Not really any major trigger warnings in this chapter. There is a bit of talk about depression and PTSD, an emotional breakdown, very brief mention of scars from previous abuse, and mentions of past manipulation. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading!
Virgil still didn’t feel great. He didn’t feel as depressed as he had been the previous day he just felt empty. He didn’t have much energy or motivation to get up and do anything. He was just lounging on the couch for the time being, staring at his phone, scrolling through tumblr without really paying attention to anything on the screen. Honestly he was a little bored but he had nothing to do that would fix that problem. Logan had to go to the real world to talk to Thomas, only leaving Virgil alone because Patton had come down to get himself a drink and was currently wandering around the kitchen trying to decide what they should have for lunch.
“Hey Virgil, why are you in here all alone? Where did Logan wander off to?” Patton asked, walking in from the kitchen.
“He had to step out for a while. Thomas is having some issues he needs his logic to walk him through,” Virgil replied in a quiet mutter as he rolled over so he was facing the back of the couch.
Patton stood behind him in silence, as if trying to think of what to say next. Virgil tried to return his attention back to his phone but instead let out a sigh and turned his phone off instead.
“Virgil, would you like to take a trip with me?” Patton asked suddenly.
“Huh?” Virgil questioned as he sat up to look at Patton.
“Well I wanted to go hang out in the imagination, maybe have a nice quiet lunch there, and then I thought maybe you would enjoy it. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to, it’s completely up to you,” Patton replied.
Virgil thought for a moment, he really wasn’t in the mood for heavy social interaction but he also wanted something to do so he wouldn’t feel so empty inside.
“I’ll have to get changed first,” Virgil replied reluctantly.
Unlike when he went on his date with Roman, he couldn’t be convinced to go in what he was already wearing today. His lack of motivation when he woke up had been bad enough he had only thrown his hoodie on over his pajamas.
“No problem. Do you want to go up while I’m making some food or do you want to wait for me to finish up and I can keep you company?” Patton asked with a warm smile.
Virgil hummed before getting up.
“I-It’ll save more times if I just get changed now. I’ll keep the door open. Can you keep an ear out? Just in case,” Virgil replied nervously.
“Of course I can. But, are you sure you don’t want to wait?” Patton asked.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ve gotta get over it eventually anyways. Logan says they can’t get in here anymore, I’ve just gotta face my fears,” Virgil replied, forcing a smile.
“Alright, if you’re sure. I’ll be right down here if you need anything. Even if you are just feeling a little uncomfortable all you have to do is call and I will come right up,” Patton promised.
Virgil nodded gratefully before scampering back up to Logan’s room where most of his clothing was kept, besides the things in his room and there was no way he was entering his room on his own. He could barely pass by the door by himself.
Virgil rolled Logan’s desk chair over to the door and wedged it between the door and the door frame so no one could close the door without having to move the chair and alerting Virgil of their presence. He nodded to himself as he turned away to pull out the drawer Logan had given him for all of his clothing. He didn’t have much in there that was nice except what he had worn on their last date. Virgil scanned through his clothing until he came across a shirt he had never had the chance to wear because he always felt like although it was comfortable, He felt it was a little weird to wear around the house. Virgil pondered it for a moment before deciding it was better than nothing. He quickly put on the off the shoulder, long sleeved, muted purple shirt. He pulled on a pair of high waisted black skinny jeans that had four buttons instead of a zipper. He tucked the shirt into the pants befor plucking at the soft fabric to make it be a bit baggier than it currently was Virgil looked in the mirror and brushed his fingers through his hair trying to comb it back a little without making it look greasy. His eyes trailed down to his exposed shoulders and partially exposed chest. He could clearly see the scars littering his shoulders and the tip of the letters that had been engraved into his chest by Rage.

Meaning Of A Purr (Sanders Sides - LAMP Fic)
FanfictionVirgil keeps secrets. Many secrets. Perhaps it is for the safety of Thomas and the light sides, or maybe it is for the sake of his own sanity. From the ears and tail that pop up on his body to the horrific torture the dark sides put him through, he...