

Austin sucked in a breath, shaking his head he continued to smile innocently, snuggling down into the couch. "Nope."

Ezra rolled his eyes. "I'm going to talk to Theo. You do.... whatever it is you do." He said, making his way to the stairs.

Austin cleared his throat. "Make sure to use protection." Austin joked.

Ezra took his jacket off, balling it up in his fist before throwing it at Austin. Austin laughed. "Already stripping? At least wait until you get into the room."

"Austin I swear to god if you dont shut the fuck up I will personally kill you." Ezra snapped, entering the room.

Austin smirked, deciding to give them some space. He needed to go explain to his mom and Howard what exactly was happening. Grabbing his jacket, he left Theo and Ezra alone.

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