Not Yet Over

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After a few days from Deku's release, he was feeling much better. His stomach stopped hurting, his cuts healed, it was all better. However, of course, scars were left. He looked song his arms noticing the amount of them. He sighed. He just woke up next to Ochako, and it was time he finally got back to training. In fact, he woke up extra early to go for a morning run. He got dressed and started heading down the stairs with a yawn. As he got down. He noticed Bakugo asleep on the couch.
Why is he down here? He asked himself. He walked over and waved his hand in front of his face.
"Deku is better than you." He said. No response.
"Well, he's asleep and I don't know why he's down here." He said to himself. He opened the front door and began his jog. His mind trailed off as he went for his run. He just thought about the things he could think of that last happened before the coma. Blight, The voice, the death of the young gi—
"Oh, I'm back."  Deku said to himself. He checked the time. It was around time everyone was getting up to he walked in. Bakugo was gone while Kaminari and Sero goofed off in the kitchen. Deku walked in and acted normal, like any other day, cause it was just like any other day. Everything was fine. Soon, they were on their way to school. The class started with Aizawa rising from behind his podium thing and talked about class. That was until training.
"So, today, Midnight will be training all of you in acts of stealth and how to use the enemy's weakness against them. Understood?" He asked. Everyone said yes in some way.
"Good, now you youth change and meet me outside!" Midnight said walking off. Everyone got up to do their thing. Quickly left for the lockers. All but Deku, who was called by Aizawa.
"Yeah? What's up? Is it about the training I missed?" Deku asked.
"No, it's something much more serious. Come with me." Aizawa said as he walked out of the classroom. Deku followed.
"What do you think that's about?" Kaminari asked.
"I don't know. Maybe it's about his hero career for the future. Who knows." Kirishima said. Bakugo over heard. He didn't say anything. He just made a mental note of it. Deku was brought into Aizawa's office.
"Okay, so, I'm just gonna get straight to the point." He said as he sat in his chair.
"Basically, your performance was seen on TV by everyone." He continued. He was talking about Deku against Blight.
"After everyone saw it, a student, a year two student, beat a villain that all the pro heroes couldn't." He said. Deku has an idea where this was going.
"So, I'm gonna guess that this has something to do with my career." Deku said. Aizawa nodded.
"Basically, you're going to have two meetings today. One with a bunch of pro heroes, and one on TV in front of reporters." Aizawa said. Deku took a quick deep breath. He's never really been on TV before, or at least being the star of the show.
"It'll be about getting a pro hero license." He said. Deku's eyes widened. A pro hero license. He couldn't believe it. From quirkless, to student, and he could become a pro hero this early.
"Think about that. In the mean time, put this on. Be ready at noon." Aizawa said handing over a simple tux.
"Oh... alright. Thanks." Deku replied. He didn't know how to feel. His mind raced now thinking about everything. Was he ready? Did he want it now? These were questions that he couldn't answer. He left for the locker room to change. He entered holding the tux. Inside was still Kirishima, Sero, Kamianri, Bakugo, and Todoroki.
"Hey... why do you have a tux?" Kaminari asked. Deku looked at it.
"Don't tell me you're turning into villain Deku." Kirishima said. Todoroki quickly joined the conversation.
"What?! Villain Deku? Who did this!?" He asked. Kaminari and Sero laughed a bit.
"We were kidding." Kirishima said.
"Well, I have the tux because I have some interviews today." Deku said.
"Ah, so we already have a pro hero amongst us." Kirishima said.
"No! No, it's not like that. They're just interviewing me about the battle with Blight." Deku said.
"Sure, like they don't want you to be a pro hero already. When is it?" Kaminari asked.
"Well, I'm leaving around noon, it'll be a bit of a drive... threeish, fourish?" Deku said. They all know see in acknowledgment. Everyone but Bakugo. All he did was get up and leave.
"What's his problem?" Sero asked.
"He's always like that." Todoroki responded. Deku was sorta worried for him. He shook his head.
"Alright, well, I gotta go, and so do all of you." Deku said.
