One for All's New Ability

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Before getting onto the story, how many of you ever played/like Terraria. Since the last update is coming out soon, I'm really hyped about it, then that got me thinking... what if I made a Terraria story? Tell me your thoughts!
"Begin." Aizawa said, begging the battle between Koda and Jiro. Meanwhile, Iida, Deku, and Ochako were at a different, smaller arena.
"So, what is this about?" Ochako asked. Iida grinned.
"You'll see. Here, take this stop watch." Iida said tossing it to Ochako. She barely caught it.
"I want you to time me. I'm going to take five laps around here. Ready?" He asked. Ochako nodded. Deku waited patiently and began to count down.
"Three, two, one, GO!" Deku said. At the same time, Iida sprinted off and Ochako started the clock. After a bit, Iida finished his five laps.
"That was amazing! Four seconds!" Ochako cheered. Iida nodded.
"Okay, so Midoriya, come here." Iida said. Deku walked over.
"Charge up your quirk." He said. Deku charged up One for All to 50%. The green energy sparked around the place, landing on Iida, Ochako, and the ground. He stood there for a moment.
"Alright, count me down." Iida said. Deku nodded as Ochako got ready to time him.
"If my theory is correct, then..." He began before charging forward. He wasn't even using Recipro Burst and he was speedy quick. Deku could've sworn he saw Iida trip a bit from the speed. He finished his five laps in an instant. Ochako stopped it and store at in in disbelief.
"What is it?" Iida asked.
"Uh... 2.45 seconds." She said. Iida's and Deku's jaws dropped.
"THAT MUCH?" Iida asked.
"I DID THAT?" Deku also asked. Iida took in the information and turned to Deku.
"Midoriya, your quirk's energy that emits from your body can give people a boost in their quirk, respiration, and strength in general." Iida continued.
"When we were fighting Blight, I was too tired out to fight until your quirk zapped me. I felt a lot of my energy return. I wonder what else that quirk of yours can do!" Iida said happily. Deku was deep in thought.
So... you mean... Eri... she... I... He began thinking before a tear dropped from his eye.
"MIDORIYA! Are you okay?"
"Deku! What happened?"
"I-I'm fine, just, something's in my eye." He said as he turned around. Iida and Ochako both had doubts.
"Anyway, with that theory, Uraraka! Being charged from his quirk might stop your nausea for longer and increase the time you can use your quirk!" Iida said. Ochako nodded.
"Midoriya, you were able to power my quirk subconsciously. Try to not power my quirk up and be near me!" Iida demanded for a test. Deku charged One for All at 50% again. The energy zapped Iida.
"Okay, now time me." He said. Ochako nodded as Deku counted down.
"Three, two, one, GO!" He said as Iida took off. Iida did his five laps and stopped. He looked at Ochako now.
"Around four seconds again." She said. Deku did a slight air pump with his fist in succession of controlling his power. Iida nodded.
"You already have a hang of it! Good. Let's try it on Uraraka." Iida said.
"We shouldn't. I don't have a lot of things I can use my quirk on around here. Let's try another time." She said. Deku and Iida nodded.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Kirishima asked. He was followed by Kaminari, Shinso, and Mina.
"Wait, did you guys go yet?" Deku asked.
"Yeah, they're on their last battle now. Anyway, what are you doing?" Kaminari demanded for a answer. Deku smiled.
"Well, I have a new ability now!" He said.
"Great! Show us!" Kaminari told him. Deku nodded.
"Okay, Kirishima, how many blows can you take before cracking?" Deku asked. Kirishima got a little scared by this.
"Well, from you? In unbreakable, about 20." He said. The two have tested this before.
"Okay, well can you harden to a point that can be easily broken by Iida's kicks?" Deku asked. Kirishima was just confused now, but went with it. His skin hardened.
"Ready!" He said. Everyone took a step back. Iida jumped up and kicked Kirishima's right arm. It didn't crack, but after another kick it did.
"OW!" Kirishima yelled in pain.
"Don't worry, now stay like that." Deku said. He walked behind Kirishima and charged One for All to 50% again, allowing it to power him up. Deku nodded to Iida.
"Okay Kirishima, stay that same harden strength." Deku said. Kirishima was about to ask why when Iida's engines power up. He went Recipro Burst.
"Uh..." Kirishima began.
"Stay at that harden!" Deku shouted. Iida jumped up and went for a kick at maximum power. It landed on Kirishima's left arm, and didn't move his arm at all. Kirishima's eyes widened. His kick didn't hurt him what so ever.
"What!? COOL!" Kirishima smiled at his strength. He was able to completely stop the attack and not even move a muscle. Iida landed on his feet.
"Impressive." Iida said.
"WHAT!? DO THAT TO ME!" Mina and Kaminari demanded at the same time.
"Do what?" Aizawa asked, now seemingly appearing out of nowhere behind Kaminari and Mina.
"Oh, my new ability!" Deku said. Aizawa raised an eyebrow.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Well, I can power someone's abilities using my quirk." Deku smiled. Everyone nodded in acknowledgment. Aizawa placed his hand on his chin and thought for a moment.
