Trigger warnings at the beginning of the chapter include graphic depictions of Rape/non-con (I'm sorry, I swear this is one of the last ones), degradation, swearing, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Second half of the chapter includes minor panic attack, decently detailed discussions about the tags from the first half, and basically self deprecation throughout the entire chapter. I hope that is everything, tell me if it's not. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading.
“Virgil, kitty, wake up,” a voice cooed into the sleeping side’s ear.
Virgil let out a sleepy groan as he tried to register who was talking to him. He had spent the night in his bedroom with Patton so it was probably him trying to get up so he could go make breakfast. He blinked open his eyes, only to find the room too dark to actually see anything other than a silhouette beside him.
“Patt? What time is it?” Virgil asked, his words slurring together in his half asleep state.
“Took you long enough to wake up.”
The familiar cold hiss of the voice made Virgil go tense, immediately waking up. His eyes grew wide as he watched the dark silhouette move into a sitting position. Virgil’s heart hammered in his chest as he silently begged the universe to let him be wrong. His ears and tail popped out as fear turned his blood to ice. His ears folded back as a quiet growl rumbled in his throat, the furn on his tail bristling up. The figure reached his hand up towards Virgil and his stomach dropped when he saw the all too familiar yellow. He let out a cry as he threw himself backwards, crashing the ground. He scrambled to his feet, bolting to the door, his breaths picking up, his lung taking up more air than he was releasing. He reached for the handle of the door and tried to twist it but found himself met with resistance. The door was somehow locked with him inside the room instead of the other way around. He couldn’t get out. His vision began to blur with panic as he continued to frantically jiggle the handle and slam his other hand loudly against the door. Patton should have been in the room with his, why wasn’t he there? Had he abandoned him? There was no way. He could hear the laughter of several individuals behind him mocking his desperation.
“Roman! Logan! Patton! Someone please! Anyone! Help! I need help,” Virgil wailed, praying that Deceit hadn’t soundproofed his room.
“Aww, you think your cute little friends are going to come rescue you. That’s funny…” The lights flicked on as Deceit spoke. “Because they totally aren’t the ones who need to be rescued right now.”
Virgil’s eyes widened as he turned around and came face to face with something that struck him with more fear than he could have ever imagined. All of the light sides were tied up and gagged, the dark sides holding them down on the floor.
“No…” Virgil breathed as he pressed his back against the door.
He continued to chant that simple word as he slid down the door and onto the floor, his fingers twisting into his soft and tangled hair. He could hear Deceit’s footsteps as he approached and the tears began to burn at his eyes. He couldn’t breath. He was going to die. Firm fingers wrapped around his arm, forcefully pulling his up and throwing him back against the bed. Virgil shakily tried to get back to his feet and tried to turn back to Deceit. The snake-like man was already there pushing down against the mattress. Virgil let out another screaming cry as he tried to shove Deceit off of him. It was like pushing against a boulder he wouldn’t budge and inch. Deceit’s hands grabbed for Virgil’s wrists pinning them up over his head, smirking down at Virgil’s terrified expression.
“How naughty, didn’t I train you better than that, Pet? You know I’m going to have to punish you for this,” Deceit said with mock sympathy.

Meaning Of A Purr (Sanders Sides - LAMP Fic)
FanfictionVirgil keeps secrets. Many secrets. Perhaps it is for the safety of Thomas and the light sides, or maybe it is for the sake of his own sanity. From the ears and tail that pop up on his body to the horrific torture the dark sides put him through, he...