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"Wh-where am I?" Eri asked. She was just there, in what seemed to be a modern style house. She looked around to see it mostly dim other than two people. Ochako and Deku. They were both sitting there in a chair. They were talking. Their voices seemed to be shaky, uneasy, and scared. Eri took a step toward them.
"Mommy? Daddy?" She said. The Deku and Ochako turned to Eri. There was fright on their eyes.
"Wh-what's going on?" She asked. They didn't say anything. Eri took another step closer, and another. The Deku and Ochako just stared. Eri was soon closer than she was before. She reached her hand out to touch them. They were even more scared since Eri was from her original position. Eri's hands finally touched them. The second they did they both disappeared without a trace. Eri was alone again. The lights disappeared. She was alone in the room. It took her a second to realize what had happened. She placed her hand on her forehead then felt her horn. It was big. Too big. She then looked down at her hands and saw that had a yellow glow. Eri began panicking. She didn't know what to do. She still didn't know where she was. She just killed her parents too. She began crying.
"Mommy! Daddy!" She yelled out. Nothing. No response. She was wailing at this point. While wailing, there was a man in the far back corner of the room. The dimmed light was too dark too see him from Eri, but he was there. All he did was grin.
"MOMMY! DADDY! I killed them. It was my fault. I...I...I—"
"ERI!" Deku yelled. Eri opened her eyes. She was having a nightmare. Deku had his hands on Eri's arms as he was trying to shake her awake. Eri looked around, saw Deku, and threw herself out of his arms.
"No! Stay away! I'll.... I'll..." Eri tried to get out as her eyes swelled up with tears. Ochako grabbed ahold of Eri's hands. Eri tried to struggle away until Ochako pulled her into a hug.
"Nothing bad is happening. Calm down. Everything is fine." Ochako reassured Eri as she began to calm down. She gripped Ochako's shirt as tears began falling out.
"I... you... I accidentally—" Eri was cut off.
"Sh Sh Sh... it's okay. Just rest. Everything is fine. Nobody is gonna hurt us. Not you. You're okay. Safe, see?" Ochako asked. Eri began to calm down a lot as Deku joined in on the hug to comfort Eri as much as possible. After a few minutes in the hug, Eri fell asleep again. Ochako let out a sigh.
"It's getting worse." She said. Deku agreed as he put Eri into bed.
"We need to go first thing tomorrow." Deku said. Eri woke them up at 2:00AM. Ochako and Deku began climbing back into bed. Ochako stopped halfway through.
"I'm gonna sleep next to her in case there's another nightmare." She said going to lay down next to Eri. Deku nodded as he got into bed himself. Ochako lay down next to Eri on the small makeshift bed. Even though it was uncomfortable, she stayed there. Soon, everyone fell asleep in peace hoping that tomorrow they get help...

*Laboratory In Different City*
"Stop, don't!" A scientist said as he crawled backwards on the ground. The villain walked toward him. He had long nails with what seemed to be a mask with pipes on it. They were connected to a tube on his back filled with a green liquid.
"I won't. All you have to do is show me where the devise is." He said. As he walked forward, he scraped his nails on the wall, leaving a mark and some green liquid foaming into bubbled. The scientists nodded rapidly. The villain picked him up by his shirt and held on to him.
"Show me the way." The villain said. They began walking through hallways while alarms went off. All the lights seemed to be out as a red light flashed throughout the entire facility. Police were already on their way. They soon made it to a door.
"Open it." The villain said. The scientist typed in a code on the door which opened it. The door opened and they walked inside. As they walked in, the villain scraped the metal door's handle. Inside, there were small capsules on the wall you could pull out. They reached one. The scientist pulled it out and carefully opened it. Inside was a devise that seemed to be a long thread with mechanics attached to it.
"H-here. Y-you'll spare me... right?" The scientist asked as he handed the capsule and took a step back. The villain held the capsule and the machine in it.
"This is the one? The one that goes on the spine?" The villain asked. The scientist nodded. The villain pulls it out. He then placed it into a small bag, which he dropped on the ground. When it hit the ground, it disappeared.
"That's what you wanted, you won't kill me?" The scientist asked again. The villain sighed.
"Yeah yeah. Go." He said. The scientist began running toward the door. He then grabbed the door handle. He felt a burn. He looked at his hand to see the green substance on his hand. He then looked at his wrist, which began glowing green. The substance was traveling up his veins.
"W-what? Y-you said you wouldn't—" He was cut off.
"Hey, I stuck to my word. I'm not killing you. You touched the venom. You screwed yourself." The villain said throwing his hands up. The scientist began to feel nauseous and collapsed on the ground. The villain was now alone in the room.
"Okay Gale, take me back." The villain said. He then vanished through the ground as police arrived to the facility. He reappeared at a small little lab with two other people in it. He took a seat as he pulled off his mask and other equipment. He was taking heavy breaths.
"You have it?" He asked. One of the other men turned around with the devise.
"Yup!" He said. The villain nodded.
"Good, let's get to work." He said.
"Sir, you're still tired. You need to rest. What if—" The other man began but was cut off.
"What if what? I fail? I need this. Let's begin." He said as he lay down in a long chair. The other two men looked at each other and sighed. The man with the devise handed it to the other man, which walked over and began working on his.
"Sir, soon enough, nobody will stop you." He said as he was working. He was implanting the devise onto his spine.
"Yeah, plus, you already have that one kid occupied. What could go wrong?" The other one said. The villain sighed.
"Many things. We can't get cocky. Now shut up." The villain said again. The devise was placed on his spine as it latched on.
"AH! God! Why was that so painful?" The villain said. The wound on his back began closing.
"I'm sorry, but you did better than last time." The man operating him said. The villain sat up.
"Is Sandstorm still out there?" He asked. The man that wasn't operating him responded.
"Yup. Did he go out yesterday?" He asked. The villain shook his head.
"Whatever. He'll be back soon. I can feel it." The villain said. He took a seat on a ripped couch next to the man that responded. They turned on the TV.
"We'll get more things tomorrow. For now, we wait for him to get back." He said. They others agreed as they watched TV like nothing happened...