"Hmm... I guess we can make training longer today." Aizawa said to himself.
"What?" Everyone asked at the same time. Everyone turned to Deku.
"I'm sorry." He said. Aizawa sighed.
"Okay, let's get everyone over here." He said as he walked to the second group waiting for instructions. He pulled everyone over there. The second he did Bakugo grabbed Deku's shirt collar.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He screamed. He instantly accused Deku. He didn't even know why he was dragged over there.
"Jeez Kacchan! Let go!" Deku said struggling to break free without using violence.
"Silent please!" Aizawa shouted. Everyone looked at him.
"Okay, today we are extending training AND if I here ANY complaining, you will be EXPELLED!" Aizawa said. Everyone was silent.
"Good, now Midoriya has something to show you all." He said. Everyone turned to Deku. Deku's natural nervous breakdowns were kicking in.
"W-well... hi!" He said. Everyone stared at him unamused.
"W-well, m-my quirk can power up the abilities of others." He said. Everyone stared at him.
"Anyone want to demonstrate?" Deku asked. Iida rose his hand.
"I wi—" He began.
"Not you." Deku said. Iida slowly lowered his hand.
"I will you sh!tty nerd!" Bakugo shouted.
"O-Okay! Stand next to me and everyone get 50 meters away!" Deku smiled. Everyone got behind Deku. Bakugo stood next to him and looked out at the area with the most space.
"This is about One for All, isn't it?" Bakugo whispered. Deku sighed.
"Yeah, now let's do this." Deku responded. He charged One for All to 50% as he nodded for Bakugo to go. He grinned. He aimed out his hand at the open space in front of him as he tried to send out the biggest explosion possible. The second he released it, the explosion was MASIVE. It was so large that everyone was knocked off their balance, felt the heat, half of the building was filled with smoke, and the corner of the building was gone. Bakugo grinned as he slapped his hands together as if he got them dirty.
"Well, that was pleasant! Who's next?" Bakugo asked in a happy tone. Everyone was afraid. Aizawa wrote something down in a notebook. He was probably taking an analysis on what everyone's increased power was.
"I will!" Mina exclaimed. She ran over and stood next to Deku.
"Ready!" Deku said. Mina send out a bunch of acid. The acid landed on the ground as it began melting through the ground almost endlessly. Everyone gathered around the hole as it deepened and deepened. Aizawa took note of that.
"Scary. I wanna try!" Kaminari exclaimed. Everyone backed up.
"That's not a good idea." Aizawa said.
"What!? Why!?" He asked. Aizawa didn't say anything. Nobody did. Kaminari looked around then realized the problem.
"Oh, right." He said.
"Don't worry Kaminari, we'll find a way to Boise your quirk without hurting anyone." Deku smiled. Kaminari smiled too.
"Thanks." He said. Jiro walked up.
"Okay, I'll go next." She said. Deku nodded as Kaminari walked away. Jiro placed her EarJacks into the ground. She activated her quirk and... yeah. The sound was increasingly high as it seemed like an earthquake formed on the ground. The crack in the floor was huge, legit like an earthquake.
"Okay. This is dangerous." Deku said.
"Don't worry, I'll cancel your quirk if needed. Continue with the tests." Aizawa said. Deku sighed. Todoroki waked up.
"I'll go." He said emotionless, well, more emotionless than ever. Deku gave him a weird look. He knew something was bothering him. Todoroki created a large ice wall, bigger than the one against. Bakugo. It went through the incredibly high ceiling. He then used his flames to create a large body of fire to melt the ice. Water leaked everywhere. Before he move away, he patched the holes with ice. He then simply walked off. Everyone watched in shock. Next up was Koda. He walked up as nervous as ever. He got the enhancement.
"O-oh, well it just helps me reach out further to animals, that's all." Koda said. Deku smiled.
"Great! Glad it helps!" He said. Koda then walked away. Shoji went up next. He received a zap and used his quirk to create two eyes and two ears into the air. The eyes looked around. A mouth then appeared next to Deku.
"Hey, did you know that the door is 12 feet tall and 10 wide? Well, not exactly. It's actually 9.99998 feet wide, meaning that who ever built it did a bad job and—"
"Excuse, you could read that from HERE!" Aizawa asked. Shoji turned to him and nodded.
"Okay, next." He said. Shoji walked away. Next up was Momo. She thought for a moment. She knew that the biggest thing she could create was a large, and I mean large cannon (for reference, the one from Heroes Rising). She took that knowledge and tried to build them. She was able to make ten before feeling slightly exhausted, and she build them incredibly fast. Ojiro went up next. His tail's coordination and strength went up a lot, as he was able to hop many meters into the air, move the large cannons with ease, and crack the ground into large fractures with a single blow. He walked off as Shinso walked up.
