History and Threats

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When they arrived at the pack house, Theo had the anxious bubbling in his stomach grow as he stared at the house in front of him. Last time he was here he basically got glared at by the whole pack, now he didnt even want to go in. But he knew he couldnt deny it. Sucking in a breath, he stepped out of the car and walked with Ezra to the door. When they entered, Theo was a bit surprised to find it empty with the exception of Austin and Alfie sitting on the couch.

  "Ah! You brought him. Good." Alfie says, standing to his feet. Ezra closed the door behind Theo, causing him to jump slightly, his heart beating. Alfie appeared at Theo's side, grabbing hold of Theo's shoulder. "Come, take a seat, Theodore."

  Theo gulped. "Theo. Please." He whispered, making his way to the couch, positioning himself away from Austin. Alfie remained standing, folding his arms.

  "Alright then, Theo. How have you been... adjusting to this news of us?" He asked.

  Theo lifted his brows, taken off guard by the question. He let out a small, nervous laugh. "Uhm... as well as I can be? I havent told anyone if that's what you are fishing for." He reassured them, watching Alfie's shoulders relax.

  "Good. Then it seems I can trust you with this." He handed Theo a string that hung a gold and white ring with a purple crystal in the middle. Theo hesitated. "Its completely harmless. Go on."

  Theo grabbed it, surprised at the heft it held. "What is it?" Theo questioned.

  "Its a sacred ring for the pack Defiants Pride. Earlier this month one of my Omega's took it from the Alpha. It is a very rare ring and they want it back. They can smell it if one of us holds onto it. But if a human homes it, the scent is masked." Alfie explained.

  "Why did you take it?" Theo asked, trying to wrap his head around everything being said.

  Alfie cleared his throat, folding his arms he started pacing back and forth. "A year ago, they killed one of our Alpha's that were meant to take my place. My son. They say it was an accident but hes dead all the same. So we decided to take something sacred from them. The pack doesnt know about this. Only the people in this room, Moses and MaryJane. The less to know the better." He said.

  Theo shook his head, trying to process everything he was told. Never in his life did he think the supernatural was possible, let alone being caught in the middle of a feuding war against two Packs. This drama didnt seem to help him at all with his anxiety since now he knows Jayson is also on the prowl. What has his life turned into in just a short amount of time?

  "Will you keep it safe for me, Theo?" Asked Alfie.

  Theo really didnt have a choice, so he nodded stiffly. "I will." He put the necklace on but shoved it behind his shirt, hiding it from plain sight.

  Alfie clapped his hands together. "Good. Nice to know we have a human ally on our side. You are free to roam around the house. I need to speak with Ezra and Austin alone." He announced.

  Theo nodded, getting up from the couch he robotically made his way out the front door. Once outside he leaned against the door, staring up at the sky. Thinking over everything his mind got bombarded with all that hes been through since his dads announcement of the marriage. He was happy for his dad, but now he questioned it. Hes always had bad luck growing up but this year seems to take it to the next level and he hated it.

  Peeling himself from the door, he made his way around the house, taking in the beautifully carved house and the many cabins behind them. The vast area was also stunning. The trees that were overgrown onto some of the houses as well as the vines. The lights that hung from roof to roof to give it that patio aesthetic. His favorite though, was the beds of roses that lined the backyards.

  "Well, well, well. If it isnt the human." Theo jumped, shooting his gaze to a man with his hair in a pointy tail with dark hazelnut skin. He wore a jacket that had the sleeves ripped off and knee length baggy shorts. The girl next to him had curly black hair and an overall dress with a white t-shirt underneath.

  The other boy had one a long sleeved shirt with pants, his hair was a mop of bed head against pale skin. Theo gulped.

  "How can I help you?" Theo asked.

  The one with the pointy tail stepped forward, taking three long strides before getting into Theo's personal space.

  "What are you doing here?" He whispered, trying to keep his voice low.

  Theo gulped, looking up to catch his eyes. "Uh... Alfie requested my presence. Said it was important." Theo answered, taking a small step back.

  He let out a mocking laugh. "Alfie requested the presence of an outsider? That's rich." He shot forward, grabbing a fistful of Theo's shirt, bringing him to his face. "Your just a human who has no place among our pack. Why would he waste his breath on someone so weak?" He demanded.

  Theo panicked, his ptsd from being with Jayson seemed to spike as he tried and failed to get free from this mans grip. "He... I dont know. Go ask him." Theo breathed, trying to remain calm no matter how much he was internally panicking.

  "Maybe we should let him go, Reid. If Alfie requested his presence it means he respects him." Says the man with bed head.

  Reid scoffed, glaring daggers at Theo before releasing him harshly, causing Theo to fall flat on his butt. "Your not worth my time. But a word of advice." He smirked. "We arent the only ones who doesnt like your smell around here. Watch your back. Some may not be as forgiving as us." He warned, walking away with his group.

  Theo let out a shakey breath, his heart beating loudly in his chest. What a warm welcoming the pack gives.

  Theo thought on the words Reid spoke. If he wasnt welcomed, why did Alfie care about him? Surely it wasnt just to use him to hide the ring, so why? What was the end game?

  With more questions than answers circling his head, he got up and made his way to the car, deciding to remain in the car for the rest of the meeting.


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