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"You're fired." 

these two words ring in your head like a bell. You were on the way to hand out some papers to your narcissistic, cocky and egotistic boss when she stops you on the spot.

" I-i'm sorry,what?" eyes wide open in shock not sure if you heard it right.

" you heard what I said right?" She crosses her arms and raises a brow at you. Your boss who cakes her face with makeup and puts on perfume so strong you could puke, raises her chin to look at you in an authoritative and demeaning way. 

" You. Are. Fired. You're done, you're out of this company." She looks at you with a smug look on her face . Her voice is sounds so grating that you wish you could chop off your ears so you wouldn't be able to her speak. 

" B-but why? I did my best. In fact, I think I do more than what I get payed for!" you try your best to justify yourself, you find it unfair that you're getting fired for no reason at all yet your boss just rolls her eyes.

" This is exactly why you're fired. I don't like employees who keep yapping." your eyebrows furrow at her confusing and frustrating response.

She removes her arms from the crossed position and puts them on the side while she clicks tongue in annoyance. 

" You know, f/n, in the business world nobody gives a crap to those who are below the hierarchy." your heart aches as you hear her say those words. Hearing her say it is like rubbing salt on your wounds. Ever since you started working at your boss's company, you tried your best to do every task sent to you properly without any mistakes yet she's firing you for voicing out your opinions. 

You bite your lip in an attempt to prevent yourself from lashing out at her. You've had enough, but that doesn't mean you were going to throw a fit in front of her. 

" And for that reason, you're fired. I've had enough of you." you clench your fist while calmly nodding your head. 

" Okay, If that's the reason you're firing me for then I'm glad I'm getting fired. I've also had enough of your bitchiness." You raise a brow at her as you watch her expression change.

" You have no right to say that!" She points her finger at you, her angry expression oozing out of her face. 

You smirk and glare at her, ready to annihilate your boss by speaking your opinion.  " I have every right to say it. After all, I'm fired right? Therefore, I'm just a commoner who somehow landed in your office on the fourth floor. Which means I can say whatever I want." 

Before walking out like the one in those dramas you've seen, you stop from taking another step and look back at her. 

" I hope you have fun finding another employee, bitch." your boss was left wide-eyed at your offensive remark yet you left the room with a feeling of satisfaction. 

Holy shit, I finally won't get to see her face anymore.

You pump your fist secretly on your side, celebrating in triumph after getting fired. 


" One more shot please." you cry out. After realizing the weight of getting fired from work, you immediately rushed to the bar to let loose by drinking alcohol. 

" Shit, how am I going to pay for my rent now?" you ask yourself while covering your face with your hands from stress. 

" Ahh, I'm so dumb!" you throw your head back while you scold yourself for how you went about the situation earlier. You thought that if you handled it more maturely and begged your boss not to give you another chance, then you'd actually end up not getting fired at all. 

Kodzuken ( readerxkenma)Where stories live. Discover now