Okay so this chapter has some consensual steaminess at the beginning. Then we get into some very, very heavy trigger warnings. I'm so sorry. Trigger warnings include, really graphic rape/non-con (hey if it makes anyone feel any better this is the last one in the story), blood warning, manipulation, torture, swearing, degradation, basically if there was anything that made you uncomfortable in this story it is probably somewhere in this chapter. I swear things get better (as in less triggering, hopefully) from here. Please tell me if there is something I need to add to the trigger warnings. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading.
Note: There is also a summery in the end notes for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable reading this chapter!
Virgil curled up against Patton, the last episodes on the first disk of the first season of Avatar the Last Airbender playing on Patton’s personal TV in his room. Patton had one arm around him while Virgil rested partially on top of him. Patton’s thumb lazily stroked at Virgil’s skin and Virgil found himself wanting more.
“Hey Patton?”
“Yes Kitten?”
“Would you mind petting me? Y-you know, like how you did on our first date?” Virgil asked nervously.
He began to regret asking the second it let his mouth. Patton would think he was weird for wanting to be pet. It wasn’t normal, he shouldn’t have asked for it. Patton was doing enough already, He was probably going to make things awkward.
“Of course I will! So long as you're comfortable with it. You know I love spoiling you,” Patton replied, practically glowing with excitement.
Virgil’s heart thumped a little harder in his chest as he looked up at Patton. He quickly hid his face in Patton’s chest as he willingly summoned his ears and tail. He felt the gentle hands of Patton moving locations. One moved south to stroke the length of his tail while the other lightly rubbed at his ear and the area around it. Virgil nearly instantly melted into the touch letting out content purrs as he closed his eyes and relaxed onto Patton’s warm chest.
“I love how soft your fur is,” Patton chirped happily.
Virgil’s ears twitched in response, too relaxed to bother verbally replying. Patton’s fingers skimmed lightly over Virgil’s tail, brushing ever so slightly under the hem of Virgil’s shirt to reach the base and going all the way to the tip before pulling off and moving back to the top. Patton was going back to the base and missed slightly, his fingers instead brushing against the skin surrounding the base. Virgil let out a loud, breathy gasp as his body violently jerked in response to the unexpected jolt of pleasure that shot through his spine. Virgil’s face burned with shame and surprise, barely noticing Patton going ridged beneath him
“Oh my god Virgil, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I didn’t mean to!” Patton rambled worriedly.
Virgil fingers clawed at Patton’s shirt in an attempt to keep himself from being removed from Patton’s chest. He hesitantly looked up at Patton, his face, ears, chest, and shoulders already burning. He shifted himself so he was even more on top of Patton, trembling as adrenaline pumped through his veins.
“D-don’t apologize… I kinda, maybe, liked it?” Virgil whimpered sheepishly.
His tail swayed in the air behind him hoping to entice Patton into possibly making him feel good again. Patton looked up at him cautiously as he moved his hand back over to Virgil’s tail.
“Do you want me to do it again?” Patton asked, watching Virgil for any sign of discomfort.
Virgil gave a nod of confirmation as he ducked his head down again. Patton’s fingers danced around the base of Virgil’s tail making him squirm a little, hips rocking as he let out a breathy groan. Patton’s other hand reached over to Virgil's chin, bringing it up so their lips could meet. The usual bubbly feeling that rose up in his chest when Patton kissed him came in with the burning intensity of boiling water, it wasn’t a painful burn as much as it was an exhilarating blaze of passion. The passion he felt now was different from the passion of Roman’s kisses, it was so much more, filled with need and desire. Everything felt so hot and pleasurable jolts shot through his body as he continued to let out needy mewls into their heated, messy kiss. His trembling hands grasped at Patton’s shirt, not knowing what else to do. He didn’t understand his feelings fully, he just knew he wanted more, he wanted to feel more of this in any way he could get it. Patton’s hand was focused on rubbing the small of his back and up onto the base of the tail, dragging his fingers so gently along the area adding a layer of intensity. Virgil couldn’t keep himself fully still as his hips twitched and wiggled around. He let out a particularly loud sound and embarrassing sound when he unintentionally rubbed his groin against Patton’s thigh. Virgil could feel Patton smirking into the kiss slightly as he raised his leg off the bed a little inviting Virgil to do it again. Virgil didn’t hesitate long, seeking more of the growing feeling inside of him.

Meaning Of A Purr (Sanders Sides - LAMP Fic)
FanfictionVirgil keeps secrets. Many secrets. Perhaps it is for the safety of Thomas and the light sides, or maybe it is for the sake of his own sanity. From the ears and tail that pop up on his body to the horrific torture the dark sides put him through, he...