Venomous Purge (Part 3)

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"Quickly, get inside." Iida instructed as he helped board people onto the trains. There were still too many people.
"This is taking too long. This won't end well." Iida said.
"Yeah, at this rate we'll have to stop the villains. We can't get everyone out on time." Sato said.
"There are more people coming! What the hell?" Mina said as she began running over to a few people running to them.
"Midoriya, friends, I know you can do this. You have to do this." Iida said to himself...

"ALRIGHT, WELL WHAT DO WE DO!?" Toru shouted.
"Calm down! It can't get inside. We have to wait for a moment and figure out a solution." Momo said.
"Can't get in? What if we're to walk over and move it?" SandStorm asked.
"We don't have much time!" Ojiro said.
"Okay, quickly, Jiro, stall him with your quirk as I make more cover." Momo said. Jiro nodded.
"3, 2, 1, GO!" Momo shouted as they threw off the metal blanket. Standing three steps away was SandStorm. Jiro quickly placed her ear jacks into the ground. The second she did they were cut up and began bleeding. Ojiro quickly slammed the ground which his tail to send some rocks flying up and launch them at SandStorm. He easily destroyed all of them.
"I could kill all of you right now but this is kinda fun!" SandStorm smiled. Aoyama shot his laser. SandStorm tried to deflect if but it went right through. Not only that, it reflected like a laser pointer does when you aim it at glass. It hit him direct.
"Quickly! Over here!" Momo yelled. Everyone quickly ran and ducked under the cover.
"That shot will hold him for a small bit." Aoyama said. Momo made some bandages for Jiro.
"God this hurts like hell!" Jiro shouted.
"We can't beat him like this. His power definitely boosted since the last time I fought him." Momo said. Jiro places her ear jacks into the ground. All she heard was the sound of glass scratching against each other and the ground.
"I can't find him like this. I can't hear anything." Jiro said.
"Alright, I'm gonna try to shock him." Kaminari said.
"I need some cover. Aoyama, you'll be able to cover well enough, right?" He asked.
"Yes." He nodded.
"Good, let's go." Kaminari was as he ran out. Aoyama and Ojiro followed. The second they got out they were hit by glass.
"Here!" Ojiro shouted, smacking the door off a nearby car. Kaminari took it and used it as a shield, which worked. Ojiro got one for Aoyama then ran back under the cover.
"I need to get closer." Aoyama said. He snuck around while Kamianri took SandStorm's attention.
"You got a big mouth, huh?" SandStorm asked as he changed the direction of all the glass. All of it moved in one direction. It was going to SandStorm's right before, but now it was to his left. Kaminari took note of this. Just like that Aoyama shot out a laser. Kamianri shot out his metal disc so he doesn't hit Aoyama. The metal disk hit against SandStorm before all the glass moved it away.
"GET AWAY!" Kamianri screamed. Aoyama ducked as SandStorm focused his glass at one place. It was Kaminari. He was one step ahead. Kaminari was able to stop a lot of it with the car door he had before it started ripping apart. Just then Jiro used her quirk to disorientate SandStorm as Kamianri ran back into cover.
"That was close." He said.
"I couldn't shoot with Aoyama that close. I would've hit him." Kaminari said. There was a moment of silence.
"Well, what now?" Toru asked.
"Okay, I found something out." Kamianri said. Everyone listened.
"His glass all moved in one direction around him. I think he can only move it in a circular rotation or direct all of it in one location. Under stand?" He asked. Everyone nodded.
"Okay, well, I have a plan..."

