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"Wha-wha..?" Deku asked as he slowly regained consciousness. He looked around to see himself in a hospital bed hooked up to a heart monitor. He blinked a few more times. He was tired. He suddenly felt a pain in his left arm after he fully awoke. He tried to move it but it was hard.
"Hey, calm down there." A voice said. Deku looked up and around. Everything was still blurry. Things cleared out soon, revealing the voice to be Aizawa. He seemed to always be in the same room as him in a hospital.
"H-hey... Wait." Deku said. He was fully awake and his brain was working straight again. He needed to ask questions.
"Did they collect the ve—" Deku began but was cut off.
"Yes, they did. You actually never cease to surprise me. Literally how could you think in a situation like that?" Aizawa asked. Deku sighed.
"Well, I noticed how most of the trees survived the withering away of the venom and my shirt. That's when I though that it disappeared when it dries, or oxygen touched it. Trees produce oxygen, and I don't know if that helps at all, but that would explain why the venom disappeared so quickly. I threw the shirt after moving fast, causing wind to blow at the shirt and venom. I ripped it off and wind blew oxygen onto the shirt, making the venom—" Deku tried to explain but was cut off.
"Please don't over exert yourself. It's been three hours since you fell unconscious and thirty seconds after you woke up. Call down." Aizawa said. Deku nervously smiled a bit.
"Yeah, thanks for your concern. My only question is..." Deku began.
"It better be your last." Aizawa muttered.
"Will they find a cure with the venom I gave them?" Deku asked. Aizawa sighed.
"Hopefully. They are doing everything in their power to do find it. Thanks to you." Aizawa said. Deku nodded, the looked down at his arm. There were still stitches there as it hasn't fully recovered. He then realized that everyone at the dorms have no clue on what's happening. Deku slowly turned his head to Aizawa to see him angrier than he usually is. Deku had an idea on what it is.
"D-does anyone know that I—" Aizawa fur him off.
"Glad you brought that up. You snuck out of the dorms to go fight a villain stronger than you." Aizawa said. Deku exhaled.
"Well, not exactly." Deku said. Suddenly the door opened up slowly. It was a doctor.
"Glad you're awake. I've come to do a checkup." The doctor said. Deku sighed in relief because he was saved from a scolding until later. Aizawa nodded as he walked over to the door and left, probably to wait outside. The doctor walked up to Deku and place his finger on his chest. Suddenly he somehow stabbed it into Deku. Deku screamed in pain. The worst part is was that he couldn't move. The doctor then grabbed his neck. Deku looked at his face to see the same face as Blights. Blight then tightened him grip, causing his nails to sink into Deku's skin. It was painful. Deku was screaming.
"MIDORIYA!" Aizawa yelled shaking him. Deku shook his head in confusion.
"Wha- g-get away from me." Deku shouted trying to push Aizawa away.
"Calm down, calm down please!" Aizawa yelled trying to hold Deku down. Deku began taking deep breaths. He noticed it was just Aizawa. He continued to take more deep breaths. He looked past Aizawa to see the door open and doctors rush in. Aizawa put his hand out to stop them.
"It... it... it wasn't real?" Deku asked. Aizawa shooo his head.
"You had a nightmare. It's a side effect to the sickness. Now try to rest." Aizawa said. He then turned to the doctors.
"I have no clue what happened. One second we were talking, the next he passed out. I though o shouldn't disturb him until he started screaming." Aizawa said. Deku heard what he said.
So I was awake, meaning they are looking for a cure. This seems to be the same as Eri. She had a nightmare too. I must have the same sickness now. No matter, we'll have a cure soon. Deku thought. Some of the doctors left along with Aizawa, leaving one nurse. He walked over to Deku's machines and looked at them. He then gently grabbed his arm and turned it to see the scar.
"Oh my! That's a pretty big cut, that'll heal in about a week or two." The nurse said with a smile. Deku also smiled as she got up and wrote some stuff down. She then nodded at her paper as she left the room. Deku sighed.
"Man, I probably worried everyone at the dorms. I wasn't expecting to fight someone. I just couldn't let him go. God, I'm going to have to apologize thirty times to Ochako!" Deku said to himself. He lay there in silence for a bit before closing his eyes. It was around midnight at this point. Aizawa would probably inform them that he was in the hospital and will be taking visitors tomorrow. Deku just thought about how worried everyone might be. He lay back and fell asleep getting ready for the anger and relief of tomorrow...