"Yeah, yeah, we're going." Kaminari said as they all left the room. Deku quickly changed and put on deodorant, since it was the only good smelling thing he could find in the locker room. He left and walked out to Aizawa's office. He opened the door to see Aizawa all tidied up himself. He took a look at him.
"Could've combed your hair?" Aizawa asked.
"Don't be mad at me, be mad at my genes." Deku responded. Aizawa sighed.
"Whatever. Follow me. It'll be about a twenty minute drive. First stop is a meeting with the other pro heroes." He said. Deku nodded as he followed. They walked outside to enter a car. The car had a driver already, so Aizawa and Deku hopped in the back.
"Alright, so, once we get there just follow me and we'll take a seat. This meeting will first be about Blight, then about you." Aizawa said. Deku nodded. It's been around two weeks since the incident sure, but the heroes were busy making sure everyone was safe and sound. Now they had the ability to all meet up and talk about the events. After the drive there, they parked in front of a small office building. They walked inside and took an elevator up to a certain floor. Once there, they walked out and went down the hallway. They then stopped at a door.
"Alright, here, there's a bunch of Pro heroes. Don't loose your cool. Relax." Aizawa said. Deku nodded. It was time to get serious. Deku took a deep breath as he reached for the door. He opened it to see a bunch of heroes standing around and talking. The meeting hasn't started yet, so they were killing time. Deku just followed Aizawa to a seat on the long side of the table.
"You'll sit here. The meeting will start in a bit." Aizawa said. He then walked off. Deku just stood there and said nothing. He was kinda nervous after all.
"Well if it isn't the kid who took down Blight!" A hero said. Deku turned to see Hawks.
"Well, that's me." Deku said.
"That was some impressive stuff. The kids from 2-A are strong." He said. They then heard a ding.
"It's time for the meeting to begin. Take your seats." Aizawa said. Deku went and took his seat. He was on the edge, so the only person to his right was Present Mic. Deku looked at the top seats (the single seats on rectangle tables) to see Aizawa on the one right next to him and Endeavor in the other one.
"Alright, to start, let's talk about the damage that Blight caused. What was the list of injured people?" Endeavor asked. Aizawa pulled out a paper.
"Everyone was alright except for 53 injured, 3 fatally injured, and 1 dead." He said. Deku knew exactly who it was. All he did was look down. Nobody said anything. That's often how it is when they hear about casualties.
"Anyway, next is the destruction to the city. What do we estimate?" Endeavor asked. Aizawa looked back at his paper.
"Well, for one, two entire buildings were just about destroyed while in combat. There was nothing we could have done about that." Aizawa said. Deku knee they could've for the first one they used to hit Blight with, but the second wasn't optional.
"We also found that many stores had stolen goods. In three parts of the city, all the glass in that area were destroyed. Parts of the walls were cracked and some vines began growing in another area." Aizawa said.
"The total cost of repair is still being estimated." He finished. Endeavor nodded.
"Well, I'll say this. We didn't handle this the best, but we did a somewhat of a good job. This will lead to the next thing we must speak about." Endeavor said eyeing Deku. Deku noticed.
"This is about the student hero Deku, or Izuku Midoriya." He said. Everyone turned to Deku.
"He was able to basically single handily take down Blight." Endeavor said. Deku eternally sighed.
That's not what happened. He was weakened before.
"Not only that, he's a year two student at UA as well." Endeavor said. Everyone responded in some way, may it be silence or whispers.
"So, Midoriya." Endeavor said. He looked up at Endeavor.
"We would like to grant you this." He said. He pulled out a Pro Hero license for Deku. They already made one for him. He picked it up and looked at it. He couldn't even imagine the day he had one of these.
"Okay, well, that should be everything for this meeting. The next time we meet—"
"Thank you, but I have to pass." Deku said. Everyone looked at him.
"What?" Endeavor asked.
"I'll have to pass." Deku said again.
"Wait, don't you want this?" Hawks asked.
"Just as I suspected, he doesn't want to take it." Aizawa said.
