Team Purge vs Class 2-A

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"Take Eri." Deku said as he turned to the three standing in front of him. Ochako nodded as she took Eri and took her to a safer place.
The heroes will be here soon. Just hold them off... but I can't forgive them...
"So, you just gonna stand there or—" Blight began before a flash of green moved to the front of him. Deku tried to slam his fist against his stomach before he fell through the ground. He reappeared back where he started.
"Just try it." Gale said. Blight then shot out venom which Deku dodged.
The cure definitely kicked in. I can move easier and I'm faster.
Blight continued to fire out his venom shots while Ochako was able to get to the police. Toshinori ran up to her, followed by Inko, Tsu, and Tokoyami. Ochako was crying.
"What?" Toshinori asked. Ochako handed him Eri, he felt how cold she was.
"N-no..." He said to himself. Suddenly he felt a pulse. Then another.
"She's alive, what's the matter?" Toshinori asked again. Ochako's eyes widened.
"Don't joke around! She is dead—" Ochako stopped in the touch of Eri. She felt her temperature return while the pulse continue.
"W-what? She was dead... oh thank god, but... how?" She asked herself.
"Are you sure? Mabey you were imagining and—"
"No, me and Deku. She was dead... thank god!" Ochako cried out. Toshinori thought for a moment.
Don't tell me... He though as he looked up at the dust. You could see a fast moving green energy flying around.
D-did, One for All... did it... His thoughts were canceled out by a scream of pain. The green energy stopped moving while the dust cleared. Deku was gripping his arm in pain as blood dripped from it and the side of his head. You could see Blight and the other two just standing there.
"Well, where are you come go?" Blight asked.
"You've honestly just p!ssed me off. You're dying here." He said as he raised his arm for another shot. Just then you could hear thrusters as Blight was kicked in the face, destroying his mask. It was Iida. Iida then landed on his feet as he raised them again for an attack at Gale. He was able to land a kick to the jaw before being slammed onto the ground by Phelps. He placed his foot on Iida and held him down.
"I'll let the earth do its thing." He said as the grass seemed to almost grow on Iida. Phelps was then punched by Deku, sending him a few feet back. Deku lifted Iida up from the ground as more incoming attacks emerged from Blight. They didn't have enough time to dodge. Kirishima then ran in front as the slices of venom deflected off his arms. Bakugo came out of nowhere as Blight had to quickly dodge his attack. Bakugo kept attacking as Blight kept dodging.
"Iida, are you okay?" Deku asked. Iida was breathing heavily as he looked forward.
"Yeah, I felt like my soul was being sucked out of me when I was on the ground." He said. Deku thought for a moment.
The plants must have began taking his nutrients. It looked like he literally was becoming a plant there. Good things he's back now.
They soon heard the explosions stop. Bakugo was being held at the neck by Blight.
"A forward attack is useless like that. Now sleep." Blight said as he strengthened his grip. His nails began sinking into the skin. Bakugo yelled in pain. Deku lost control again as he charged One for All heavily. That green energy flew around everywhere again. It zapped everyone around. Iida and Kirishima for the most part. Iida stopped breathing heavily, feeling a bit stronger now.
That's strange, I feel better already after that zap. Did Midoriya-
"SMASH!" Deku shouted as he slammed his fist to hit Blight. Sadly he disappeared through the ground as Bakugo landed and tried to catch his breath. Deku turned to see him next to Gale as Phelps rose from the ground and ran to them. Deku instantly jumped at them again, ready for a hit. Blight shot out venom as Deku easily evaded with his speed. He was able to get close to Blight again before they moved to a different place.
"That won't help." Deku said to himself, this time knowing exactly where they were. Deku flicked his fingers as air blasts landed on Bligh and the others. Blight groaned from the hit to the stomach.
"You know, that doesn't do any damage. It's just annoying." He said as more blasts came at him. Phelps used a leaf (I guess that works) to block the air from reaching them. It worked except it had one downside. They couldn't see anyone approach. Bakugo was able to quickly burn it as Iida and Kirishima made their move. All in that small span Kirishima and Iida went for an attack. Blight was able to grab Kirishima as Iida kicked Gale into some debris. Blight threw Kirishima into Iida before being blasted by Bakugo. Blight then threw out some shots, which missed Bakugo.
