Field Trip (Part 2)

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So, a few things. One, sorry for not posting for almost a week. I didn't even give a heads up for this one, super sorry. Two, I didn't really like writing this chapter, nor the last one. I just think the way I did them is stupid. Anyway, I'll try posting more frequently now, and enjoy another kinda trash chapter.

Arriving at Tamaki's agency, they all waited to get a small tour and lessons. So far, this was sorta dumb. All they did at Nejire's agency was have a small competition while learning some of the rooms. There was really nothing to it. Soon, everyone heard approaching people. Tamaki opened the doors as he took three steps outside.
"Hey! Tamaki—" Kirishima began before Tamaki turned around, walked back inside, and turned the corner. Everyone was speechless.
"Give me a moment." Aizawa said as him and Kan walked inside. After a minute, Tamaki walked back out. He stood in front of all the students for a solid minute in silence.
"Hey, Tamaki! It's alright, just begin!" Kirishima encouraged. Tamaki, who was staring at the ground slouched down, looked up a bit. He then rolled his shoulders back and took a deep breath.
"okay... H-hi." Tamaki said quietly. Nobody heard.
"HA! IMAGINE BEING A PRO HERO AND YOU CAN'T TALK TO STUDENTS? WHAT TYPE OF—" Monoma began before large tentacles wrapped around his neck.
"Shut. Up. You want to be a hero with a big mouth. I'd suggest you change it." Tamaki said sternly. Monoma just stood there scared. Tamaki then released his grasp.
"Alright, let's get started." He said as he turned and walked inside.
"Woah, he changed a bit." Kirishima said to Deku. Deku nodded. He was still the shy insecure cinnamon roll of death, but he could talk sense if needed. They all entered the building. Again, it was a basic office building like every other one... with added touches. The first floor seemed to be a massive food court. It looked to be a bunch of quick in and out food stands, which makes sense considering Tamaki's quirk. Tamaki stopped.
"Okay, so the first floor is probably different to any other one you've seen." He began.
"This floor has a bunch of food courts, which was probably obvious. They can help serve me when I want to have quick access to my quirk. I'd probably hire some chefs to work here." Tamaki said. He was kinda quiet, but still loud enough for everyone to hear.
"So... next floor could be the maintenance room." Tamaki said as he walked to the elevator. Aizawa sighed as he and Kan walked into the elevator with him. The door shut and went up to the maintenance floor.
"So does anyone have any clue what floor it is?" Kaminari asked. Nobody answered.
"YOU EXTRAS! I'll be first anyway!" Bakugo shouted as he ran to the staircase. Everyone followed behind. Soon a few people stopped at floor three.
"I bet it's this one." Deku said out of breath.
"If it isn't I'm giving up." Kamianri said as he barged through the door. Bakugo was caught in the moment and continued up. Monoma followed behind. After everyone but them entered the floor, they saw Tamaki and the teachers.
"I'm guessing the two loudmouths ran off?" Aizawa asked.
"Yeah." Shinso answered. Aizawa sighed.
"Sorry Tamaki, give us a moment." Aizawa said as he and Kan walked into the staircase to fetch the problem children. The floor they entered (the majority of students) was a large room with many different mechanical structures. These machines were running most of the building. All the tall was of machines were circled around a small table with four chairs.
"Woah, this room is cool." Kaminari said.
"Yeah, I wonder what would happen in you used your electricity on all of these." Sero said.
"Good idea." Kaminari replied.
"Please don't." Tamaki said. He was awful at controlling kids. He couldn't even talk to one, let alone 40.
"Hey, it's alright. We're kids that look up to you. If you make a mistake then I wouldn't care. None of us would!" Kirishima encouraged. Tamaki smiled a little and rose his head a bit. That's when Bakugo and Monoma came through the door shouting.
"Okay, they might." Kirishima said. Aizawa and Kan walked back over to Tamaki.
"Okay, well this is the maintenance room... you probably already knew that." He began.
"This is where we make sure everything's in check... that's all..." Tamaki said. Aizawa leaned over and whispered something into his ear. Tamaki looked at him, nodded, and turned back to the students.