"Look, I like the offer and all, but I really don't deserve this." Deku said. They all just stared at him.
"Sure, I might be strong, but I don't want to just jump into being a Pro Hero without the full education. I'm still learning. That's on hero stuff. If we talk about me personal preference, I can't go. I still have people in my year two class. I hope you understand why I won't take this. Thank you." Deku said bowing them sitting down. Everyone was silent.
"Anyway... our next meeting is in a month. See you then." Endeavor said. Everyone got up and began to either leave or just talk. Aizawa came up to Deku.
"I knew you were gonna give it up. You're not one to take shortcuts." Aizawa said.
"Yeah, I just couldn't. I don't want to be a Pro Hero if I don't know everything." Deku said.
"Perfectly understandable." Another Hero said. Deku nodded.
"Well, let's go, you have an interview to catch in about an hour." Aizawa said. Deku nodded again. They left the building to the car and drove to the place. They entered to be treated like celebrities, but not entirely. They quickly brought them back stage. This was an interview where they would be sitting down on the news and just talk. (Kinda like how All Might's were, from season 1 or 2 I think.) Deku stood patiently for a moment waiting for his time to come. Aizawa walked up to him.
"Alright, I'm not gonna be there with you. Just stay calm like always." He said.
"Y-Yeah! I'm always c-calm! Seeeeeee?" Deku asked uncalmly. Aizawa was now regretting a lot of things.
"Look, just go out there, and answer questions. That's all." Aizawa said. Deku nodded rapidly.
"Mr. Midoriya, your up in five." A man said. Deku nodded calmly.
"See, you can be calm in front of people you don't know." Aizawa said.
"One. One person. Not millions!" Deku said.
"Whatever, you can do this. I'll be watching, along with everyone from Class A." Aizawa said. Deku slowly turned and looked at Aizawa.
"I forgot about that. Alright. Well, I think I'm ready." Deku said. Aizawa nodded.
"Well, good luck." He said as he walked away. Soon he was called to be ready. After a minute, they pushed him out there. It was a small fake half room which the camera had in its view. All you could see was the room. Deku sat down.
"WELL! If it isn't the Student Hero Deku! How have you been?" The man asked.
"Oh, you know, it's been good. Woke up from my coma last week now this is happening." Deku said.
"Well, we'd like to ask you a few questions, shall we begin?" The man asked.
"Sure!" Deku said. He then began asking a few questions. They were mainly easy to answer while making Deku think as well. They then began asking about the Blight fight. They soon came to the question...
"What is the name of your quirk?" The man asked. Deku looked up at the camera for a quick second. He didn't know what to say. He was right on the spot. He looked back to the man.
Alright Deku, you can do this, just think... I got it!
"Well, I've never had a name for my quirk nor did any doctor since my quirk developed late." Deku said. He nailed it. They continued on with questions, which soon ended the interview. Afterwards, Deku walked off and found Aizawa.
"You did good up there. You cracked only twice but stayed composed." Aizawa said. Deku nodded. They soon began back to UA. Once Deku got there, he was greeted by his classmates.
"Deku! You did amazing!" Ochako said.
"How did you not loose it?" Kaminari asked.
"Oh trust me, I almost did." Deku replied. He then eyes Bakugo in the back. They made eye contact. Bakugo then looked away angrily. That was class dismissed for the day as they all went back home to the dorms.
"Jeez, today was kinda hard." Sero said.
"What happened?" Deku asked.
"Well, you're lucky you weren't here." Kaminari grinned.
"We didn't do anything today." Shinso said.
"Come on! We were trying to make it sound like he got out of a hard class!" Kaminari shouted. Basically, they failed. Near the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, Deku got up. He made sure Ochako would stay asleep, so put Eri next to her. He then walked out of the room and outside. He then began training physically and with his quirk. He was trying to get stronger. He had to, and in the distance, he swore he could here explosions...

Super quick update. One, sorry I took so long. Two, if you're keeping up with the chapters, the next chapter will be of the Original Story I talked about. I'm hyped for it, so yeah, that's it.

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