Trigger warnings include mentions of rape, torture, abuse as well as a minor panic attack/ flashback. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading.
“For it only having been three days, you are healing up nicely,” Logan hummed, rebandaging the worst of Virgil’s injuries.
The bruises on his skin were faded and the smaller cuts were scarring over. The puncture wounds were taking longer to close up as expected and the whip lashes were still on the tender side. Virgil’s burns were still in bad shape and would likely be in bad shape for a while but Roman had already taken to carrying the anxious side around the house, delivering him anywhere he wanted to go. Virgil complained about being babied by Roman, but he not so secretly loved it, everyone could tell because the only time he ever had his ears and tail out were while he was in Roman’s arms. Patton spent time with Virgil every moment he was free and Virgil wasn’t feeling overwhelmed. Together they would draw, play cards or watch movies. Logan and Roman often joined in on the fun for periods of time before having to run off to help Thomas with preparations for his new video. Logan also been personally taking care of Virgil’s injuries every day and letting Virgil sleep in his room. Virgil still hadn’t gone back to his own room. Logan had sent Patton to retrieve some of Virgil’s clothes from his room as well as a few other personal items to make him more comfortable. Since Virgil did not feel comfortable sharing a bed Logan requested Roman make a futon, which after some argument Virgil managed to convince Logan to let him take it as he already felt badly enough about having to stay in Logan’s room in the first place. They hadn’t talked about the incident again since that night and Logan had not told anyone any of the little information he had been given. It frustrated Roman and Patton to no end but they both didn’t pry.
“Well Virgil, if you don’t mind, I’m going to head out for a bit to see Thomas, after all filming starts soon, so I should really check on everything. I or one of the others will be back in a few minutes,” Logan said, after helping Virgil back into his shirt and hoodie.
“Don’t worry about me, Lo. Just go do what you need to do. I’ll see you guys there,” Virgil said, getting cozy in his futon again.
Logan smiled fondly before sinking out into Thomas’s living room. Once there he found Roman and Patton had already arrived to help Thomas and Joan set up for the video.
“Salutations, everyone,” Logan said.
“Ah Logan, I was wondering when you are going to join us,” Roman said with a smile.
“All done taking care of Virgil? How’s he doing?” Patton asked.
“His injuries are healing well. I’m assuming he will be good to walk around on his own for the most part fairly soon. His shoulders are doing well but I still want him in the brace for a while longer. He is scarred over in most other places… He’s physically doing well all things considered,” Logan replied.
“And mentally?” Roman said, picking up on Logan’s choice of words.
“He's acting fine but I’m probably the worst person in the room to ask how a person is doing emotionally,” Logan replied with a frustrated sigh.
“He seems happy to spend a lot of time with us. It’s so cute,” Patton hummed.
“You think everything about Virgil is cute,” Roman replied teasingly.
“That’s because he is! Everything he does is so cute. It’s not like you don’t agree, you carry him around every chance you get,” Patton said, playfully elbowing his muscular boyfriend.
“I only wish to take care of my dear knight in distress,” Roman replied defensively, the smile never leaving his face.
Patton laughed which gained a smile from Logan.

Meaning Of A Purr (Sanders Sides - LAMP Fic)
FanfictionVirgil keeps secrets. Many secrets. Perhaps it is for the safety of Thomas and the light sides, or maybe it is for the sake of his own sanity. From the ears and tail that pop up on his body to the horrific torture the dark sides put him through, he...