"Gale, are you there. Oh god I'm in deep sh!t, GALE!" Blight screamed into his earpiece. There was static until a small voice appears.
"B—ght? — you —ere?" The voice said with lots of static. Blight continued running through the forest to get away from any heroes following him, which were a lot. The voice was getting clearer.
"Blight! I repeat! — you there?" Gale asked with a small static.
"YES! Where do I go!?" Blight asked. Gale quickly opened up his monitors and searched through them.
"There's one by the old house by the main road. Get there!" Gale told Blight. Blight nodded and changed his direction. Her shot out venom shots at the heroes chasing him. They all missed but forced the heroes to slow. Blight sped up. He was holding the box with the divide in it. Soon he could see an old house broken down. There were cameras there for police reasons like catching or stopping anyone that goes there. Blight jumped out of the bushes as heroes caught up behind him. Blight fell to the ground and didn't even land on the ground. He went through it, appearing at his main base.
"BLIGHT! Are you okay?" Gale asked as Blight began to rise from the ground. Suddenly SandStorm and Phelps busted into the room.
"What happened?" SandStorm asked.
"You're back! But hurt. I'll heal your injuries." Phelps said as he knelt down. Blight sat up a bit. Gale noticed the black box.
"Ooo... what's that?" He asked. Blight grinned.
"It's the brain amplifier. With this, I'll be unstoppable." He explained as he took it out of the box. It sparked a little.
"Oh, I also got into some trouble with that Izuku kid. Can you repair this?" Blight asked holding up the devise. Gale picked it up.
"Hm, I'm not too good with this kind of stuff. I usually only hack, but I'll try something." Gale said turned to enter a different room. As Blights injuries healed, he got up along with Phelps.
"Izuku? How did you make it out?" SandStorm asked.
"Well, I almost killed him but I was able to scratch his arm. He'll die in a week but..." Blight stopped.
"What is it?" Phelps asked.
"I think he figured it out." Blight said.
"Figure what out?" SandStorm asked.
"He knows that the venom disappears quickly because of oxygen. Usually police don't have enough time to collect the substance, if they even see it, but he knew somehow. He instantly told the cops to bring a syringe or something to hold it. This is bad." Blight said as he ran his hand along his head. SandStorm was a little confused while Phelps widened his eyes.
"Then some heroes came and chased me off. I could've fought but Endeavor was still there. I had to come back." Blight said. He slammed his hands down like he made a decision.
"We need to attack them. Stop them from finding a cure." He said.
"If they get that cure, nobody dies. In fact, that ruins all of my plans. We need to stop it." Blight said. Gal walked in.
"Alright, well, I did the best I could do. If you want me to fix it fully, it'll take one or two more da—" Gale began but was cut off.
"Shut up! Give it to me. Phelps, let's get to work." Blight said as he lay down a the surgical type seat. Phelps froze.
"Sir, you can't be serious. This could kill you. I need to take my time." Phelps said.
"I first need to see where this goes and—" Phelps continued until he was cut off.
"Just DO IT! I've tried a Po hard to let it go to waste. Knock me out and begin." Blight said. Phelps looked at the other two who shrugged. He turned back to Blight.
"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." Phelps said as he grabbed a mask for Propofol (the thing that puts you to sleep if you breath it in, also known as laughing gas I thing). He placed it on Blight. He fell asleep.
"Okay, you guys should leave. It gets bloody." Phelps said.
"I know, I'm a step ahead of you." Gale said as he left to his room. SandStorm went to his. They all seemed to act like however when they're at the base, but when fighting, they can get serious. Phelps began work on placing the devise on Blight's skull and muscles. After a bit of tweaking, placing, and mending, he fixed up the back of his head.
(Quirk- Rapid Regrowth: It has the ability to make the recovery and growing cells on anything to speed up incredibly, allowing for easy healing.)
"That should be it. I'm getting some rest." Phelps told himself as he left to the couch. The battle wasn't over yet. Soon, a battle will commence...

This one's a bit shorter than the rest

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