"There's also a training floor here... It was personally for me but... I guess you guys can go there..." Tamaki said as he slouched over to the elevator. Aizawa and Kan followed.
"W-wait! What floor is it!?" Momo quickly asked. The elevator door shut. Everyone was silent.
"Jesus CHRIST!" Shinso shouted as he walked over to the stairway door. After a minute of searching, they found the floor and entered.
"You found it... good..." Tamaki said. He didn't purposely not tell them the floor number. He just forgot to and was trying to get away from them as fast as possible. The floor seemed to be a large room with different targets, treadmills, or weights.
"So, is usually come here to train with a new ability that my quirk gains. Let's say I ate some new food and I have no clue what it'll do. I test it here." Tamaki said. Everyone looked around.
"This also gives me the time to explain..." Tamaki began. Everyone turned to him. All fo their stares felt like gunshots to Tamaki as he froze.
"Uh..." Was all he said. Aizawa leaned in and whispered to him.
"R-right. Anyway, the first and this floor you've seen will probably be a me thing only. Some other agencies might have similar things, but this is specially my thing. All agencies are different because of what's in them and how they are ran." Tamaki said. This was an actual learning experience. The room was silent. Tamaki lenses and whispered to Aizawa.
"Did I do good?" He asked.
"Yup, let's wrap things up." Aizawa said. Tamaki nodded.
"Okay, I have one last thing..." Tamaki began. Everyone listened.
"Only three people can use the elevator." He said. They were on the third to top floor. Everyone froze for a moment. That's when everyone began fighting over who would get it. Everyone was tackling each other and holding each other back. That was until Tamaki, Aizawa, and Kan entered.
"You guys were too focused on fighting." Tamaki said as the elevator doors closed. Everyone was in shock.
"Was that good?" Tamaki asked. Aizawa nodded as Kan gave a thumbs up.
"Have an eye on anyone?" Aizawa asked. Tamaki thought for a moment.
"I think. Maybe four or five, I don't know." Tamaki replied. They soon made it to the bottom floor. They exited as they also waited for the students to barge in... which they did. Soon enough, everyone was there.
"Okay, well, I'm going to recap what we went over and give a few tips." Tamaki said. He then took a deep breath.
"First, every agency has special things depending on who runs it. For example, me and this." Tamaki began as he gestured to everywhere around the room.
"Two, you guys should think outside the box more. Three people were allowed in the elevator and it was me and the teachers. Idiots." Tamaki said. Everyone took pain to that other than Kirishima.
"Wow, Tamaki is showing some strength! He's not nervous anymore!" Kirishima smiled. Tamaki the turned around and looked at the ground.
"I-I'm sorry... I tried but I can't go on any longer." He said. Aizawa sighed.
"Alright everyone. Let's get back to the bus. We go to Mirio's agency and once we get back we go over some stuff. Follow me." Aizawa said as he and Kan left the building with the students following. They all boarded their bus and they took off.
Hm... Mirio's Agency... or, well, Sir Nighteye's Agency. I can't wait... Deku thought. After a while, they pulled up to a way too familiar building to Deku. It was Sir Nighteye's, or Mirio's Agency. Everyone exited the bus.
"HELLO! I AM HERE!" Mirio said proudly and as happily as ever. Everyone stared unamused.
"Well, nice to meet you all again!" Mirio waved and greeted. Some people waved back.
"So before we start, I hope you all know what happened to the old boss..." Mirio began. He stopped as everyone knew what happened.
"Anyway, let's take a tour! I'll also teach some stuff on the way!" Mirio said as he walked through the front doors, like, literally. Everyone opened the doors to the inside. Again, it looked like an office building, but the inside was different from one. (I'm hoping this is actually right by the way. We had I think the first floor and Night Eye's office, so yeah.) The first floor was large and had many different doors leading to different rooms. There was an elevator and a spiral staircase.
"Alright, up the staircase!" Mirio demanded as he began climbing the steps. Everyone followed sluggishly.
