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Shigaraki lay there on a bed unconscious, even after many months.
"Will the boss ever wake up?" Shifter asked.
"Who knows? Like he'll make anything better?" Dabi asked.
"Hey, I'd give him more credit. He killed All Might!" Suterusu said.
"I could have done it myself." Dabi said lighting a fire in his hand.
"Right. Kill Endeavor first." Spinner said. Dabi almost turned him into dinner if it wasn't for Akira shutting both of them up with a slap to the back of the head.
"Settle down everyone. Now, I know this situation seems bad, but things will get better soon." The doctor, Kyudai Garaki, said typing stuff on his computer.
"Yeah? Please tell us how? Shigi's been sleep for who knows how long now! What are we supposed to do? I don't assume you have any sort of plan?" Toga asked.
"Oh, I do indeed. In fact, I'd brace yourself in about an hour." Garaki said starting a timer.
"Why? Who cares!?" Twice asked.
"Because something big is coming. Bigger than you'd ever imagine." Doc responded. They all looked at each other in confusion. They all heard a vibration.
"That'd be me. I'll be on my marry way." Dabi said.
"Wait, don't you wanna see what this big thing is?" Tristan asked.
"Not really. I don't plan on being crushed to death. See ya." He said with a small wave.
"Take me to the usual place doc." He said. A small Nomu head came and covered him in a black ink and then just like that he vanished...

"You're late!" Hawks shouted.
"You're early." Dabi responded. He walked into an abandoned city building in a parking garage.
"Well, that doesn't make sense." Hawks replied.
"What do you want?" Dabi asked. He was upset with him. He even had a few villainous thoughts.
"Well, I was thinking back on that agreement, hm, what was it? Oh yeah! When will I meet Shigaraki?" Hawks asked.
"Hey, the man is busy. Give him some time." Dabi said.
"Really? Or could it be that he's still heat up from that fight he had with All Might?" He asked. Dabi rolled his eyes.
"So what if he is? What are you gonna do against us." Dabi asked.
"I don't know, it seems like a good time to attack you." Hawks responded.
"I wouldn't count on it." He said as he began to walk away. Then he stopped waking.
"Oh yeah. That reminds me..." He began. He knelt down. A blue fire spread across the floor then moved around them. It closed in as the heat increased.
"You plan on killing me here?" Hawks asked.
"No. Just enough to singe any feathers away from your body." Dabi grinned. Hawks let off a little sweat, weather it was from the heat or stress was unclear. The fire went away.
"Great. That'll stop you from finding out location again." He said.
"W-What do you mean?" Hawks asked.
"Well, it's simple. How did anyone find that place? Because of you, now things are gonna be harder for me. I noticed the feather the first time. I thought that if we could just get rid of the one district, things would be a little simpler if we had an army with us, but no! They had to open a portal that lead straight to us! God! Do you know what you've done to me? This sets me back so far! I was in charge of that Nomu and now I can't even see it! That could have fulfilled my duties for me, then just like that, I could be finished with everything. This is all because of you." Dabi said with a smile. He turned and began to walk away.
"By the way, the deal is over! Don't try contacting me again." Dabi said entirely vaporizing the phone he had. A black liquid coated him again before disappearing. Hawks sighed.
"Well, there goes that." Hawks said...

"What is your plan exactly?" Compress asked the doctor.
"I told you you'd find out later. I discussed some things with Shigaraki before that event happened. I hope to speak with him again about things." The doctor said.
"That is true! I remember that. He told me to leave the room when you called. What was it that you spoke of?" Kurogiri asked. The doctor sighed.
"You're not gonna find out until later!" He shouted.
"Why? Does it have something to do with that Nomu?" Dabi asked. Everyone turned to him surprised to see him back so soon.
"Oh, you're back." Enlighten said kind of annoyed.
"Got a problem with me?" Dabi asked.
"ENOUGH! You want to know?" Rhe doctor asked. Everyone looked at him in some sort of shock.
"Sure. What's the worst that could happen?" Dabi asked.
"Look. When we talked, he wasn't very friendly with me, and to be honest, I thought you guys would die a lot earlier, but I guess not." He said.
"What do you mean by that?" Viper asked.
"You new guys have no clue what I'm talking be about, but All for One assigned me to look after Shigaraki. Well, the other guy wasn't so happy about that. He's far hidden away but approaching this place fast. I doubt anyone will see him though, we're too far out from any city. Anyway, he thought that Shigaraki was weak. Even after he obtained All for One's quirk, he still thought that he was nothing compared to master's strength. I told him have faith, yet he refused to believe it. So I hid him and gave him a radio. I can control that radio and transmit whatever I want through it. During All Night's death, he heard everything that happened. All of it. And now he's coming." The doctor said. Everyone stared in shock.
"How big is he?" Vulcan asked.
"Bigger than Mount Lady." The doc said.
"What about strength?" Wraith asked
"He can probably level a mountain. Anyway, that's not the issue. He was only able to come here after I gave him a smell of Shigaraki. It was a pain to get it to him without it being traced by any police. I also had to direct him through some stuff like out of the way of a few cities and such. But now he had a straight line to us and he's approaching fast. Back to the problem at hand, he only reacts to his master's command. With Shigaraki's scent, he traced us and came here. However, he'll sit and do nothing after that. Shigaraki needs to give him orders to do something. He won't do anything otherwise. Even I can't control him." The doc said. Everyone looked at each tower with wide eyes.
"Well... that was unexpected..." Itsuko said.
"So how does this have anything to do with the Nomu?" Dabi asked.
"When I contacted him before hand, I wanted to have that Nomu and manufacture it here, where it's a lot safer. However, he was not so happy with that idea. He was mad that I only wanted to help them because of how good of a Nomu he was making. I'm quite impressed that you guys were making it with so little money and technology to your disposal. Long story short, he cut me off. Now that the Nomu is gone, there should be no reason to not be here." The doc said. They all didn't know how to respond.
"Okay now! Shoo shoo! I have work to get done!" The doc said. Everyone dispersed after that, doing their own thing.
"Let's go check on the new boss." Dabi said.
"Why?" Spinner asked.
"Why not? I might burn him a little this time." Dabi responded...

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