"Okay, so I'm not sure how this will help my quirk, but let's see what happens." He said. Deku charged his quirk. The second Shinso was charged his scarfs began levitating. He was confused as to why. (Okay, so quick theory. I think the reason Aizawa and Shinso can move the scarfs is because their Quirks use a lot of brainwave energy. This brainwave energy creates a small magnetic field, but larger than usual, making it possible to easily manipulate the scarf. I don't know, just a theory). Shinso then threw out his scarf, which was normal. He brought it back to himself.
"Hm... seems normal enough. Looks like nothing is different, except for the fact I feel awake." Shinso said. Deku nodded as to noticing the bags under Shinso's eyes were gone. He walked back.
"Wow! You look so much better awake!" Mina exclaimed.
"Thanks." Shinso responded. Next up was Tokoyami. He walked up next to Deku.
"I'm not sure this is a good idea." He said.
"Look, Aizawa is there to stop Dark Shadow if need be. You got this!" Deku encouraged. Tokoyami nodded as Deku charged One for All. Tokoyami released Dark Shadow. He was in his "normal" state, that normal state being the one Tokoyami always brings out. Tokoyami seemed to be struggling.
"Wow! I feel powerful!" Dark Shadow said to himself as he zoomed as broke a piece of Momo's cannon. He was speedy quick too. Tokoyami couldn't hold much more a she lost control. Dark Shadow grew slightly bigger as Aizawa canceled his quirk.
"Good work Tokoyami. Who's next?" Aizawa asked. Aoyama walked up.
"That would be moi!" He said. Deku allowed One for All to power Aoyama up. He shot out a very large laser, which was bigger than his belt projected thing. When he stopped, there was a massive hole in the wall. He walked off dazzled at his power. Tsu then walked up.
"Alright, I'm ready." She said. She received the zap as she hopped upwards. She jumped up to the ceiling as she stuck to it. She extended her tongue as it reached out further than before. She jumped back down as the power was leaving. She walked back next to everyone. Sato was next. He ate a cake, which he always had on him, and pushed a cannon to the front of him. He received the power and went hap on it. He was able to punch it to almost nothing. He grabbed a metal part of it as he crushed it down to a ball. He then felt really tired.
"Jeez man, I'm strong but I use a lot of calories fast. I need to rest and eat." He said just before falling to the ground. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow helped him up and into a seat. Next up was Sero. He got strength and sent out a bunch of tape. All the tape was propelled far before landing on the ground. A small bit of tape landed nearby. Sero stepped on it. He reached down to pull it off. He grabbed it and pulled on it. It wouldn't come off. As he tried to separate his hand, it was also stuck to the tape.
"Uh oh." He said as he walked back to everyone.
"Bakugo?" Zero asked. Bakugo sighed as he sent a large explosion, engulfing Sero in smoke. It cleared as the tape burnt up to nothing.
"Thanks." He said. Next up was Toru.
"Ready!" She said. Deku charged her up. There was nothing at first until she began using her Flash Bang attack. Deku turned around as Aizawa and only some people were able to not be blinded. It was there was a collapsing neutron star right in front of them, and they had front row seats to a supernova. It was bad. Most people were blind for a solid minute as they were all checked on. After they were checked up, last was Ochako. She walked up and stood next to Deku.
"Ready?" Deku asked.
"Ready!" She responded. She received a zap as Deku kicked the ground for more cracks to form. Ochako ran out and began using her quirk on the ground. All the pieces of the floor began levitating. Ochako kept going. Deku ran along side her so she doesn't run out of power. She had almost a hundred rocks up and she didn't feel nauseous at all. She actually felt like doing more. They soon stopped though as they made their way back.
"Is that everyone?" Aizawa asked. Everyone looked around to see a response.
"I'll take that as a yes. Okay, class dismissed. Remember, there's a field trip tomorrow." Aizawa said, leaving the building. Everyone departed too and began leaving. Deku walked over to Todoroki, who was walking alone.
"Hey, you good?" Deku asked. Todoroki kept looking forward.
"Yes." He said. Deku has doubt.
"I can tell something is wrong. Tell me." Deku said. Todoroki kept looking forward. He sighed.
"It's family stuff. It won't matter soon." He said as he began walking faster to loose Deku. Deku let it happen as Iida and Ochako caught up.
"Hey, what's up with him?" Ochako asked.
"He said family problems. He's dealt with them before, so he should be fine now." Deku said. Todoroki kept walking forward. He had lied about the issue. It was a family issue, but it was much, much worse. As they were leaving, class B came in.
"HA! What a mess! Class 2-A? Being a superior class? PATHETIC! We'll leave without a mess, cause we know how to do that! HAHAHA—" Monoma began before being knocked out by Kendo.
"Sorry again." She said.
"We need to find a way to stop that." Mina said.
"I can have Midoriya help me tape him up—"
"NO!" Mina and Kendo said, stopping Sero from finishing his sentence. They all got home and rested well for the big day. Deku was sitting the couch. Todoroki wasn't there as usual. Deku yawned.
God, I wish I could've got more sleep. Those nightmares... whatever. They'll stop tomorrow. Deku said as he enjoyed the time with everyone. All Deku wondered was what Todoroki was doing. Why was he so weird today? What were the family problems..?

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