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Deku slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the hospital room again. He quickly punched himself to make sure this was reality. It was. He then looked at a clock on the wall. 8:35AM. He barely slept. He sat up as he looked around the room. It didn't look like he had visitors yet. He yawned. He was tired. Must be the effects of the sickness. Out the door window he could see a nurse walk by and look into at him. She nodded as she quickly changed directions. A few minutes later the nurse walked in with a kart with breakfast on it.
"Here. Your breakfast. You'll also get lunch and dinner." She said as she bowed and left. Deku thanked her. He went to grab the pancake on the plate as he felt a sharp pain in his left arm. He looked at it to see the stitches.
Ow, this hurts. They didn't treat this with a lot of pain killers or anything. Deku thought. He slowly ate his pancakes with one arm. Soon after, the nurse came back in to take the kart away since he finished up. Deku then later back.
"Man, being in the hospital sucks. It's boring. Usually Ochako is here for me, but now I'm just alone." Deku said to himself. Little did he know was that someone actually heard. It was a doctor outside the door.
"Izuku?" He asked. Deku looked up at him.
"Oh! I didn't see you there." Deku said. The doctor walked in.
"I need to do your checkup." He said bluntly. Deku nodded. He walked over and checked all the things that usually need to be checked. As he did this, Deku saw something off. He didn't know what it was, but something was off. He tried to start a conversation.
"So, uh, doctorrr..." Deku began, trying to get the director to say his name.
"Oh, I never said my name, did I? Well, I'm Doctor Phelps." He said. Deku nodded.
"So, hows your—" Deku began but was cut off.
"Don't distract me. I have things to do." Dr. Phelps said. Deku nodded.
"But I must ask..." Phelps began.
"Who was this Ochako girl you were talking about?" He asked. Deku gulped. He didn't like this. He felt that something was off, that something was different and bad. Deku tried to change the subject.
"Hey, do you know anything about the cure being made for the sickness?" He asked quickly. Dr. Phelps sighed.
"I've heard they made progress. It'll be finished tomorrow." He said. Deku sighed in relief.
On the last day too, huh. We got lucky
"Now who was the Ochako girl?" Phelps asked again. Deku gulped.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Deku said. He didn't was to say anything.
"Answer the—"
"Deku?" A girl was heard in the hallway. Ochako appeared in the doorway. Behind her was almost the entire class. Deku smiled.
"Come in!" He said. Phelps stopped and gathered his stuff.
"I'll be back later." Phelps said as he left. He walked past all the students. Ochako ran up to Deku.
"Hey— *LOUD SMACK NOISE* OWW!" Deku cried in pain. Ochako quickly gasped.
"That was supposed to not hurt! I swear I was trying to just knock some sense, not hurt you!" Ochako said with her hands on her mouth. Deku then got a grin.
"HA! You should've seen the look on your face. I'm fine." Deku said. It was true. There was no pain. The smack was just loud but unhurting. Ochako sighed.
"Don't scare me like that Izuku Midoriya!" She demanded angrily.
Uh oh... she used my full name
"You're in some deep sh!t now idiot." Bakugo said. Everyone else nodded.
"W-Wait!" He began but Ochako continued.
"You ran out of the dorms to get revenge? That's not what heroes do! You could've died! You ARE dying!" She ranted angrily. Deku was sweating from his forehead now from the stress.
"Look, I'll explain everything! There was a reason to all go this!" He quickly said trying to defuse the situation. Ochako crosses her arms.
"Oh really? What's your excuse?" She asked. Deku sighed.
"It's not an excuse. What happened was... everyone better be listening." Deku began but realized Todoroki was half asleep. He quickly woke up and listened.
"Okay, so I went to go to Night Eye's grave to ask for support and forgiveness..." Deku said. Some people were confused on why he asked for forgiveness. The only ones that understood was Ochako, Kirishima, and Tsu. They knew why he was asking for forgiveness.
"Then I turned to see a smoke. I don't know how, but there was..." Deku explained, not mentioning the hand on his shoulder. He would tell Ochako that later.
"I then went to the smoke, which seemingly disappeared for whatever reason, and I found Hawks and a ton of other police men on the ground. I called for backup then went after him." Deku finished. Everyone just stared at him.
