To the Rescue!

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There were plenty of heroes on stand by for this raid. Tokoyami was going to be retrieved. Deku was talking some stuff over with Todoroki when he was as taped on his shoulder. He turned to see All Might.
"All Might!? Why are you here!? You might get hurt!" Deku said.
"Do not fear my boy. Remember when I had you charge at 100% a few times next to me?" He asked. Deku though back to it. (I seriously was going to put something like this in the last few chapters I forgot each time and I'm sorry but know I've been planning this and it's not just out of nowhere)
"Yeah, why did I do that?" Deku asked.
"Why? Because I AM HERE!" All Might shouted entering a buff form.
"Y-You..!" Deku began before getting cut off.
"It won't help too much. I can't stay in this form forever. Just know that I'll be here to help, and... your quirk is special." All Might said. Deku thought about that.
My quirk is different from All Might's... why...
"EVERYONE! GET IN POSITION!" Endeavor shouted. Everyone was ready. There was a back line and a front line. Deku, Ochako, Kirishima, Kaminari, Jiro, Shoji, Quinn, Todoroki, Bakugo, Tsu, Iida, All Might, Endeavor, Mirko, Aizawa, Gran Torino, Hawks, Mirio, and many other heroes. In the back lines, you had the rest of Class A, Fat Gum, Nejire, Tamaki, Manuel, Ryuko, and other Heroes.
"The frontline will rush in while the back line stays here to stop any escapes or for backup. Got it!?" Endeavor asked. Everyone replied yes in some way.
"Alright! On my mark!" Endeavor said. Everything was silent.
"You sure this is the place?" Endeavor asked Hawks.
"I'm certain, right here. The ground." He said pointing down. Endeavor aimed his hand at the ground.
"Perfect." Dabi said, looking at a screen. He then shot off his own fire. It went right through the metal and came up at Endeavor, who dodged the attack.
"Dabi from the league!?" Hawks asked.
"Me too!" Toga chanted as she jumped out of the hole with a knife. She was much quicker as she stabbed Endeavor. Hawks quickly went down and hit her away. She landed on her feet as Endewcor shot more fire. She quickly dodged it and retreated.
"Let's go in." Endeavor said. He shot off a large amount of fire, making the hole grow bigger, and eventually leading right into the facility. From they they could see, there were many villains there. Some of them had projectiles as they began firing whatever they were. Endeavor jumped down. As he hit the ground, a large amount of fire came off from his body, knocking everyone down.
"Nice fire. Makes mine look hot!" Dabi smiled. Endeavor fired at him as the blue and red fire clashed. The blue fire was gaining.
W-What!? How is that possible!? He's much stronger than before!
Endeavor felt someone at his side. Todoroki stood next to him as he helped shoot fire. Dabi was over taken as he turned to mud.
"Thank you Shoto. It seemed like he was a clone." Endeavor said. Todoroki nodded as he rushed forward with the others. It was a battle. Some heroes were being stalled while others got through easily. Tsu and Shoji attacked together and apprehended many of the villains at once.
"We will get Tokoyami back." Shoji said. Tsu nodded. Akashi ran through a portal and saw the chaos. He quickly ran to the control room.
"What do we do?" Someone asked.
"Release all subjects here. Everyone but D4r4." Akashi said. They did exactly that. As the heroes were fighting, and obviously winning, a few new villains busted through a few doors.
"How many do they have!?" Deku asked. He backed up and stopped. That's when he noticed something isn't he corner of his eye. A shadow in the corner. He turned to it. As he did, Toga and Viper jumped out.
"AHH!" Deku screamed as he jumped back. Viper and Toga missed.
"I'll get revenge for what you did to Blight!" Viler said with a smile.
"Hi Izu!" Toga waved.
"Don't call me that!" Deku shouted as he used a Delaware Airforce. The two dodged out of the way. Viper disappeared into a shadow. The shadow quickly moved.
Who was the new girl? He asked himself. Suddenly Toga went to stab him again. He sent a kick to her chest until she dodged it.
She got faster!?
Toga was going to stab Deku before Ochako came in and punched her away. She landed in her feet.
"Hehehe! Oh it's been so long since I'd seen you two!" Yoga said. Deku and Ochako turned to her.
