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Alright, so I have news. I'm going on vacation to Florida, and yes, I know, Clovid-19 and all, but it wasn't my choice so I guess I'm going. So I'm gonna have a plane ride and I'm either going to watch anime or work on an ungodly amount of chapters and post them the second I get internet. I'm leaving probably on my way to the airport, in the plane, or at Florida already. So, yeah, uh... enjoy the chapter.

"Deku..? DEKU!" Ochako basically shouted as Deku woke from his slumber.
"W-WHA! Uh... oh, we're back." Deku said as he rose from his seat. Everyone was leaving the bus.
"Hey, only one of us can't sleep and that's me." Shinso said as he left. Ochako had a worried face.
"S-Sorry." Deku said as he walked into the middle path and left the bus. Ochako followed. Soon enough, everyone was back in their own classrooms. Everyone just waited for Aizawa to begin.
"Okay, so I have two announcements. First off, about the lessons today. There was a deeper, hidden meaning... which you all probably know." Aizawa said. Everyone grinned. Deku yawned.
"For those of you who don't know, you're going to choose an agency to work and learn for." He said. Everyone cheered.
"I ALREADY KNOW TAMAKI, I'LL SURE TO ENTER!" Everyone cheered. Aizawa sighed.
"You're all EXPELLED!" He shouted. Everyone froze and looked at him. Aizawa gave them a glare.
"I told you, speak up again and you get expelled." Aizawa said. Everyone's entire body shattered.
"Please no!"
"I CAN'T!"
Everyone remarked to themselves and begged Aizawa. Aizawa chuckled and began laughing like a mad man. Everyone looked at him in fear.
"No.... we're gonna die." Kaminari said.
"Bro, I'll see you in the next life." Sero said as he hugged him.
"HAHAHA... ohhhh, that was good. I should also mention I've become a pretty good comedian. My jokes are really funny as you can tell." Aizawa grinned. Everyone went from fear and sadness to anger and relief.
"YOU WERE JOKING!?" Bakugo shouted.
"Yeah, and, oh my lord! Let me tel you, it was hilarious. Now get in your seats." Aizawa said from wiping a tear in his eye to being serious. Everyone got in their seats instantly.
"Good. Now where was I? Oh right. Ahem, so, you don't get to choose directly. You can make a preference to where you want to go. They are only selecting a small number of kids from A and B, so hope for the best. Just place a ticket of your name in one of these boxes." Aizawa said as he got Ojiro to pass out the tickets. Everyone wrote their name and walked up. On the way, people discussed a few things about where and why they would wanna be to that agency. After a while, everyone finished and sat in their seats. Aizawa got out of his sack and stood up.
"Okay, so, any questions?" Aizawa asked. Iida stuck up with hand.
"Yes Iida."
"When will we be informed about the agencies and when will they start?" Iida asked.
"Good question. In the far future. It'd start during the second half if school and you will be informed about it in the near future. Anyway, after all that, class dismissed." Aizawa finished. Some people got up and packed up before freezing.
Wait, what's the second thing?
"Aizawa, I have to ask, what was the second piece of information?" Todoroki asked. Aizawa froze.
"Oh, uh.... that's not important until later in the year. He won't be here till later." Aizawa said as he left the room. Everyone was confused.
"He?" Mina questioned. Deku was too tired to analyze, so he said screw it and walked over to Ochako and Iida.
"So, Iida... you visiting a certain someone?" Ochako asked. Iida was confused.
"Well, I'm going to see Hatsume with gear improvements and... I hate you." Iida remarked.
"Oh come ON! It's obvious for both of you! Just make the move and—" Ochako began before Iida disappeared from the area in an instant.
"How did he..." Ochako questions until she turned to Deku. He charged One for All in his finger to travel and zapped Iida so he could leave faster. Ochako glared at him.
"Who's side are you on?" She asked.
"The victim's." Deku responded.
"Whatever, let's go get Eri!" Ochako smiled as she and he went to get her. On the way out, Aizawa pulled them aside.
"Okay, so, I think this will be needed for Eri..." Aizawa began. Deku was now awake fully to hear this.
"So, as you know she's been getting an education here. Well, me and the other teachers think it's a good idea if we have her go to an actual school with other kids." Aizawa finished. Ochako and Deku looked at each other and back to Aizawa.
"Sure!" Deku said.
"That's perfect!" Ochako said. Aizawa nodded.
"Ok, her education level is of a normal eight year old, making her eligible for school. She has a good control of her quirk and we already have plans on where to send her." Aizawa said as they walked to Present Mic's office.
"Hello." Aizawa greeted as he opened the door.
"Grampa Aizawa!" Eri exclaimed as she ran to him.
Uncle? That's a new one.
"Hi Daddy, Mommy!" Eri smiled as she also greeted them.
"Hi Eri!" Ochako said as she hugged and picked up Eri.
"Okay, so, the forms are signed in, as me as her guardian. I know, but we think it's better for me to be the guardian, since you guys are still around sixteen." Aizawa said handing over papers.
"All I can say is good luck and don't fail at this. Mic will be taking her every morning and you'll be bringing her back." Aizawa continued.
"I think that's good for now. Any extra information will be from the school or fourth grade teacher. Good luck." Aizawa said as he left the room and walked the opposite direction they were going. Deku and Ochako nodded and began going over to the elementary school, which was in a ten minute walking distance. They got there and it seemed that the school was over for the day.
"Great, this should be easy!" Deku said thankfully. Ochako nodded in agreement.
"Be on your best behavior sweetie." Ochako said as she gave Eri a smile. Eri nodded as the three walked in.
"Ah! You must be Eri, and you two?" The teacher lady asked.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya and that is Ochako Uraraka. We were sent here by an Aizawa." Deku said. The lady nodded.
"Yes, he told me he couldn't come so he'd send someone else here. That'd be you two I suppose." She said. Deku and Ochako nodded.
"Great, let's get started!" She smiled.
*One Paper Signing and Whatever stuffs Montage later*
"Well, glad we finished that in a single line of words." Deku smiled happily while breaking the fourth wall.
"Alright, well that's all for today I think..." Ochako said thinking off about the rest of the day. That was until they were disrupted by a ringing. That ringing was a phone. Deku's phone. Deku reaches in his pocket and pulled it out to see All Might calling him. (I think I'll just call him All Might, or whatever seems right for the situation.)
"Oh, it's All Might. Give me a moment." Deku said as he took a few steps away and answered.
"Hello." Deku said.
"Hello young Midoriya! I want to know if we could do some training today." All Moght responded.
"Sure, why not?" Deku replied.
"Good, I'll text you a time. Meet up at UA." He finished as he hung up. Deku put his phone away.
"What was that about?" Ochako asked, Eri sorta interested too.
"Oh, he wanted to do some training. He said around five. Is that fine?" He asked. Ochako gave him a look.
"What?" He asked.
"Yes it's fine. You don't need permission to train." She replied.
"Oh... yeah..." Deku said feeling bad about his own stupidity. They walked home to the dorms as the time ticked by...

