Turn of Events

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Before we start, the OC submissions are still going, but are ending soon. I'll give it until September September 1st. That's all you got, so get em out quick.

After training, Deku realized a few things about One for All. More specifically about its power. He had questions like, "Why is the United States of Smash stronger than a normal 100% move?" Or "Why do different punches at times do more damage than others?" Those were the questions he wanted answers to. He called All Might.
"Hello?" Deku asked.
"Yes Young Midoriya? What do you need?" All Might asked.
"I have a few questions about One for All that I'd like to ask. Is there somewhere we can meet?" Deku asked.
"Sure, just come to my office." All Might responded. After a few minutes, Deku walked into All Might's office where he was expecting him.
"Young Midoriya!" He greeted. Deku sat down across from him.
"What do you need to know?" All Might asked
"Well, I'm confused to why some punches are stronger than others, and I don't mean percentage wise. I'm talking as in one Detroit Smash to another, or United States of Smash." Deku said. All Might thought for a moment.
"Remember back when you fought Blight?" All Might asked.
"Yeah." Deku responded.
"Well, your one hundred percent punches were a lot stronger than you used against Bakugo or anyone else. This goes for my United States of Smash." All Might said. Deku nodded, listening to him.
"When I used United States of Smash, my power was increased by tenfold from a normal punch. This was because of me using all my energy in one punch, but that's not all." All Might said. Deku turned his head in confusion.
"It's the situation and the mentality of the punch. When I used that smash against All for One, it was a drastic moment. It was do or die, and I was ending it all with him there, or that's what I thought. You see, in the situation, your mentality comes to a big play. When really emotional, I think that all quirks get stronger. That's what me and an old friend of mine agreed on. When I used a Texas Smash to save Bakugo from the slime villain, I changed the weather. That was one of my reinvest punches, because at the moment, I was using all that I had. Seeing you do what you did made me emotional. Me and my friend thing that all quirks will be stronger depending on the situation." All Might said. Deku nodded, making a large mental note.
"Alright. Well, that's all. Thanks a lot." Deku said with a small wave as he began leaving.
"Goodbye Midoriya." All Might's responded.
I don't need to tell him. Not yet.
Deku walked away as he headed for the dorms. Little did he know was that Ochako was waiting for him.
"What was that about?" She asked.
"AH! Oh, you waited for me." Deku responded.
"Well of course I would!" Ochako said.
"Anyway, it was about One for All. It's power emitting, like how United States of Smash was tenfold of a normal hundred percent smash." Deku said.
"Oh, makes sense." Ochako responded. The two headed back to the dorms talking along the way. It was a Friday, so things were fun. They got back and saw a few people hanging out in the common room.
"Hey, what'd we miss?" Ochako asked.
"Nothin much, Tokoyami and Shoji went out to get something. Probably just a bro hang out." Kirishima said.
"Oh, and the girls went shopping." Kaminari said.
"Oh! That is for reminding me! I'm going with them. I gotta catch up! Bye!" Ochako said as she gave Deku a quick peck and ran.
"Aight, well, game time?" Kamianri asked.
"You bet!" Sero said.
"ALL OF YOU EXTRAS ARE GONNA LOSE!" Bakugo shouted at the top of his lungs.
"Not happening!" Kaminari screamed, being the best gamer there. If there was a rank, Kaminari would be the best and Sero in a close second. The rest I guess were like your average gamer. Other than Bakugo, he's your average rager.
"GOD DAMMIT I CLICKED A SEVERAL TIMES!" Bakugo shouted louder than glass.
"Sorry Bakugo, but you're just bad." Kamianri said.
"AND YOU'RE DEAD!" Bakugo screamed back. Everyone was holding Bakugo back when the front door opened. It was Shoji. Everyone froze and looked at him.
"Hey Shoji—" Kirishima began before he cut him off.
"Guys! There's an issue!" He shouted.
"What? Wait, why are your clothes ripped?" Deku asked.
"It's Tokoyami! Come on!" He shouted as he turned and ran again. Everyone looked at each other then began running.
"Where were you guys?!" Iida asked.
"It that new place at the corner of town!" Shoji said. Iida instantly boosted his engines and ran there. Bakugo, Deku, and Todoroki started using their way to get there faster, being the fastest out of everyone other than Iida. They made it as they saw restriction tape and police everywhere. They even saw All Might and Aizawa.
"What happened!?" Todoroki asked.
"There was a villain attack. It's fine now though." Aizawa said. Everyone else arrived.
"Where's Tokoyami!?" Shoji asked.
"Tokoyami? He was here!?" All Might asked.
"Y-Yes! Was he not here when you got here?" Shoji asked.
"No! In fact there were no villains. Just scared people." All Might said.
"I'm checking the security feed now." Aizawa said as he ran into the building.
"Okay, Shoji, what happened?" Kirishima asked...

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