A Face From The Past

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Ezra and Austin took the glued to his side very seriously. They let him breathe slightly while at home but once they got to school, it was a different story. Ezra stayed glued to him as Theo made his way to his group of friends.

  Before he could fully get to them, Ezra grabbed his arm, stopping him from going any further. Theo looked back at him, lifting a brow. "What?" He snapped.

  "You have to follow us. I say we go talk to Moses. Come on." He says.

  Theo scoffed. "Are you saying I cant even go say hi to my friends without a babysitter?" Barked Theo.

  Ezra nodded. "That's correct, now come on." Ezra pulled at Theo's arm.

  Theo grumbled, turning away from his friends and following Ezra to where Austin and Moses stood. Moses smiled, folding his arms. "Theo, was it?" He asked.

  Theo nodded his head sadly. Moses smirked. "What has you down?" He asked.

  "I just wanted to say hi to my friends but Ezra wouldnt let me." Theo grumbled.

  Moses lifted a brow. "Why not?" He asked, mainly at Ezra.

  Theo looked up at Moses, seeing he looked a bit mad. It changed quickly when Ezra pointed at his group of friends. "Because that's them."

  Moses' jaw dropped. "What? You are friends with Bloodrose?!" He asked, clearly shocked at Theo's choice of friends.

  Theo knew that name since Ezra brought it up during the meeting. "Bloodrose? That was... are you saying they are werewolves too?!" Theo whispered loudly, leaning in so that no one but the circle heard.

  Austin smirked, rubbing Theo's hair. "Look who's catching on. We didnt date. We are rival packs." He said.

  Everything suddenly became clear to Theo. Why they acted like they hated eachother in the beginning and how Ezra refused to take him over there. Now he just felt like a dick. Theo glanced up at Ezra, who was already looking at him. For some reason, now that he had the knowledge he could finally see Ezra in a new light and it made his stomach do flips.

  Theo tore his eyes away, looking anywhere but the group. He regretted it instantly.

  His eyes landed on familiar ones that made him want to throw up. Wyatt stood by the flagpole, eyeing Theo from across the yard. But what made Theo nearly die was the fact Jayson was next to him. He was out of juvenile detention and staring at Theo with eyes he hated.

  Theo tore his eyes away, suddenly feeling sick to his stomach. He flung a hand over his mouth and one over his stomach, dropping to his knees. Ezra jumped into action, squatting next to Theo, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

  "You alright, Theo? You look pale." He said.

  Theo tried to take in shakey breaths, reaching out his hand that wrapped his stomach blindly for Ezra. He understood and grabbed a hold of Theo's hand, clutching it tight, feeling uneasy with how sweaty and hard he was holding his hand.

  Theo closed his eyes, slowly calming down. Once he felt it was safe to talk, he looked over at Ezra who was taken aback by how pale and sickly Theo looked. "Do you want to go home? I can take you home." He said.

  Theo nodded weakly, allowing Ezra to help him to his feet. Theo tried to resist looking back at Jayson, afraid of what he will see if he does. "Mind taking us home, Moses?" He asked.

  Moses nodded. "Yeah. I parked by the church. It's a bit of a walk." He explained, looking just as worried as Ezra. Austin on the other hand, tried to figure out why he suddenly fell ill, but couldnt think of anything. Maybe he just wasnt feeling good.

  Ezra bent down slightly, wrapping Theo's hand around his shoulder, snaking the other one around his waist. They made their way to Moses' car, Theo was starting to feel a bit better, but everytime he thought of Jayson or Wyatt, his whole body would cringe.

  When they got to Moses' car, Ezra helped Theo into the backseat, before getting in, allowing Theo to rest his head on his thighs. As Moses backed out, Austin decided to speak from the passenger seat. "So what made you ill?" He asked.

  Theo swallowed hard, rubbing at his stomach. He chuckled hysterically. He couldnt believe just seeing them made his ptsd flare up. Just how pathetic was he? "I uhm.... it's stupid but uh... I saw someone I hadnt seen in a long time and it.... triggered unhappy memories." He explained.

  Ezra bit his lip, slowly reaching down, he started running his fingers through Theo's hair. "Was it the same guy from the fair?" He whispered.

  Theo shot his eyes up at Ezra, growing even more pale... if you know, that were possible. "Uhm... yeah. It was Wyatt but he wasnt the main reason." Theo sighed. "When I was in ninth grade I dated a boy from track. I was happy to just be in a relationship I allowed him to do whatever he wanted to me... even... things you shouldnt. After we broke up he put me in the hospital but ended up serving 2 years in juvenile detention." Theo swallowed hard. "Now hes back. I saw him standing next to Wyatt."

  "So that's what made you sick. You have PTSD from your time with him and seeing him roaming free sparked it." Moses said. "I'm sorry, little man." He said.

  Theo shrugged. "I was bound to run into him again. He promised me the last time I saw him that he would be back for me. I just wasnt expecting it to be this soon." He said.

  Ezra sighed. For soem reason, knowing how much he has suffered irked him a lot. It made him feel a certain way knowing just how much ptsd Theo had.

  When they pulled up to the house, Ezra stepped out, thanking Moses as he helped Theo out. Once they were secured, Ezra made his way up to the patio and into the house. When they entered, Howard immediately looked worried at Theo slumping against Ezra.

  "Woah hey, what happened?" He asked.

  Ezra glanced over at him. "He fell sick at school." Ezra explained, turning to help Theo up the stairs.

  Austin stopped Howard. "Hes fine. Just a stomach ache. You may want to call the school and let them know."

  Howard sighed, nodding. He went to the phone and called the school. Austin made his way up the stairs to check on Theo. When he entered the room, Ezra was taking Theo's shoes off, who was already asleep upon impact of the bed.

  "We need to watch him at school. Not just for the clan, but for his safety." Says Ezra, throwing a blanket over him.

  As much as Austin disliked him, he shook his head in agreement. "I will. Come on. Let's let him sleep."

  Ezra nodded, taking one more look at Theo before leaving the room, letting Theo sleep peacefully.

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