"Moral of the story, I didn't try to fight him, it just happened." Deku said. Ochako sighed.
"I'm sorry for thinking you went out alone to fight him. But it was still dangerous and I'm still mad at you!" Ochako pouted as she crossed her arms once again and pouted, looking in a different direction.
"Sure, let's see how mad you'll be once I get out of this." Deku said. You can take that however you like.
"Anyway, all this aside, I have good news!" Deku said. Everyone was listening.
"Well, first of all, how is Eri?" Deku asked. Kirishima cleared his throat.
"Well, she's not looking too good. They said she has two days." He said. Everyone looked sad now.
"Thank god!" Deku said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THANK GOD?!" Kaminari shouted.
"No, that's not what I... look, there's a cure." Deku said. Everyone froze.
"Really?" Ochako asked.
"Yeah, it'll be tomorrow, so after tomorrow, me and Eri will be back!" Deku smiled. Everyone has smiles now. They were all relieved. Ochako jumped at Deku and hugged him.
"Oh you big idiot! I'll be waiting for you and Eri!" She said. Her arm scraped Deku's injury.
"Ow!" He whined as Ochako quickly backed off.
"I'm sorry! What happened?" Ochako asked as she observed Deku's arm. Deku scratched the back of his head.
"Well, he got me good." He said. Kirishima asked over.
"Wow! I knew he got you but that's bad! It's manly that you're still up though." Kirishima said. Ochako checked them wound carefully, even counting the stitches. Deku looked up to see who came and saw Todoroki with a thumbs up. Deku then looked down at Ochako then back at Todoroki again. Deku had a look of disappointment.
"Wow! 23 stitches! That's a lot!" Ochako said worriedly.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Deku assured.
"Are you sure man? That's pretty big!" Kaminari asked. Deku sighed.
"Okay, I'm saying this one last time. I'm fine!" Deku shouted. After that everyone got comfortable. Everyone was talking and asked Deku how the fight was. He explained everything in detail as everyone listened. Soon, people began leaving, and after a while, only Ochako, Todoroki, Momo, Bakugo, and Kirishima was left.
"Man your tough! You're gonna be the best hero!" Kirishima said.
"Ahem." Was the noise Bakugo made.
"Oh, right, second best!" Kirishima smiled. Deku nodded.
"Eh, I might be the first. Depends on how Kacchan behaves." Deku teased.
"You know, if you weren't in that bed, I'd kick your a$$." Bakugo said setting off a small explosion in his hand. Deku made a fake nervous laugh.
"That wasn't a joke." Bakugo threatened. Just then Aizawa and a doctor came in.
"Aizawa!" They all exclaimed.
"Hey kids. You can stay but just move away from Midoriya. We need to do some things." He said. The doctor then walked up as he began checking up on any monitors he was hooked up to.
"Hey, Dr. Burling!" Deku exclaimed, realizing it was the doctor that helped Eri.
"Tsk Tsk, Yes, I am!" He exclaimed. (Hope you understood that reference)
"How's Eri doing?" Deku asked, already knowing the answer.
"Well, she's been better, but she's still holding strong. Tomorrow, we should have the cure." Dr. Burling reassured. Deku smiled and nodded. He then had a certain thought cross his mind.
"Hey, Doctor?" Deku asked getting his attention. Everyone seemed to understand the importance of Deku's thought, as they also listened.
"Is there a doctor named Phelps?" Deku asked. Burling thought for a moment.
"Yes, I suppose. He's been working with Hawks, which was what he specializes. He's assigned to only help Hawks. He's quite rude actually, but is one of the smartest people I know." Burling explained. Deku nodded.
"Uh... he came in here to do a check up this morning." Deku said. Confused, Burling turned to Deku.
"He did? I'll report that. Nobody was supposed to be allowed in here other than your friends, Aizawa, and me. No other doctors." He said as he checked the time.
"I'll go check it out. Anyway, so far you're doing good, hand in there." Burling nodded. Deku nodded back as Burling left the room.
"So, you think there's an enemy in the hospital?" Aizawa asked. Deku sighed.