"Who are the new guys?" Deku asked.
"You'll find out soon enough." She said with a "teehee" and ran. Deku went after her before fire engulfed in front of him. Ochako pulled him backing using her grappling hooks. Dabi was expelling a fire in front of him.
"We need you dead. Vulcan!" Dabi shouted. A man walked up, which was Vulcan. He placed his hand in the fire. On the other side, where Deku and Ochako were, the fire melded toward them. It turned to a head. The head of a dragon. The rest of it came out. The dragon was made of fire.
"Well. That's not good!" Deku shouted. The dragon, of course, breathed fire. The two jumped out of the way. Dabi stopped shooting fire and ran. The dragon stayed. Everyone was trying to stop it. Vulcan was tired out by it, however, he could still move. Him and Dabi escaped as they ran deeper into the facility. Meanwhile, All Might was taking out many people at a time.
"I've never felt this good since forever!" He shouted as he punched multiple villains. Sudd rly he revived a punch to his jaw as he went flying. He looked up to see a man in a gas mask. The man was really muscular.
"You... weak..." He said.
"Let's see about that!" All Might grinned as the two battled it out. Kirishima stopped an attack from multiple projectiles as Tamaki took a bunch of them out.
"Nice work!" Kirishima shouted.
"Yup." Tamaki responded. Bakugo landed and backed up into Todoroki. The two looked at each other.
"You don't have a choice." Todoroki said as they were surrounded by villains.
"I hate you." Bakugo said. The two teamed up and quickly took down everyone, protecting one another. Suddenly everything shook.
"What was that?" Mirko asked. Suddenly a large villain, not too big, but still pretty big bashed through the wall. With it many other villains approached.
"God! How many people did they have here?" Bakugo asked as he tried to send off an explosion. It was weak.
"What the hell!?" He asked himself. Todoroki protected him with ice.
"Don't slack off." Todoroki said.
"IT'S NOT ON PURPOSE!" Bakugo shouted at him. Suddenly Akashi came out of seemingly nowhere and tried to stab Bakugo. Bakugo saw this and turned and set a small explosion off. Akashi backed up. The explosion was weaker.
"So, your explosions still work pretty well. That's something to note." Akashi said. Todoroki began to create ice. The ice was weak and slow. It didn't even make it to Akashi.
"Hmm... it stunts your attack speed and power." Akashi said to himself taking notes in his head.
"My explosions are weaker... good thing I stocked these up." He grinned. He aimed his gauntlet at him. Akashi quickly jumped out of the way as the explosion missed and hit a bunch of other villains.
"Your quirk... it weakens the quirk you chose." Bakugo said. Akashi turned to him.
"Precisely! But, there's more..." Akashi began. Bakugo used explosions to lift himself up into the air.
"I DON'T CARE! DIE!" Bakugo shouted. Akashi grinned. As Bakugo was propelling himself forward, once of his explosions fired really large. Todoroki barely blocked himself and others from the explosions. One of them included Iida.
"Bakugo needs to control his explosions!" He shouted.
"It wasn't his fault, it was the villain." Todoroki said.
Akashi's quirk- Power Charge
He has the ability to control the amount of power you can use on your quirk. He can only activate it when he's seen your quirk in action with his own eyes. He can activate his quirk by just thinking about changing the power of the opponent's quirk. It deactivates when he wants it too or receives a blow that knocks him a bit.
"He's controlling our power usage!" Todoroki said. Iida nodded.
"I'm going in!" He said as he ran full speed around the ice at Akashi. Meanwhile, Bakugo set off that explosion and hit a door. He looked up and thought for a moment.
This door is the only one still closed...
He looked at the label at the top. D4r4. He didn't know what it meant.
"Don't go in there." Akashi said.
"And if I do?" Bakugo asked.
"I'll be mad." Akashi responder. Suddenly he received a kick from Iida. He slid forward. As he did, Bakugo put his foot on him.
"You should stick to the back line where you're useful." Bakugo grinned. Akashi tapped something on the side did his ear.
"Shut off the lights and open D4r4!" He shouted.
"Why?" A man asked.
"JUST DO IT!" Akashi shouted. Bakugo picked him up.
"What was that about..."

