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Sand began rising in a spiral rotation, moving around SandStorm. Deku sent a kick through the air to attack with air pressure, which failed to get through. Ochako and Momo ran to a nearby car. Todoroki started shooting ice at him. SandStorm has to dodge that. Other than that, he could destroy the ice easily. It was useless. His quirk was to control sand they thought. It seemed like it so far. Todoroki blocked or dodged the sand attacks as Deku did the same. Momo always made a shield to protect herself and Ochako. Soon enough, the girls were done with their plan. Todoroki saw the car. The car was in the air. All they had to do was get it to drop on him. Sure, it might kill him, but with a quick like that, it'll just be a big annoyance. Todoroki shot ice again, which SandStorm dodged. He was under the car.
"Release!" Ochako said. The car began falling downwards, landing perfectly upon SandStorm. Of course, he used his quirk to slow down it's fall. It wasn't fatal, but he couldn't move due to it sitting on his back. The students went over to him.
"We should get pro heroes." Ochako said. Everyone nodded. Deku then noticed something. The windshield, which was where they were standing next to, shook a bit. Deku was confused. He walked around the car. All the windows shook. The windows? No, it was the glass. Deku realized what was gonna happen.
"GET DOWN!" Deku yelled. Everyone, confused, fell to the ground at the same time the glass flew out of the car. Some scraped Deku's shoulder. The glass stopped midair, and flew back at them. They all shielded or dodged out of the way. Suddenly, all the glass on nearby shops or restaurants broke and flew over to the car. All the glass pieces were small, but there were already thousands. They all rose the car up as SandStorm rose to his feet.
"Wow, I'm surprised. You guys are only first years? Wait, no, second. I thought I could go easy. I guess not. Anyway, let's end this. I have things to do." He said as glass moved around him really fast. His quirk was to control sand. Glass is basically just heated and cooled sand. So for some reason, it lets him move glass. The glass moving fast around him started refracting the sun, causing a blinding tornado. Deku and the rest instantly jumped into a shop and ducked down.
"We need to call a hero." Deku said. He pulled out his phone.
"Wait NO!" Todoroki screamed. Suddenly the screen broke, sending glass to float up at Deku. The glass shards scarves stay at his face, leaving scratched all over it. Deku fell back, falling in pain. The glass stopped then turned toward Todoroki. They flew at straight line. Momo quickly pulled out a metal bottle and luckily trapped the sand. Since SandStorm couldn't see, he sent the glass forward hoping he'd hit someone. It all landed in the bottle as she quickly closed the bottle. There was clacking in the bottle before it all stopped.
"DEKU!" Ochako and Todoroki screamed out. Deku was holding his hands to his face. He moved them to show al the cuts along his face. None of the glass was sharp enough to pierce his bones, but they left really but marks. Blood was pouring out, not badly, but it started dripping down his cheek.
"S-Sh!t! Ow this hurts." Deku said to himself. Momo quickly made medical supplies and started patching him up the best she could. She wiped the blood and placed small tape like cloths on the wounds to stop the bleeding. Todoroki began shooting out fire at SandStorm.
Hotter. Thats what father told me. Keep getting hotter!
The fire shot forward as the glass shards began slowing. They almost hit him until they fell to his feet. The fire got close to SandStorm before he used some glass to move himself and block any fire. Momo quickly created a radio to contact other heroes. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance and more screams. The four looked over to where the smoke was coming from. The hospital.
"It's a group attack." Ochako said. SandStorm rose to his feet as Todoroki shot more fire.
"Okay, you guys stay here. I can't get close to him. I'll help at the hospital." Deku said as he began running at full speed. SandStorm shot glass at him until he had to block more fire.
"You guys are really getting on my nerves." He said.
"Good, I hope we are." Todoroki responded, this time trying to freeze SandStorm. It was no use. Every time there was ice, it would be destroyed by the shards of glass. This was a tough battle. There was to much glass around the area to run out of. They needed one clean shot on him.
"It's done." Momo said as she created a cannon. She began aiming.
"I can't get a clean shot. Plus, your fire or his glass could interfere." She said. Ochako stood there thinking of what to do. She ran to a nearby car without any glass and lifted it. She then grabbed the bottom and held it like a shield. She then began moving forward.
"What are you—" Momo began but was cut off.
"Just wait for an open shot." Ochako said. Soon, pro heroes would arrive, but they had to act still. If they wanted to be heroes, they wouldn't run from a battle. Ochako was getting closer with the car. Any glass would just hit the car and scrape at the metal. The glass then came around the car. There were seconds until she'd be hit. Suddenly, ice arouse around the car and her, keeping her from damage. SandStorm could control the glass at a far range, but he couldn't see everything. He didn't know the ice was there, so he couldn't move around it. Ochako began getting closer again. The glass revolving around SandStorm strengthened. Even if he couldn't see behind the car, the amount of stream they and glass moving in a circle would shred the car and ice. As the glass strengthened, it began picking up dirt and dust. It formed a small, controlled tornado. You couldn't see in it, you couldn't see out. The glass kept spinning. SandStorm sighed.
"I can't deal with this right now. Gale, do you read me?" He asked.
"Yup, loud and clear."
"Good, bring me back." SandStorm said.
"I can't. The cameras can't you." Gale said. SandStorm sighed. The tornado began weakening. He looked around but couldn't see the car.
"Release!" The car began falling from above, along with Ochako on top. His eyes widened. He then shot all the glass at the car in an attempt to stop it. The car began slowing as glass deflected everywhere. Some glass hit nearby security cameras too, breaking them.
"NOW!" Ochako screamed. SandStorm turned his head as a cannon slammed into his chest, sending him flying back into the wall. Perfect timing too, Hawks showed up.
"Kids, where's the issue? Are you alright?" He asked. Ochako gagged a little as Momo and Todoroki tried to catch their breath. Police cars came in as they could now safely get close.
"Yeah, he's down in the wall. Get him quick." Ochako said. SandStorm wasn't completely unconscious, just disorientated. Police went over and cuffed him, now unable to use his quirk. The cuffs were made for villains with quirks like that. He rose up and began walking to the cop car. A news truck came in quickly. There were also police at the hospital as well. The news team set up the camera and aimed it at Hawks.
"We are live." A reporter said. The woman nodded.
"Can you tell us how you took out this villain?" She asked. Hawks smirked.
"Me? Ask the kids, they did it." He said. The reporter looked at the kids. She nodded at the camera man aimed the camera at the students.
"Oh! Class 1-A students right?" She asked. SandStorm stopped.
"Hey, man, you gotta move." A cop said. He didn't budge.
"How did you three take out that villain?" She asked.
"A car."
"A cannon."
The three said one after another. SandStorm wouldn't move. The cops we're getting annoyed.
"Okay then, I'll just take you." He said. This got the reporters attention as they aimed the camera at SandStorm. He grinned. He then vanished through the ground.
"W-WHAT!" Ochako screamed. Hawks instantly flew into the air to look around while Todoroki and Momo just looked around. The police were also confused. Ochako, Momo, and Todoroki all looked at the hospital at the same time. People there needed help. They all ran over to help whatever was happening there...

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