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A lot of villains were on the loose. This included Stain, Shigaraki and the League of villains, and many others. One in particular is Onyx. To give a little insight, here's a footage (you're just reading it) of what he's done to a local bank.
"So, I would like to kindly ask you to put your hands up." He said.
"Call security. Get out of here." One of the employees said. Onyx grinned.
"Okay, but as you can see, I have no weapons." He said putting his hands up. He didn't have anything on him. Two guards came and grabbed his arms.
"But I do have this." He said. Suddenly a dark pulse was shot from his hands at the security guards. They were knocked on the ground. He then aimed it at them again and shot. The dark energy pulse went through their chests. They died instantly.
"Again. I would like to deposits a large amount of cash. Around, you know, hundred thousand. Something around that. You know, just give the whole vault." He said. Civilians ran as the employees backed up.
"Ahem. Did I stutter?" He asked again. One of them started running. Onyx shot a blast from his hand again. It hit the runner's back.
"Don't worry. He's not dead... yet." Onyx said. The employees stayed frozen.
"Oh, come on before some hero comes. We wouldn't want this turning into a hostage situation, right?" He asked. The employees quickly turned and walked Onyx to the vault. They began opening it.
"No no, I got it." He said. He aimed his hand at it as he seemed to charge up a shot. His hand started emoting black particles before being shot out and blowing open the vault entirely. He walked in and pulled out a large sack.
"Start loading the cash. I'll defend you." Onyx said. They were confused.
"I meant me. You can defend yourself by listening to me. Get going." He said. The workers quickly grabbed the sack and started throwing money in it. One of them stopped as he turned to Onyx. He then aimed something and shot it. Onyx shot it with his own. He turned and looked at him.
"So, you have an emitter quirk too!? Cool! But, you tried to be the hero. You know what I do to heroes?" He asked. The worker backed up a step.
"I kill them." He smiled. Onyx shot a blast from his hand. It hit the worker in the head directly.
"That definitely killed. Alright, let's wrap this up. Come one! Get moving!" He shouted. Soon two heroes arrived at the scene. It was Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods.
"Oh! It's you! Hey! Love the work on TV! I'm a fan." Onyx said.
"Shut it and put your hands up!" Woods shouted.
"If you insist." Onyx said. He raised them. He then shot two blasts of the dark energy out. Woods dodged it. Mt. Lady was outside watching the perimeter of the area. Woods used his arms to try to apprehend Onyx. Onyx let it happen.
"You do anything now. Come with me." Woods said.
"Are you sure?" Onyx asked. The wood stuff grew around Onyx's hands. Woods thought that it would prevent his quirk. He then fired his shot, which broke the wood.
"You see, nothing can actually stop my quirk. The only way possible is by deactivating it. I assume you have handcuff for that." Onyx said. He was right.
"Fine then!" Woods shouted. He started dodging shots left and right as Onyx shot some. He soon was able to trap Onyx's hands and made them face together.
"You're hands are completely tied. Shooting them will only hurt yourself." Woods said.
"Man, I have a lot of surprises for you!" Onyx said as he shot both of his hands at the same time. Everyone was blown back, including himself. He wen flying back into the vault.
"Got that money collected yet?" Onyx asked. They placed the last stack of cash.
"Thank you. Now I'll be leaving." He said. He turned to see Woods at the vault door.
"Could you leave. I don't want to kill you since this is just bad luck." Onyx said. Woods used his arms to grab Onyx's legs.
"I guess not." Onyx said blowing it away and fighting Woods. He was able to get a good hit and send him flying to the wall.
"Well, stop fighting and I won't kill you." Onyx said again. Woods tried to capture him again before he blew it away.
"Well. Goodbye." Onyx said. Suddenly a hand came through the ceiling and grabbed him. It was Mt. Lady.
"What the hell?" He asked himself as he blasted the hand around him. It didn't budge. Soon, his hands were held tightly by Mt. Lady as he just hanged there.
"No fair! I was about to kill a hero!" Onyx said as he released more blasts. Nothing.
"Well, you're going to jail for almost killing him. Get the handcuffs ready." Mt. Lady said.
"You know, the hands aren't the only thing that can shoot." He smiled. He aimed his feet at any police men around him. He fired. The blasts left his feet and get the guards. Mt. Lady went to grab them before he aimed his feet at each other and fired. A large explosion and shockwave blew everyone back. Mt. Lady took a step back. Onyx then aimed his feet at her eyes. He fired. One hit her left eye while the other missed. She let go of Onyx.
"Well. You'll be spared today. All of you. I got what I need and I'll be going." He said. He just walked away. Whoever aimed at him died. Onyx would shoot them. He got away in the end as he seemed to just disappear. That's just one of the many villains out there. Stain has already gotten many kills. He's searching for any fake heroes out there. Onyx at some point came across him.
"Oh, hey, you're Stain, huh?" Onyx asked.
"Yes, why?" Stain asked.