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the fight, less than a minute earlier...
Quinn set up a wire everywhere as he quickly zipped through them and shocked multiple villains. Kaminari also shocked the villains that Jiro stunned. The lights went out.
"What happened?" Jiro asked. The only person you could see was Deku's energy and Endeavor. Over by Bakugo, the door had a large bang.
"You know, it's hard for him to control it in the dark." Akashi said. Bakugo's eyes widened.
"IT'S TOKOYAMI! HE CAN'T—" Bakugo began before being smacked by Dark Shadow at a full power. He went flying and hit Todoroki. Tokoyami swing his arms and took out both villains and heroes.
"EVERYONE... R-RUN!" Tokoyami shouted. Tears were falling from his eyes. Deku ran over to Bakugo and Todoroki. Bakugo was fine, while Todoroki was unconscious.
"Shoot! ENDEAVOR! CALM HIM DOWN!" Deku shouted. Endeavor was looking the other way. Seconds before, a bluish energy in the shape of a humanoid figure entered his body. He started flying upwards toward the exit. He wasn't flying perfectly, like he didn't know how to use his quirk. Endeavor reached the top. As he did, someone came out of him. This left Endeavor unconscious. It was Itsuko, with her quirk Meld. She jumped back down the hole.
"SUTERUSU!" She shouted. She suddenly disappeared into a shadow. She reappeared in a brighter area, the other district.
"You good?" Shifter asked.
"Yeah. We took out the heroes that can create light." Itsuko said.
"Now what?" Twice asked. Shigaraki thought for a moment.
"I'm not sure. We need this Nomu done, so let's protect this district." He said...

Back at the other district, Bakugo got up as Tokoyami raged on.
"DUNCE FACE! GET OVER HERE!" Bakugo shouted.
"What is it?" Kaminari asked as he ran over to him.
"These heroes may be able to handle Dark Shadow, but they'll be hurt pretty bad. Get the lights on!" Bakugo shouted.
"I don't know where I'm going though!" Kaminari said.
"Figure it out! I'll try and calm him down!" Bakugo said charging at him. Deku smiled.
He's always thinking fast knowing exactly what to do.
Bakugo set off an explosion as Dark Shadow screamed.
"GET THE LIGHT AWAY!" Dark Shadow screamed as he went crazy and whipped his arms around hitting everyone near him.
"CALM DOWN!" Bakugo shouted again. His explosion was weaker. Akashi was making his explosions become weak.
"HA! You'll never calm him down! He'll kill all of you against his will—" Akashi began before Tokoyami screamed and Dark Shadow slammed against Akashi. Tokoyami controlled Dark Shadow a little bit.
"CALM DOWN! RUN AWAY!" Tokoyami shouted. Bakugo set off more explosions. They weren't enough. Akashi looked up. Even with the lights out, things were still a little visible. Akashi saw as the heroes were coming out supreme.
"Open the portal. I'm fleeing!" Akashi said.
"Understood!" A worker said as a flipped a switch on the control panel. The portal between the two districts open. A light could be seen from it as villain ran to it to escape. As the worker opened the portal, the door kicked open to the control room.
"Seems to be my lucky day." Kaminari grinned as he shocked everyone in it. He soon enough turned on the lights. Dark Shadow began calming down with the help of Bakugo. At the same time, heroes were stopping any villains trying to escape. Deku landed on a villain and handcuffed him. He looked up at the portal. As he did, his eyes widened. Not only his, but All Night's and Gran Torino's too. They all saw the same person. Shigaraki. Shigaraki looked right back at them.
"Guys... we can stop this all..." Deku said. Bakugo was listening too.
"Right now." Deku said. They all looked at the portal beginning to close. They all quickly made a mad dash for the portal...

Hope you guys like where this is going. Once again, ima make you all cry. *Evil Laughter Intensifies*

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