*Around 5:00PM*
"All Might?" Deku called out standing in front of UA. No response.
"I AM HERE!" All Might shouted appearing behind Deku. Deku screamed as he jumped in fear and charging One for All.
"DETROIT— oh." Deku began until he realized who it was.
"Sorry for the scare. How's it going?" He asked. After Deku recomposed himself  he answered.
"It's been going. So, what type of training are we doing today?" Deku asked. All Might stroked his chin.
"Well, first of all, any progress on One for All?" He asked. Deku sighed as he knew the truth of it.
"Well, I've been at sixty percent for the last month. For now, all I can use around sixty three, but that's still a low improvement." Deku sighed. All Might nodded in acknowledgment.
"Well, it's still improvement. Now show me some kicks!" All Might shouted.
"Yes Sir!" Deku shouted back as he began giving kicked in the air like he was fighting. After months of training, he still could barely use over 60%. He felt awful about it but trained like hell. After a few hours of training with All Might, they took a breather.
"Huh, seven already. Sorry to keep you here." All Might apologized. Deku yawned as large dark circles appeared under his eyes.
"No worries." He said. All Might gave a good look to at him.
"Have you been sleeping?" He asked. Deku fake coughed.
"Y-yeah! Why wouldn't I?" He asked. All Might gave him a look of doubt.
"Fine, no, I haven't. It's kinda hard with the nigh— I mean tests coming up. I've been studying late every night." Deku lied. All Might grunted.
"I guess. Well, it's what it takes to be a hero. Soon, you'll be the next Symbol, the hero everyone looks up to." All Might said as he took a drink of water. They both looked out into the city ahead of them down the mountain.
"I have to thank you again All Might. You made my dream come true." Deku smiled, still staring out into the city.
"Oh, no no, thank you for for showing me what a hero really means again. Since the day you moved before any hero, that day you saved Young Bakugo, I knew you were the one for One for All. You've fulfilled by que, so thank you." All Might responded. Deku nodded back.
"Welp, we should get going. Get some rest today." All Might said.
"I will. Have a nice night." Deku waved as he walked to the dorms. All Might waved back and left the other direction. Deku got back to see everyone chilling in the living room.
"Hey Midoriya! Where you've been?" Kaminari asked. Deku sighed.
"I did some training with... whatever, I'm getting some rest." Deku said.
"Good idea, you need the rest. I don't know why, but you do." Shinso said.
"How would you know?" Deku asked.
"It's an ability of mine. I just know these things." Shinso said as he sipped a cup of coffee.
"A—... Ok." Deku said trying to understand that man.
"Deku, uh, you going now?" Ochako asked.
"Yeah, I think I'll sleep alone again today." Deku said as he walked up the stairs. Ochako was worried.
"Hey, if something bad is happening, you can tell me." Ochako said. Deku sighed.
"Everything is fine, goodnight." Deku smiled. Ochako smiled a little.
"Goodnight." She responded. Deku closed his dorm room door as he quickly changed. As he finished, he looked at the door. He went and locked it. He then lay down in bed taking deep breaths as he tried to sleep, which worked. He was sound asleep. Suddenly, a green energy was being emitted from his body. The reddish energy appeared on his body as One for All charged out of control. Then, in a quick surge, it zapped the entire room and building in the green energy as he quickly rose up breathing heavily.
"NO! No no no, they... they're alright... it's fine... I... I..." Deku dozed off to sleep. He didn't sleep long, for just after a few minutes a green energy surged from his body...

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