Chapter 54: October 15- It's All About You

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Zayn's P.O.V 

The sun was shining through the window, making shadows everywhere. I was laying in bed, with the most beautiful girl in the world. My Rav.

My thoughts keep running like crazy inside my mind. I should do something special for Rav. To show her, how much she means to me. But, what?

While occupied by my thoughts, I simply gaze at her. At her beautiful face, soft lips and a small smile that’s playing on them. I wondered what is she could be dreaming about.

My question was answered by a quiet sigh and a whisper.


I can’t help but let a huge grin settle on my face. I probably look like an idiot right now but I honestly didn’t care.

She was laying in my arms, so I hugged her even closer to me. I traced her beautiful face with my fingers, careful not to wake her.

No such luck. She started to stir and her eyes blinked a few times until she fully opened them. 

I looked into her still sleepy eyes, and offered a smile.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Hi." I whisper back, giving her a quick peck on the nose.

She started giggling and that made me want to tickle her. So, I did. I attack her waist with my fast fingers and her giggles turn into a full on laughing fit.

"Zayn! Stop it!" She yelled at me, trying to pull me away.

"Oh, come on, love, I barely started!" I yell in response, while still tickling her.

Her face turns red and I knew I had to stop.

We simply lay in bed as Rav caught her breath.

"What are we gonna do today?" She asked.

I thought for a while, when I get a great idea. 

"What’s with the smile?" Rav asked me.

I look at her and then slip out from the covers of the bed.

"I know what we’re gonna do, but I’m not telling you. It’s a surprise, okay?" she slowly nodded and I continued, "Let’s get ready and we’ll leave in an hour or so."

Rav’s P.O.V.

After we ate breakfast and got dressed, we finally made our way out of his flat. 

I wish he would tell me where he was taking me. I’m so curious it’s not even funny anymore.

"Zayn, please tell me where we're going? Pretty please?" I tried once again.

"No, Rav. I told you that I’m not telling you. You’ll find out soon enough." 

I then got a text from Harry.

Could you please drop by for a while? Sam's sick.. Harry xo

"We need to stop at my place first," I said, worry in my voice, "Sam's sick."

Zayn took a sharp left turn and parked in the parking lot of our complex.

~30 minutes later~

"Just let it all out. You're gonna be okay," I reassured Sam as she continued to throw up into the toilet, "Zayn, babe, could you come in here for a minute?"

He opened the door and looked at Sam with worry in his eyes, "What's up?"

"Can you please set up her bed and send Harry down to get her some water and Advil?"

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