Chapter 19: Uncertain Reality

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Trigger warnings include non-consensual kissing and touching at the beginning, a bit of a mental breakdown, and persistent feelings of helplessness. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading.


“This isn’t right. All of this was a lie!” 

“Honestly do you think you’re the first?” 

“I’ll tell them. I’ll tell everyone the truth about all of this nonsense!”

“And you honestly think they’ll believe you?” 

“I- I don’t...” 

“If you know what’s good for you, stay in your place.” 

Virgil burst awake, his heart hammering in his chest. He could feel the stiff tear stains on his cheeks. He couldn’t remember why he was crying. A dream? A flashback? He couldn’t remember. He let out a breath and sank deeper under the warm comforters. The bed shifted slightly by his legs and the comforter shifted back down his chest. 

“Princy?” Virgil hummed in a quiet, groggy voice. 

He blinked up to find the room unnaturally dark even for it being night time. He could barely make out the silhouette of a figure kneeling over him. Virgil tried to sit up but the figure pushed him back down and crawled further forward. 


Virgil’s question was cut off by a mouth planting itself against his in a sloppy kiss. He didn’t like it, it was gross, it didn’t give him the nice feeling it had been giving him recently. Virgil let out a muffled protest and tried to push back on the person above him but his hands were quickly pinned down over his head. Virgil could feel fear twisting at his gut along with a chilled hopeless that began clawing at his chest. He didn’t want this. He didn’t even know what was going on. His attacker kept his hands down pinned with one of his own while the other moved down his side slowly, removing the comforter as it went. Virgil let out another muffled whimper. The hands on him felt gross and foreign, making him involuntary shiver. His mind was reeling in panic, he didn’t know what to do; kick, scream, run. He couldn’t do anything; he was frozen. He was strong now, he should be able to fight back, but he couldn’t. When it really mattered he couldn’t even move an inch. 

The hand snaked under his shirt pulling it up and rubbing along his stomach and chest, seemingly exploring every small curve. Virgil whined and closed his eyes, not wanting to look at the unseen face any longer. The hand crept upwards again moving to his neck. The strong fingers began to press lightly against his vulnerable throat, adding more pressure with each passing second. The sensation was the final adrenalin kick Virgil needed to get out of the freeze portion of his terror. Without pausing to think Virgil began kicking his legs up and slamming them back down loudly trying to dislodge the person on top of him. 

In the span of a few seconds the figure’s presence over him was gone and he could hear a light being turned on off to his side. 

“Virgil? Are you alright, Stormcloud?” Roman asked worriedly. 

Virgil opened his eyes and looked over at Roman, a lump building in his throat. Roman was barely able to open up his eyes as if he’d only just woken up. He was still under the covers and his hair was sticking up at an odd angle where it had, up until recently, been pressed against the pillow. Roman was a good actor but there was no way he would have been able to get himself back under the covers and looking so groggy in that amount of time, especially when the weight had disappeared heading off the bed instead of towards Roman’s side. As much as Virgil had hated the situation, he really had hoped Roman had been the one who did it. 

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