"FLASH BANG!" Bakugo screamed as he blinded everyone around him using his explosion. Blight's vision was lost. He soon got it back just as Bakugo was going to land what seemed to be a finishing blow. Just before he could land it, he was hit by a half grown red wood tree. Bakugo landed on the ground, rolled a bit, but stopped on his feet. By the time he stopped, he was next to Kirishima and Iida.
"Not with these red woods again." Bakugo said to himself.
"What kind of logic is that anyway?" Iida asked as he stood to his feet.
"That's what I was thinking!" Kirishima told Iida.
"Whatever. Let's group back up with Deku." Bakugo said.
"That's not happening." Kirishima responded as they saw Deku flash down at Blight and Phelps. They proceeded to vanish and reappear again. Deku looked around for a moment.
It must be that third guy. Iida launched him into some debris earlier, so I need to find him.
Just then vines latched around his arms. Blight quickly ran to him at the same time.
"Let's finish this now!" He screamed as he got close to Deku. The arm he was gonna attack with was grabbed by something. It was Tsu's tongue. Dark Shadow then appeared and cut all the vines around Deku. Blight was able to scratch Tsu's tongue just before being slammed by Deku's fist. Blight rolled across the ground before rising to his feet. Phelps ran to his side.
"Thank god for these physical enhancers. I'd be dead by now." He said to himself. Just then they were attacked by Bakugo and Kirishima at the same time. They were caught unexpected so they had to quickly evade the attacks. The two stopped to look around. Deku was coming in again with another attack.
"I'll take this one." Phelps said as he used his quick to grow a red wood in an instant. Deku saw this and grabbed the tree trying to slow it. He stopped it with his speed and power, but couldn't hold it. He felt like he was gonna die as he held it from crushing him.
"This... is... h-heavy!" He shouted as he began sweating. Just then all the weight disappeared.
"What about now?" Ochako asked. Deku looked at her and grinned.
"This is why I love you." He said as he moved the massive tree out of the way. Phelps stumbles back at the sight of that.
"Blight... what do we do?" He asked as they looked around, being surrounded. Suddenly, Gale appeared before them.
I knew I should have stopped him while I had the chance Deku, Bakugo, and Iida though at the same time.
"Should we do it?" Gale asked. Phelps looked at Blight. Blight sighed.
"What else can we do? Let's get to work." Blight said as he placed his hands on the ground.
"Gale, this will immobilize me, so you and Phelps will have to take me home." He said as he seemed to inject the ground with his venom. Phelps then placed a ton of seeds on the ground and placed his hands on the ground. Gale got in between the two and waited for his turn. Everyone just watched.
"Let's end thi—" Bakugo began as he but his hands in his ranged attack. He was cut off by many vines with a green glow to them begin moving forward. They all moved upward, arched downwards, the entered the ground. They instantly appeared in other areas.
"It's a team attack!" Deku shouted as everyone got ready to dodge. Gale was teleporting the ends of the vines to somewhere else while Phelps grew them infinitely and Blight make them poisonous. This wasn't the usual poison. It was deadlier than his scratches. He was putting everything into these. Kirishima hardened as the vines wrapped around him. They couldn't do anything, but he was immobilized and safe at the same time. Bakugo dodged and destroyed them at the same time. Dark Shadow protected Tokoyami and Tsu while Deku used air pressure to move the vines. Iida was able to dodge them with ease. At first it was simple to dodge everything, then more and more vines appeared. It was getting hard. Bakugo was just breezed by one and he felt weak. Dark Shadow couldn't hold any more as he began to fade and Tokoyami and Tsu were directly hit. Multiple vines appeared around Deku and Ochako.
"This will kill us." He said out of breath. Deku quickly kicked Ochako out of the way as the vines closed in on him. Deku smiled at her just before she lost sight. These vines were deadly.
"NO!" Ochako screamed as Deku disappeared. The vines were everywhere and were impossible to avoid. The citizens were moved far from the area so that they didn't get into the fight, that gave Tsu and Tokoyami the chance to join the battle. It seemed like it was over. That was until a hot fire came out of nowhere. Two of them in fact. The vines instantly burned as they all seemed to shrivel up and die instantly. The venom was gone from what was left. Blight's eyes widened as he saw a fiery spear move toward him and slightly explode. It was Endeavor. Todoroki was with him accompanied by Momo.  (Can you guys tell me if you prefer Momo or Yaoyorozu.) Kirishima unhardened as he ran over to Bakugo. Tsu and a Tokoyami were breathing heavily as medics ran over to them. Medics ran over to Deku as well to get him better. Iida ran over to Ochako, as they were the only two to barely make it out.
