Warning, this chapter contained consensual steamy moments, discussions of sexual interactions and mentions of past rape. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading. (Also I noticed this morning while going to post this that this story is listed as #1 for LAMP again so thank you guys so much for reading, commenting and voting!)
"You're doing great, Beautiful. You're absolutely perfect."
Virgil shivered as the whispered words and warm breath hit his ear. Six hands roamed his shirtless form, occasionally moving away so they could touch and kiss one of their other boyfriends. There were hands or lips on all of his sensitive spots making him squirm and rock against the leg between his. Patton was beneath him giving him the raised leg to grind against, his hands rubbing circles on his chest. Roman was behind Virgil, his hand rubbing along the scarred ridges of his back giving most of his attention to the small of his back, right around the base of his tail, while he peppered kisses along the top of his shoulders. Logan was to his left, his hand stroking his trembling thighs as he moved, his mouth dancing across Virgil's neck leaving behind a constellation of small red marks between whispering sweet words and praises into Virgil's ear. All of them, like Virgil, had been stripped down to nothing but their boxers, their varying body shapes were absolutely stunning to Virgil. He felt overwhelmed but in a good way as he clung helplessly to Patton's shoulder for support. The airy gasps and moans he made were muffled by Patton's lips as he kissed him. It was deep, passionate, loving. Virgil felt like his whole body was on fire. It was growing hotter every second and there was a weird twisting feeling in his lower body. The feelings were similar to old experiences but they weren't bad, they were totally different and wonderful. He wanted to experience more of it. He wanted the blissful feeling to increase. He rocked his hips a lot more harshly, letting out a needy sob Patton pulled away from the kiss, peppering soft pecks along his jaw and throat.
"Virgil Darling?"
Logan's voice was louder this time making Virgil jump and feel strange.
"Are you alright?"
Virgil let out a groan as he blinked open his eyes, his legs rubbing uncomfortably against each other. He looked up to see Logan's curious and concerned face above him. Glancing over to the other side of the bed Roman and Patton were sitting up, wide awake and watching him worriedly.
"Are you alright, you were making a lot of... noises. And you were really restless too. Was it another flashback?" Patton asked worriedly.
Virgil's face flushed when he realized what type of dream he had just experienced and what sounds they had likely heard. At least it didn't seem like he'd said their names. That would have been humiliating. Virgil attempted to shift and sit up but stopped abruptly, stifling a gasp. He quickly realized he had an issue hidden below the thick blankets.
"I... uh... It wasn't a flashback, j-just a dream. No need to worry about it," Virgil stammered, silently praying they would just drop it.
"Oh Kitten," Patton said, moving a hand to rest it lovingly on Virgil's cheek.
Virgil let out a breath as he leaned into the touch, his hips shifting around uncomfortably while his legs pressed together. He could feel the troubling throb between his legs and he had to bite back a whine. The images from his dream were playing on repeat filling him with longing and curiosity of what it would actually be like.
"Are you alright? You're red and burning up," Patton fretted worriedly, drawing closer to Virgil.
Most of him wanted to repeat the dream and let all of the pleasant feelings take control, but a persistent fear still twisted in his gut, he didn't want it to get any bigger again. He didn't want them to touch him like that yet, he wasn't ready. He didn't know how to properly communicate his thoughts when he was still far too embarrassed to even admit why he was in this situation. All he could manage was a quiet whimper.

Meaning Of A Purr (Sanders Sides - LAMP Fic)
FanfictionVirgil keeps secrets. Many secrets. Perhaps it is for the safety of Thomas and the light sides, or maybe it is for the sake of his own sanity. From the ears and tail that pop up on his body to the horrific torture the dark sides put him through, he...