Chapter 45: The Video

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Alright well, I don't think anyone is expecting Remus to not be in this chapter so I'm just putting him as his own warning. Just his usual stuff swearing, sexual innuendos, touching people who don't want to be touched, brief mentions/references to rape/torture. A bit of like minor violence and very minor panicking. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading!


"Are you sure you're okay to be there the whole time? We can just come get you when it's your turn to film," Patton fretted.

"I'll be fine. I want to be there for you guys, even if I really don't want to see Remus. Besides, you've all got my back right?" Virgil replied with a nervous laugh.

"Of course we do. We'll be keeping an eye on you the whole time. Do you remember the signals we taught you?" Roman asked.

Virgil gave a nod as he fiddled with the cuffs of his patchwork hoodie.

"You guys will be keeping an eye on things to make sure he doesn't try anything bad and I can always call out but if not I can signal you with my fingers. One finger for if I'm fine, two if I need you to intervene and three if I need to be taken home," Virgil recited to the best of his memory.

"Correct. And remember, you are more important than filming the video, so please do not hesitate to let us help you if there is something wrong," Logan said, resting a comforting hand on Virgil's shoulder.

"And unless I have to be up filming I'll be right beside you the whole time," Patton added.

Virgil would be lying if he said he was at ease with the whole idea of even going to the real world but he did feel better about it now that they were all prepared. Everyone knew he'd be there annoying Virgil the second Patton left his side and so they all knew to keep an eye on Virgil this time and have a means of silently communicating if Thomas was in the middle of a line. All he had to do was actually convince himself now that he would be fine and that he'd at least be able to tolerate most of what Remus, and possibly Deceit, would throw at him.

"We should get going, the faster we get this over with the sooner I won't have to deal with them for a while," Virgil said, smiling as best he could.

The others agreed and they all sank into the real world. Once there they found Thomas already getting dressed in his Roman costume while his friends set up all of the filming equipment. Lounging around on the couch were two very familiar sides. Deceit was sitting around watching Thomas and his friends getting ready while Remus lay in his lap, rambling on about his newest conspiracy theories.

Thomas looked up from trying to fix his hair and saw the four new sides that had arrived in the room.

"Guys, you're here! Ready to start filming?" Thomas asked hopefully.

The rest of Thomas's friends, who were unable to actually see any of the sides looked up at Thomas for a moment before going back to what they had been doing as Thomas talking to these invisible people was a frequent occurrence and they had learned long ago that Thomas wasn't crazy.

"I believe so," Logan nodded, glancing back at Virgil to see if he would like to change his mind last minute.

Virgil gave a nod of agreement and Deceit seemed to perk up where he was sitting. He pushed Remus up back into a seated position so he could stand up.

"If you are going to be working now then we will be on our way," Deceit hummed.

"Leaving already? But I wanted to stick around longer," Remus complained.

"Because you will totally help Thomas get his work done. We're going home," Deceit said rolling his eyes and dragging Remus back up onto his feet.

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