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A/N: Hello and welcome to another chapter of this Oneshot book!. In this chapter you and Minerva are living with the New Frontier. The Delta and The New Frontier are in a war with each other and you, Minerva, Clementine, Javier, and Kate are in the front lines. (NOT EDITED)

The wind blew as the sky became clouded and grey. The crunching of rocks could be heard as soldiers of The New Frontier marched their way through the forest.

You marched along side your girlfriend Minerva hand in hand as Javier, Kate and Clementine walked in front of the two of you.

Your heart pulsed loudly in your ear as you took each step, your hands lightly shook but you kept your initial feeling of fear hidden as you noticed your girlfriend tremble beside you.

Re-adjusting your shoulder strap connected to your AR-15 before pulling Minerva away from the trail before placing both your hands on her cheeks.

Gently running your thumbs over her cheek bones you gave her a small smile before speaking in a calm soothing voice.

"It's okay my love~"

At the sound of your comforting voice she relaxed, the tears she once held in could no longer be kept away. Her tears fell and for each one that traveled down her cheeks you softly wiped away.

Her emotions began to completely unravel, the reality of the situation hit her and she began to break into a silent sob.

You pulled her into a hug allowing her to nuzzle her face into your chest while you ran your hand up and down her back while humming a random tune.

As more soldiers walked past you, you gained confusing looks as well as sympathetic smiles. You would always send a small smile and a nod their way letting them know everything was 'okay'.

Minerva's sobs came to a stop as sniffles became the only sound you could hear escape the frightened girl.

"It's going to be okay Minnie...Shhh we're gonna be just fine"

She tightened her grip around you before pulling away slightly and kissing you on the cheek.

You kissed her passionately on the lips before pulling back to look in her eyes.

You smiled before grabbing her hand and tugging her back onto the trail "Lets get going my love~".


Coming up to a warehouse Javi called out to all soldiers

"We'll be staying here for the night so set up camp and rest!...We're gonna need it"

You kissed Minerva's hand before letting go to set up your tent for the night.

The sky had now become a darker grey as the sun began to slowly set. It was quiet, a relaxing sensation could be felt if you were to sit down and close your eyes.

Minerva laid down on her back as she stared at the sky, a clearing in the sky allowed the young teen to trace the outlines of constellations with her eyes.

She placed her hands over her stomach and began to twiddle her thumbs. She felt your presence approach her from behind.

You began to take a seat when a loud 'gunshot' rang out causing the two of you to jump.

Making eye contact with Minerva you quickly stood up bringing your girlfriend with you. More gunshots rang out causing you to duck down behind a large rock with your girlfriend.

"Minerva, t-they're here o-okay? you n-need to stay s-safe a-and we'll make it o-out of here...together okay?"

Minerva nodded her head as tears ran down her flushed cheeks. You grabbed onto your AR and positioned your shoulder strap making sure you were able to aim with it.

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