"Me Aizawa?" Deku asked into his phone.
"Midoriya? How did you get this number?" Aizawa asked.
"Now's not the time. Eri is sick. Like, really sick." Deku said. Aizawa's mood went from annoyed to serious.
"Bring her to the UA nurses office before school starts." Aizawa said. Deku nodded and said yes. He ended the call as he went to wake up Ochako and Eri. Ochako got up and stretched a little.
"Eri honey. Wake up! It's time for school." Deku said. Eri's horn was really big now. Eri stirred a little. She opened her eyes.
"Hi! Let's get going to school!" Deku said. Eri groggily got up out of bed. She grabbed one clothes and went into the bathroom. Deku and Ochako got dressed.
"Wait, why are we so early? It's like six o'clock." Ochako asked. Deku walked up to her and whispered.
"I told Mr. Aizawa already. We're taking her to the nurses office to check up on her. We'll go from there." Deku said. Ochako took a second but then nodded. Eri soon came out dressed up.
"Alright, ready?" Deku asked. Eri sluggishly nodded. The three of them went downstairs to eat some breakfast. They all had a bit of eggs that Ochako made. Eri was barely eating.
"Eri, you need to eat." Ochako said. Eri, again, sluggishly nodded as she tried to stuff down her eggs. She was done with half of them and just couldn't eat more.
"It's fine sweetie. Let's head to school." Ochako said taking her plate. They all got their shoes on and headed for school. After about a minute of walking they ran into Mr. Aizawa, who was walking their direction.
"Kids! How's Eri?" Aizawa asked. They were confused on why he was here but still went with him.
"She's okay still." Deku said. Aizawa knelt down and put his hand on Eri's forehead. She was running a fever.
"Let's get here to the nurses office." Aizawa said. Eri was confused.
"Mommy, where are we going?" Eri asked. Ochako smiled and picked her up.
"We're going to school, we're just taking you to the nurses. You have a small fever." Ochako said. Aizawa let out a loud exhale after Ochako said "small" fever. After a bit of walking, they made it to the nurses. Recovery Girl turned to them.
"Out! You shouldn't even be here!" Recovery Girl yelled. Aizawa walked up to her.
"Eri is sick." He said. Recovery Girl looked at her. She sighed.
"Well should've told me that. Lay her down. I'll do a checkup." Recovery Girl said as she clicked an application on her laptop. Eri lay down while Recovery Girl walked over to her. She placed her hand on her forehead then pulled out a thermometer and taped on it a bit.
"Alright, open you mouth and stick out your tongue." She said. Eri did as she said, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue. Recovery Girl then placed the thermometer under her tongue.
"Close." She said. Eri closed her mouth. There soon was a beep, then Recovery Girl pulled out the thermometer. She gasped.
"Hundred and three degrees."
"WHAT!" Ochako screamed. Deku was also shocked, along with Aizawa.
"It was only ninety nine when we checked her." Deku said.
"When did this start?" Aizawa asked.
"Well, two days ago. We didn't think anything of it, but it obviously isn't nothing." Ochako said placing her hand on her own forehead. Recovery Girl sighed.
"It's fine. Everything is fine. I know someone at the hospital. Let's get her there." Recovery Girl said. Eri was confused. She knew she was sick, but was to sick to understand what was happening.
"I'll take it from here. Thank you." Aizawa said.
"Wait, class starts in about an hour and a half, who's gonna teach the class?" Deku asked. Aizawa stopped and thought for a moment.
"I got it under control. Anyway, get too class or back to the dorms. You've done enough today." Aizawa said picking up Eri. Eri was comfortable with Aizawa since he was the once teaching her how to use her quirk most of the time. Aizawa walked out the door as the two students waved bye to Recovery Girl. They decided to enter the classroom and wait about an hour. Not only that, they brought their books and papers so they can study. They entered the classroom and spent about five minutes studying. They were already bored. Ochako stood up from her seat and walked over to Deku. She pulled him into a kiss.
"I mean, we do have an hour to kill." Deku grinned. They had plenty of time...

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