"Are you okay?" Iida asked as he tried to catch his breath. Ochako nodded.
"I'm afraid that Deku was injured badly." She said. Iida shook his head.
"He might be, but he'll pull through. He's Midoriya! He'll do anything to see his friends again and keep people safe!" Iida responded. Ochako smiled and nodded. Todoroki and Momo ran up to them.
"Are you guys okay? Sorry we took so long, we had our own company." Todoroki said as Momo looked worried behind him. (Ima say this now, Eri, Inko, and Toshinori were together with the rest of everyone else)
"Yeah, but what company. You guys seem to be a bit scratched up from... WAIT!" Ochako freaked out seeing the scratched across their legs and arms.
"Was it that SandStorm guy?" Iida asked. Todoroki and Momo nodded.
"My da— I mean Endeavor helped us take him out before we got to you. He didn't escape this time. He's in jail." Todoroki said. Ochako looked to see Deku be inserted into an ambulance.
"Tell me about it later. I need to check up on Deku." She said as she ran over to him. She was allowed in to stay with him on the ride. Meanwhile, Blight was on the ground and couldn't move. To make his venom more poisonous and deadly, it takes a lot of energy from him. He was just breathing heavily as he looked into the sky.
I failed... I couldn't make a better society... I couldn't show those fools who was actually strong and who was worthless... He though to himself. He didn't even try to fight when police men and Endeavor took them into custody. Gale was weakened from using his quirk too much, so he couldn't escape easily. Phelps tried to fight them, but he had to power left. The three were taken into the back of police trucks and taken away to jail. In the end, half of a hospital was destroyed, which nobody but Bakugo, Deku, Ochako, Kirishima, and Iida knows what happened. After an estimate, it would cost thousands over thousands of dollars to fix it up. Everyone that had gotten infected were cured, since they had the ability to make more cures and kept some in other places. People have died to the infection, sadly. Not everyone could be saved. Reporters asked Endeavor, the students present, and civilians about the battle. Endeavor kept up a talk while the students went back to the dorms to rest. They got back to see their classmates worried for their lives.
"Where's Midoriya and Uraraka!?" Kirishima asked.
"And Tsu and Tokoyami?" Jiro asked.
"The four went to another hospital, to recover from what happened." Iida said.
"Bakugo, why didn't you go?" Kirishima asked. He sighed.
"I'm strong enough to withstand it. It wasn't that bad!" He said as he attempted to flex his muscle. It was difficult. Blight, Phelps, Gale, and SandStorm were placed into a heavy security jail that had some other top villains. All for One was in a different one, a more secure one. Inko, Toshinori, and Eri quickly went to Deku's hospital room to see how he is. Aizawa canceled class for the rest of the week because of the hard battle, and the heroes and students at the battle were rewarded with popularity from the public. Even as Deku was unconscious, he had a happy though in his head. They were able to stop the villains from destroying the world. He then had a though hit him like a train. Eri's death. He was instantly filled with anger until he felt a touch. Yes, he was unconscious, but he somehow thought and felt. He felt Ochako's hand be placed on his. Then the happiest words he wanted to here.
"Deku, if you can here me, I don't know how, but if you can. Miraculously, somehow, thankfully, Eri is alive!" She said as a tear fell down her face. Deku was content with this past week now. He still had to heal up and kinda just take it all in, but he was happy. He was able to save everyone. Ochako was also happy. She was able to save Eri and help Deku and the others stop the villains. Tsu and Tokoyami were awake, but worn out like hell. They were taken to the same hospital as Deku. In the end, everything seemed to be perfect. In the end, the heroes in training save the day...

I never said this yet, sooo...
Name: Gale
Quirk: Surface Warp- It allows the user to teleport an object through the floor or wall to another one in his sighed. The user must be in eye contract with where he wants to teleport something.

Also, again, tell me if you prefer Momo or Yaoyorozu. I should also say, the next chapter will be the last of this beginning arc. I have future plans, so I'm happy to get going with some normal stuff finally!

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