"So, as a hero, you need to rise up and make villains fear you. If they fear the heroes on top, they'll be too scared to attack in fear of being caught!" Mirio said. It was true. Just like All Might's presence as Symbol of Peace, villains and organizations were afraid of being shut down by him. Also, one person got the pun. It was Deku.
Hehe, rise up. We're on the stairs. Pff
"Here we are." Mirio said. They were at the top of the staircase.
"Two floors?" Tsu asked. Mirio nodded.
"Having too many floors wastes time. Having everything compact together is easier to get too." Mirio said. So far, he was giving pretty good information. At the top of the staircase was a hallway. The hallway had two doors. One at the end, and one of the right on the way there. They first took a right.
"This is the meeting room. I bet none of you know what it's for..." Mirio said as he looked into the crowd of students. Iida rose his hand.
"That is the room where other heroes meet up, am
I correct?" Iida asked. Mirio nodded in surprise.
"Y-yeah, but... I was expecting you guys to know that." Mirio said. Iida jumped a bit.
"I-I did! I thought you were asking us!" Iida responded.
"Well I was joking cause it's pretty obvious, but thank you for the answer." Mirio said. Iida sighed as he bowed.
"Your welcome." He finished.
"Alright, to the next room!" Mirio announced. He quickly walked to the office. As he did, he waited for a second. It was Sir Nighteye's Office, which would now be his. Mirio took a deep breath. He hasn't done anything to it yet, but he was still not over his death. He finally opened the door.
"This office is now mine!" He smiled as he opened the door. It was an empty room aside from a desk, chair, and a cabinet. Everyone just looked in confusion.
"Nothings been done to it yet, but I can still go over a few things." Mirio began.
"So basically, the office isn't too important. If I'm here, I'm usually just going over future missions, hiring forms, and all that stuff. You could probably guess. This room will also hold a lot of paperwork for things like villains and such. If we ever need information, I would simply grab things from here!" Mirio finished. Everyone listened well and clear.
"Well, that's all I need to go over. I wish you all all "MIGHT" day, and hopefully see you soon!" Mirio said as he waved. All the students began leaving and going back to the first floor. Everyone except Deku. Deku walked up to Mirio.
"H-Hey Mirio!" Deku waved.
"*GASP* MIDORIYA! How's it been!?" Mirio asked.
"Well, you know, good. I can't be here for long, so I'll just say hi and head out." Deku laughed nervously.
"Yeah, well, good to see you again. OH, and come here." Mirio said as he gestured Deku closer. Deku leaned in. Mirio then whispered in his ear.
"I'll be looking for you." He said. He blacked up.
"Bye!" He waved again. Deku nodded and waved back. He knew what it meant. He was the last one down the steps.
"Alright, is that everyone? Good. On the busses and let's get back." Aizawa said as everyone boarded their bus. Deku sat down and looked out the window.
He seemed to still be affected by Sir's death. I wonder if he'll get better...
"Deku?" Ochako asked. Deku broke from his thoughts.
"Oh, Ochako, yeah?" Deku responded.
"So..." She began as she took a seat next to Deku.
"What agency you going to?" She said quietly, making sure nobody heard anything. Deku responded without a second thought.
"Mirio's." He said quietly as well. He was pretty sure everyone knew at this point, but just to make sure.
"Great! I'm probably going to Nejire's again." Ochako smiled.
"Well, we'll probably have some missions together." Deku smiled.
"Yeah!" Ochako smiled. The conversation ended as they sat there in silence. Ochako then leaned on Deku a bit. She was kinda tired. Deku felt like falling asleep at any moment, and trying to stay awake was tiring him more. He was also kinda nervous. Sure, they've been dating for almost half a year yet he was still nervous about showing affection and love in the public (around people he'd talk to). Ochako leaned on Deku completely now, and Deku felt the warmth of her body quick cozying. Deku looked to the seat to his right to see Todoroki staring at him.
(You just grinned because you know what's about to happen)
Todoroki grinned as he slowly raised a thumbs up. Deku, unamused, rolled his eyes and looked out the window. He then fell asleep because of his lack of sleep at night...

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