"I'm not sure, all I know is that he was acting wired for a doctor." Deku said. He looked out the window to his right. It was around two o'clock as Deku yawned.
"Jeez, laying in bed all day is tiring." He said.
"Yeah, learn to do it sometime." Kirishima joked.
"Yeah yeah, okay. I'm just shocked. Not even barely a week into school and we have all this chaos. It really is just annoying." Deku said shaking his head.
"Yeah, well ima head out. Bakubabe, you coming with?" Kirishima asked. Bakugo sighed.
"Yeah, I will, and don't call me Bakubabe." Bakugo argued.
"Aw, come on! You're just jealous you don't have a nickname for me." Kirishima teased.
"Yeah I do, it's..." Bakugo began as he lowed to a whisper next to Kirishima. Kirishima began blushing a bit. They then left the room.
"Alright, well I have things to do, so I'm gonna head out too." Todoroki said taking Momo's hand.
"I hope you get better! Bye Uraraka and Midoriya!" Momo departed.
"Well, nows the chance to tell you guys that you have school tomorrow." Aizawa said.
"What, why?" Deku asked.
"Not you, you have to stay here. We haven't had school today, putting us off schedule by too much. Tomorrow you will have school. You can visit Midoriya after." Aizawa explained. Todoroki and Momo nodded then left.
"Well, I'm gonna go check on Eri. I'll see you tomorrow you two." Aizawa said. Deku and Ochako nodded and waved goodbye. Deku and Ochako then looked at each other.
"So, got any news?" Deku asked trying to pick up a conversation. That's when Ochako's eyes and face lit up.
"Yes actually! My parents finished their contract!" She cheered. Deku also began cheering.
"Really!? That's so good! How much money?" Deku asked.
"Well, it wasn't a whole lot, but enough to keep us stable until their next contract." Ochako explained.
"That's so good!" Deku cheered again.
"That then takes me to my second set of news, my parents will be home in about a month!" Ochako cheered some more. Deku gasped in excitement.
"Does this mean I can finally meet them?" Deku asked. Ochako shook her head rapidly up and down.
"They do know we've been dating for a few months now." Ochako assured. Deku nodded.
"Okay, that's a good note I should make. Anyway, anything else?" Deku asked. Ochako thought for a moment.
"Nope, but I'm going to stay here with you for a bit." Ochako smiled. Deku smiled too. Ochako had a smile that could warm a thousand hearts. They sat there in silence for a second.
"So..." Deku just said.
"Wanna look at memes?" Ochako asked. Deku put in one of those smiles. (I hope you understand because I have no clue how to explain it)
"Yees." He said. Deku made room for Ochako to lay next to him as they looked at memes on her phone. This was the best. After a while, the clock hit 6:00PM. Ochako noticed.
"Jeez, we've been looking at memes for hours." She said sitting up.
"I know. You should probably go. I don't want you to be late for school." Deku said. Ochako giggled a bit.
"Okay Iida." She said.
"What? How?" Deku laughed a bit.
"Well, you both want the best for everyone! Just like that phrase, 'Don't be late for school.'" She laughed a bit. Deku laughed too.
"Cya dummy." Ochako said leaving the room.
"Bye looser." Deku responded. Ochako left just in time as a nurse walked in with Deku's dinner food. The nurse pushed the kart in and left. Deku ate his food happily, knowing that things were fulfilled.
Hm... I wonder where mom and All Might is
As he finished his food, literally just steak, he placed the plate on his lap. After a while the nurse cane in.
"I'll take that!" She said as she went to grab the plate. As she did, she purposely brushed her gand along Deku's entire arm, then grabbed the plate. Deku noticed and just gave a cough. She left with the food and kart. After she left, Deku took a deep breath.
"Why does this keep happening to me!?" He asked himself out loud, thankfully nobody hearing. He then laid back in his bed and yawned again.
"Tomorrow, things will be normal. Tomorrow..." He said as he drifted to sleep.

Sorry for the long wait. I kinda lost a lot of motivation to write, sorry. BUT, I will be posting more frequently hopefully. I've been feeling extra bored, so no worries, I will be here! Have a good day!

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