Pretty calm chapter. Mentions of past consensual sexual activity and BDSM, but nothing graphic. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading!
Virgil shifted uncomfortably where he sat on the ground. His fingers brushed through the long black fur on his tail, pulling at the small tangles.
“Virgil, are you sure you don’t want to sit on a chair?” Patton asked worriedly.
“Yeah, I’m good down here,” Virgil replied, his voice shaking a little.
He felt awkward enough to even be in this sort of conversation, sitting on the couch with them would probably kill his poor heart.
“S-sooooo… Uh… What exactly are we su-supposed to be discussing,” Virgil asked slowly, his head moving even further down to the point it was nearly touching the tail in his hands.
“Well why don’t we start with asking what you want or expect from a relationship. These don’t have to be permanent sentiments, we can revisit them at another time if anything changes,” Logan said, folding his hands neatly on his lap.
“Me? What I want… I um… Don’t know?” Virgil stuttered, leaning down even further down, so much so he upset his center of gravity and fell forward.
He held up his hand to show he was okay before Patton could throw himself off the couch to check on him. He embraced his spot on the floor and just rolled over, staring up at the ceiling blankly.
“There has to be something you want or don’t want, Love,” Roman said, pushing to get Virgil to talk.
“I… I want what you want. I want to make you all happy,” Virgil replied, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“We already are happy and we’ll continue to be happy wanting what you want,” Patton replied.
“I want what you want, and you want what I want, but no one is wanting anything specifically. This seems a little redundant,” Virgil compained, turning his head so he could look at the others.
“It does seem like quite the paradoxical loop,” Logan agreed lightheartedly.
“We want what you want, when you are ready to want it?” Patton suggested.
“What?” Virgil asked, raising a brow.
“It flowed better in my head,” Patton admitted sheepishly.
“I think what Patton was trying to say is that if things happen that you don’t want or feel ready for, we want you to tell us no, not just do it because you think we want it. We don’t care what it is, it could be holding hands on a date or something, you could have held our hands a thousand times before and if you say no, we will be happy to oblige. We want your consent, and not just saying yes because we expect it, we only want things if you are saying yes and you mean it. Not that you want it eventually so you might as well say yes at the time, it should be a ‘yes I want it and am ready for it’ at that exact moment,” Roman said, his voice filled with passion.
“Yay, responsibility,” Virgil cheered sarcastically as he weakly fistpumped the air, his head rolling away from the others again.
“It is physically impossible for us to completely understand your thought process on every matter. You are the only one who can speak up for yourself. We’ve each already had situations where we’ve had to do similar,” Logan replied.
Virgil sat up and looked at them in surprise.
“Wait, you guys have had to tell each other no?” Virgil gawked.

Meaning Of A Purr (Sanders Sides - LAMP Fic)
FanfictionVirgil keeps secrets. Many secrets. Perhaps it is for the safety of Thomas and the light sides, or maybe it is for the sake of his own sanity. From the ears and tail that pop up on his body to the horrific torture the dark sides put him through, he...