Chapter 53: A Good Fear

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Hello again! I don't think there are any trigger warnings? Please tell me if I'm wrong, I will be more than happy to update this message if there is something I forgot. Anyways, as always take care of yourself and thank you for reading and have a great day.


"So what do you think is his big plan this time?" Virgil asked, calling out to where Patton was changing on the other side of the partially opened door of the bathroom.

"Well he did tell us that it wasn't anything fancy so maybe we are going back to the cottage for the day?" Patton suggested.

"But he said it would be something different than normal today," Virgil hummed. "Not that it helps much to say that anyways because I never know what to expect with him in the first place."

Patton let out a hearty laugh, echoing through both of the rooms.

"Fair point, Virgie, fair point," he chuckled. "But whatever he does I'm sure it'll be fun. It's always fun. Well almost always, we already told you about the one time it wasn't."

"I mean yeah, but it's also fun trying to predict him and inevitably fail because Roman is just Roman and will create random romantic things that aren't even necessary," Virgil pointed out, tying his patchwork hoodie around his waist.

Roman had told them not to wear anything too fancy but Virgil still wanted to look decent so he'd gone with a pair of skinny jeans that were purposely worn out on the knees and a slightly looser quarter sleeved gray top with black writing saying "104% tired". The shirt was tucked in his pants but still pulled out enough it looked a little baggy. His hoodie was tied around his waist in case he got cold with whatever Roman was planning or just wanted it for comfort reasons. His ring was tucked under his shirt and his makeup was just his traditional under eye-shadow with a little bit of tight-lining with eyeliner. He glanced one more time at his reflection before finally conceding that he looked fine. He walked over to the door and gave a gentle knock so it wouldn't swing any further open.

"Hey, I've finished up in here, are you decent?" Virgil asked.

"Yup!" Patton replied.

Virgil pushed through the door and found Patton by the mirror. Trying to make his hair a bit neater. He wore his usual outfit besides the cat hoodie being absent from his shoulder.

"Ready to go meet up with the others?" Patton asked.

Virgil nodded and they both headed out of Virgil's room, heading downstairs to meet up with the other two. Down in the living room they were both waiting on the couch. Logan had changed his outfit to be a bit less formal than usual, opting for a simple dusty blue pollo while Roman had chosen a tight white shirt under a muted red quarter sleeved jacket and faded blue jeans.

"Hello loves, are you ready?" Roman asked standing up to greet them.

"All good here," Patton chirped as Virgil gave a simple nod.

Roman smiled excitedly as he led them all over to the door of his imagination.

"After you," he grinned.

Virgil closed his eyes to avoid any motion sickness as he stepped through the portal and was met with the sound of shrieking. It sounded like pleased or excited screams but there was still screaming. He could feel the warm sun beating down on his head, miraculously not being too hot or intense. The sound of a few laughing gulls could be heard from nearby. Virgil opened his eyes to take in the view around him.

"This... This isn't your kingdom, Princey," Virgil breathed out in amazement.

This was from no medieval-esque kingdom. This was a completely modern age amusement park, sitting on the edge of a massive lake.

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