Chapter 42: A Day In

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No trigger warnings I think. Slight mentions about Virgil's scars but that's it. Just a bunch of fluff and love. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading!


With Roman and Patton gone Virgil finally slipped out of bed and began getting dressed for the day. He pulled off this clothing as he walked over to the drawers, his eye catching on the full length mirror. His pale, scarred body grabbed his attention and he could feel the uncomfortable twist in his gut. He felt a lot better but he supposed the scars were still messing with his head a bit. He quickly let out a calming breath and tore his eyes away from the mirror. He was going to do his best today, he was doing well for the most part and now all he wanted was to get back everything he lost when Deceit and the other's kidnapped him. Today was going to be a great day and there wasn't anything his head could say that was going to change that.

Virgil dug through his clothing and picked out a pair of marbled looking black and gray skinny jeans, paired with a sleeveless lightweight black turtleneck and bulky black ankle boots. For a little extra spice he decided instead of his usual lower lid eye-shadow that he'd combine the black makeup with the smoky purple color he used on his top lid, blending them together where they met at the corner.

Deciding he looked good enough he left the bedroom and headed down the short hall to the main room. At the kitchen table the other three were sitting waiting for him. On the table were four different types of pancakes, each their individual favorites. Cinnamon for Virgil, blueberry for Logan, chocolate chip for Roman, and M&M for Patton who swears all the bright colors make the difference.

"Aww Virgy! You look so cute this morning!" Patton squealed when he noticed the anxious side shyly approaching them.

"I'd hardly call 11:47 'morning', however I must agree. You look quite splendid this morning. I take it you are in a pleasant mood today?" Logan inquired, giving Virgil a peaceful smile when he took his seat.

"I wonder if it has anything to do him waking up and immediately kissing Patton," Roman teased.

The two mentioned sides felt their cheeks heat up.

"Roman!" Virgil complained, ducking his head down to start applying light butter to the two pancakes that had been made for him.

"Oh? Good for you Virgil," Logan responded nonchalantly.

Virgil gave a soft smile in Logan's direction, glad he'd reacted as though it wasn't anything unusual. If he got flustered now he might not be able to do what he wanted later.

"So, does anyone have any preference for what we do today? Indoor activities? Outdoor activities?" Roman asked about midway through the meal.

"I just want to hang out with all of you, I don't really care what we do," Patton said between obnoxiously large bites of pancake.

"Patton please finish your food before speaking. I'd prefer that no one chokes on this trip," Logan sighed before turning his attention back to Roman. "I don't particularly wish to partake in physical activity today, however if you do decide on going out to do such activities, I would not complain about watching."

"And you Virgil?" Roman asked.

"I don't... I don't know. I guess, I just want to do things together? Like being close together and stuff..." Virgil muttered before shoving a large bite of pancakes into his mouth.

Virgil could see the mischievous glint in Roman's eye as he started to open his mouth to say something. Patton however cleared his throat and gave Roman a pointed look to which he rolled his eyes but stopped whatever teasing remark he was likely about to make. He instead ate the last bite of his food. Once he'd swallowed he looked out the wall of windows for a moment.

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