"Well, I came looking for you. I was wondering if you wanted to work together." He asked.
"No. You probably want glory for your victories. I'm trying to make the world a better place. Without those fake heroes. You think you're safe until you aren't. They'd leave you." Stain said.
"I'll work for you. How about that?" Onyx asked. Stain raised an eyebrow.
"Basically, I want to work for someone. I've heard you're killing people for a cause so why not? What do you say?" Onyx asked. After that, they had a discussion. The outcome? I'm not gonna tell you. Then there's Shigaraki. Good old new All for One user. He was in a truck with the rest of the league.
"Okay, remember the plan." Dabi said. Everyone nodded. They left the truck. They were outside a prison. Kurogiri went full smoke as he entered the building. A portal opened up.
"That's my queue." Compress said. He stuck his hand in and snapped. He walked in to see everyone in a blue marble.
"Magnificent." He said. He was in the control room.
"Remember, just that one." Kurogiri said. The camera was looking at a villain. It was All for One. Compress hit a few buttons and things were done. Twice then made a few guards.
"What in the?" One of the guards said.
"We were told there was needed assistance?" The fake guard said.
"No." One of the actual ones said. The fake ones left the area. One of them were Shigaraki. He was disguised. Toga then appeared by him. She was also posed as a guard.
"So, where is it?" Yoga asked.
"Down more. Compress." Shigaraki said as he snapped his fingers. The vents opened. Suddenly, Kurogiri appeared. They were then teleported to the bottom floor. They walked in.
"Hey, where's your pass?" A guard in armor asked.
"Well... I left it in the elevator I guess." Shigaraki said. He turned to go get it. As he did, he placed his whole hand on the guard's face. It decayed the helmet then the guard himself. In and instant. Nobody saw but a few prisoners.
"Hey! Get me out!" One of them yelled. That brought the attention of many other guards.
"Sh!t. We have to hurry!" Shigaraki said. Dabi appeared through Kurogiri. He lit the whole hallway up. The guards were still standing. Kurogiri opened portals behind. Twice and Spinner ran out. They took down the guards quickly. The alarm went off. Kurogiri quickly opened a portal to the outside.
"Quickly!" He shouted. Everyone ran in. Everyone but Shigaraki. He quickly got into All for zone's cell. The guns were deactivated.
"Master! Come on! We can get you out!" Shigaraki said as he got rid of the straps. All for One smiled.
"No." He said.
"Shigaraki! The portal's gonna go!" Twice yelled.
"Why?" Shigaraki asked.
"Because. My time has ended and your time had come." All for One said.
"But I need you! I'm not sure what to do!" Shigaraki said.
"Yes you do. You're already doing it. You've been from the start." All for One said.
"You have about 20 seconds!" Kurogiri yelled.
"I am?" Shigaraki asked.
"Yes. And that's crippling this society. You own All for One now. You have an army made. You are the leader now. You can do whatever." All for One said. Shigaraki backed up.
"COME ON!" Toga yelled. Shigaraki ran to the portal just as the doors opened and and portal closed. They all ran at All for One's cell. He was sitting down.
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I won't be for a while." He smiled. They were all back to the truck. Shigaraki made a portal and had them all get back to home base.
"Leave the room." Shigaraki said.
"What?" Dabi asked.
"Leave." He said again. Everyone left but Kurogiri.
"Sir?" He asked.
"He told me I'm the leader now. Not him." He said.
"What do you plan to do?" Kurogiri asked. Shigaraki smiled as he looked out a small window at something.
"Do what I've been trying to do." Shigaraki grinned. The lights turned on in the large room. It was storing something.
"And that is?" Kurogiri asked.
"Cripple this society." Shigaraki said.
"But All Might is gone." Kurogiri said.
"We don't need to kill him. We need to kill the new leader. Midoriya. He has One for All. You see, people have put their trust in him. He hasn't even mastered 100% yet! He's the next All Might like I'm the next All for One. It's time for a new generation! It's time for villains to rule!" Shigaraki smiled. I'm the large room we're brains. In another part of the room, there were bodies. These bodies were Nomu's. Not the last you've seen. The stronger ones. At least 10 of them. Shigaraki grinned.
"We aren't ready yet. Soon we can defeat them. With no Midoriya. There is no more power. The world will be finished." Shigaraki smiled. There were more in progress. His army was getting bigger. Not only were there powerful ones, there were normal Nomu's. They were still strong enough to be a problem to civilians. Shigaraki's mind changed. He's realized many things, making him even more dangerous. He was almost ready now that he had a plan in mind...

UH OH! Villain recap chapter. Hope you enjoyed.
Name: Onyx
Quirk: Onyx Blast
He has the ability to shoot a pulse of Onyx at a target. This blast will do heavy damage on impact. If two of these blasts meet, a large explosion will go off, effecting everyone in the area. These blasts are dangerous. (Yes the image is from terraria. That what the blasts look like. The black and purple thing, not the yellow bullets. I had the idea while playing the game, so, yeah. Hope you like it)

 Hope you like it)

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