"Wait, that's not the guy with the original quirk." Ochako said. She knew that Phelps has the faster growth quirk and Gale has the warp quirk. What was happening?
"Good observation! I'll give it to you. Well, I'll just say it. I have his quirk. You could probably guess how if you used your brain but there is no time." Phelps said. All the rubble in front of them vanished through the ground. They all quickly jumped to avoid the attack. Instead of them being attacked, all the debris were directed to block their vision.
"Where did he go?" Shinso asked. Everyone looked around.
Where did he go? Why would he come here specifically? He can't have gone far and is probably looking for something... WAIT!
"STAY ON THE DEFENSE!" Ochako shouted. They all got into defense positions.
"Knowing his last quirk, he's probably looking for—" She began before a large sound of destruction was heard.
"Legit what is wrong with everyone!? You basically just have me weapons!" He said walking out of a building. The building was a plant shop. A large one.
"He was looking for that!" Ochako said.
"Vines for decoration for me are vines for destruction!" He yelled as vines grew endlessly everywhere. Both of his quirks were increased. They were incredibly strong now. The vines wouldn't rest for much. They didn't think so anyway. That was until Tokoyami's foot was grabbed by one. The vine grew along his entire leg the up his arm. Dark Shadow quickly cut the vine.
"That kinda hurt, but I'm okay." He said. The vines actually wouldn't stop.
"This is more than just faster growing." Shinso said. The vines grew against the walls along the buildings and under them. Phelps got ready to throw something. Shoji ran in front as Phelps threw out what seemed to be a norma looking tree. He was able to stop it.
"Wow, I have plenty of these. I have pine trees, oak trees, birch, you name it." Phelps said looking through his collection. Ochako looked around. The vines kept growing everywhere. The walls began to crumble around them.
"Just what is that quirk?" She asked herself. Suddenly Phelps threw out three more trees, which everyone was able to dodge. They had to jump.
"Well now that you're all in the air..." He smiled. Vines shot out from his sides into the walls, which vanished through and appeared near them. The vines were able to grasp onto them and grow on them like an infection. They all quickly broke free.
"That quirk... it can grow them fast enough to make them propel through the air. Not only that, the vines seemed to try to kill us." Tsu said.
"Yeah, we have to take him down quick!" Sero replied as he shot out tape to try to trap Phelps. Quickly Phelps threw out another tree that easily just pushed away the tape. Ochako jumped up and used zero gravity on it. Sero then pulled the tree and tried to crush Phelps with it. He was able to teleport away in an instant.
"This will be difficult." Shinso said. Tokoyami sent Dark Shadow to look for Phelps. At the time, the sun was almost down. Something to keep in mind. Suddenly the vines tried to grab onto them again. They were able to avoid them again as they caught sight of Phelps down the street from them.
"Alright! You need to stop!" Shinso yelled.
"And why would I—" Phelps began before being affected by Shinso's quirk.
"Whoo!" Sero cheered.
"That could have been terrible. Thank god you exist Shinso." Tsu said. Shinso had him begin to walk over to them. Out of nowhere a vine grabbed onto Phelps.
"What the hell!?" Shinso said out loud. The vine pulled him, giving him a good tug and breaking him free of Shinso's quirk.
"Alright, what the hell!? His quirk is unbelievable!" Shinso shouted again. Phelps began to smile.
"Well, you obviously don't know the full power of my quirk yet!" He smiled. Everyone was in a fighting stance toward him.
"You see, my quirk doesn't just raise the growth of plant and human cells." He said walking toward them. Ochako knee where this was going.
"They follow your will. You basically make them your slaves." She said.
"Smart girl. Where'd you get so observant?" Phelps asked.
"I picked it up from someone." Ochako said. Phelps quirk could always do this. He was never powerful enough to really do anything with it. The most he could do was fasten the growth. Now, he was controlling it entirely.
"Well, where were we before I was rudely interrupted?" He asked looking at Shinso.
"Kicking your a$$!" Sero shouted as he shot out tape. Phelps used another tree to reflect the tape away.
"We have to find a way to make him defenseless!" Ochako said as they split up to circle him. The vines kept growing. His quirk became unstoppable now. This was going to be difficult, now that he had two quirks...

"WATCH IT!" Deku shouted as Kirishima just barely dodged an attack. Bakugo was still up close throwing blasts while Blight was handling all four of them.
"JUST DIE ALREADY!" Bakugo shouted setting off a larger explosion. Blight still stood however. Todoroki launched an ice wall which Blight easily destroyed.
"I can't use ice if he can still defend like that!" Todoroki shouted switching to fire. Blight tried to attack Bakugo before Kirishima was able to land a hard hit to his back. Blight turned and swiped his finger. It connected with Kirishima's face, but just deflected off. Kirishima was in unbreakable. Bakugo landed a harder hit now. Blight stumbled back a bit. Todoroki used fire to burn and blind Blight. As the fire cleared Deku jumped in and landed a kick right in his chest, sending Blight sliding across the ground.
"Nice!" Kirishima cheered pumping up his fist.
"Good work on disposing if him quickly." Todoroki said to Deku.
"Yeah, thanks Bakugo for attacking him ninety percent of the time." Bakugo said to himself.
"Yeah, great job Bakugo! Great job to all!" Blight said, now standing.
"He's still up even after that combo!?" Kirishima asked.
"Not for long!" Bakugo shouted as he rushed in.
"Now that I've had some experience, I'll make this quick." Blight said walking forward. Bakugo was mid air.
"You use your mobility to your advantage." Blight said as he created a geyser right below Bakugo, who barely dodged it.
"I can't hurt you, so I'll push you aside." He said creating a wave to push Kirishima into a building.
"You I can't deal, so I'll just kill you." He said as he threw out two shots at Todoroki. Todoroki blocked with ice. Blight threw another two shots, one in front and one flew behind Todoroki. Todoroki once again blocked the first one.
"BEHIND YOU!" Deku shouted before the second cut cake to hit Todoroki. Todoroki moved as the cut sliced just barely along his arm. He turned back to Blight as he launched a full attack of fire against him. He held it for three seconds before three cuts came out of the fire to slice up his legs. He fell to his knees.
"Now that you showed me, you're defenseless when using your fire." Blight said, now turning to Deku. Kirishima and Bakugo jumped out again.
"I'll get Todoroki! You two fight him!" Kirishima said, running to Todoroki. Blight was about to attack Kirishima before Bakugo hit him with a blast.
"Well you can only attack one person at a time!" He shouted. Blight swing his arm to which Bakugo backed up onto his feet. Deku and Bakugo were now on both sides of him.
"Look Deku, this is the only time I'll team with you!" Bakugo said. Blight smirked.
"By the way, who said I can only attack one person at a time?" He said. He then began throwing shots at both Bakugo and Deku. Quickly they dodged every shot. Deku looked down the street to see Kirishima turn the corner. He would get help and this would end. There were only three threats. Blight, Phelps, and SandStorm. The other villains either hid away for later or were unconscious and in jail. Most of the heroes were unconscious due to Blight's venom and the other villains. The ones that were awake were trying to get the others to safety. Everything in the city went to hell, and things were gonna get a whole lot worse... (next chapter)

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