Deku's Confirmation

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The day began. It was a Tuesday and they would be at school again. Everyone felt ready for training again after that hellish week. Aizawa walked in to class that day with training in mind. Well, not only training in mind, but along with the One for All talk yesterday. He cleared his throat.
"Okay. Today, we are going to work on physical training. To put it more simply, Martial Arts." He said. Everyone seemed a bit interested. Ochako the most. Ever since she's been to GunHead martial arts, she's been training with it. She was like a master at this point.
"The point of this training is so that some of you guys don't rely on your quirk. I've noticed some of you felt this way about Midoriya's crutch quirk." Aizawa said. He was talking about Iida. He wanted to test to see if Deku was able to win a fight without One for All. Deku, Iida, and Ochako notice this.
"So today, and for the next week, we are going to train all day on martial arts. On Friday, we will have Midoriya go against everyone one by one. No quirks." Aizawa said. Everyone nodded.
"Okay. Meet me at Gym Gamma. I'll set up sparring partners." Aizawa said. Everyone nodded as they got dressed in their gym clothes. They went out to see different mats set up. Eleven to be exact.
"Honestly. I was too lazy to set up a chart. Pick partners. Other than Midoriya and Uraraka. You guys are partners. I'll be watching." Aizawa said for the writer. Everyone nodded as they got to their mat. Ochako and Deku stood on their and got ready to spar.
"Don't go easy on me." Ochako said.
"I won't. This shouldn't be too difficult anyway." Deku grinned. Instantly Ochako got a punch at his nose, making it bleed.
"OW!" He shouted.
"Keep your eyes open. Watch for any attacks." Ochako said.
"Yeah yeah, I wasn't ready." Deku said. He really wasn't. When it came to martial arts, he did not even compare to Ochako. They started. Ochako trailed to get a hit at the nose. Deku quickly moved it out of the way. Ochako slid her leg under Deku to try and swipe his feet. He jumped over. That's when Ochako got up and hit Deku in the gut. He fell to the ground.
"Not bad." Ochako said.
"Not good either." Deku said. Aizawa had a smile on his face while watching.
"You need go always keep a watch on your enemy. You can't let them have an opening." Ochako said. Deku nodded as he got back into his spar position. That began once again. Once again, Deku lost. Throughout the entire day, people fought. It was an even fight for everyone but Deku. He was getting destroyed every time. Soon enough Aizawa ended today's training.
"Good job everyone. You've shown me how well you do without your quirk, but you have work to do. I hope to see all of you improve by Friday for the one vs ones." Aizawa said. They all nodded.
"Class dismissed." He said. They all went back to change.
"Anyone else see Midoriya get destroyed today?" Kaminari asked.
"Yeah! For one he lost!" Sero said. Deku sighed.
"Yeah, well you guys felt victory for once." He said.
"We were just kidding. I bet you'll be the best martial artist by the time Friday roles around." Sero said.
"Bro, that sucked. I got beat up seventy percent of the time." Quinn said.
"You think that's bad? I got beat up eighty percent of the time!" Mineta said.
"Who were you guys up against?" Todoroki asked.
"Bakugo." Mineta said.
"Kirishima." Quinn said.
"That's an oof right there." Kaminari said. After getting dressed, they all left back to the dorms. Deku came to Ochako.
"Teach me." He asked.
"Bow first." Ochako said. Deku bowed to her like she was his master.
"Good. Let's head outside." She said. They both got ready. They even brought Eri to watch.
"Okay, show me your footwork." Ochako said. Deku stood in a spar position.
"It isn't the best." Ochako said.
"Really? Where is it wrong?" Deku asked. Ochako then landed a kick on his front leg and instantly made him fall.
"It needs to be more sturdy and less open. Something like this." Ochako said getting into a position. Deku nodded, following her moves. They soon began a match. For the rest of the night, they'd do sparring matches. By the time they went inside, Deku didn't win a single one.
"God... I have so much to learn." Deku said.
"Yeah you do. You can't even beat me, how are you gonna beat everyone else?" Ochako asked.
"That's not helping." Deku's responded.
"Sorry, it's just that Bakugo might be an issue." Ochako said. Deku nodded.
"You're gonna beat up all of them and show them that you're the best!" Eri said as she pumped her fist. Deku nodded with a smile. Eri's been going to school for a while now and actually has gotten a few friends. That's what she says at least. In fact, Kota was sent to the same school.
The author here, I know I haven't done much with Eri, but I have a few things planned with her. Just a heads up.
Deku and Ochako went to bed that night exhausted. The next day rolled around. They felt refreshed and Deku felt ready to be punched, kicked, and thrown multiple times. He was getting better by a long shot, though. He was almost able to entirely fend off against Ochako. School ended and they fought against each other once again. Eri watched once again. They thought that since she wanted to be a hero, or just a normal civilian, that she could learn some fighting tactics for defense and offense. At the end of the day, Deku was able to get the jump on Ochako once. He won, once.
"Good job, only tomorrow and that's it." Ochako said.
"Yup." Deku nodded. He was tired. Ochako was also tired. Nonstop training is what caused this. They'd get their rest though and feel better the next day. Once night rolled around they got their rest, woke up, and went to school again. Once again, they training with martial arts. As Deku was fighting Ochako, he scouted out his main problems. Aizawa would allow any mutation quirks during the fight, such as Toru, Shoji, Ojiro, and Tsu. This would make the fight a little difficult. Toru would be pretty hard to spot and hard to fight. Shoji has bass strength over Deku. He had to find a way to take him out. Ojiro's tail might screw him over. He hasn't fought against a tail without his quirk, so this would sure to be difficult. Tsu would be fast an could also camouflage. Aizawa told her she couldn't use her tongue. Deku then looked to Bakugo and Iida. They'd be pretty difficult to fight. They probably were the ones that wanted to test Deku the most. Deku was punched in the nose.
"Pay attention." Ochako said.
"Ow... could have just told me." He said. Ochako looked back at where he was looking.
"Scared about tomorrow?" She asked.
"A bit." He said. The two began fighting.
"Don't worry. Bakugo and Iida are the least of your problems." Ochako said.
"I know. It's you and probably Ojiro. I'd guess you two have the most training in martial arts." Deku said as he got a good opened. He took it. He swiped her feet from under her and pinned her to the ground.
"Nice one." She grinned. Deku helped her back up as they got ready to fight again. Aizawa was watching this. Deku made incredible progress from Monday to today, he and still would be. He still had the day to practice. Aizawa knew this would be difficult. He needed to test him though. He wasn't gonna he the o lot one to fight by himself. Once he finished, Todoroki would also go. People think those two rely on their quirk the most. Todoroki also made great progress. Soon enough class ended. Deku now almost matched Ochako. He just had to hope that he was powerful enough to take her on. Once back at the dorms, Deku walked up to Ojiro and Toru.
"Hey, would you guys like to have a sparing match? Just for some practice." Deku asked. Ojiro and Toru looked at each other.
"Sure." They both said. They three, including Ochako and Eri, came outside. First, Deku would face Ojiro. He had to figure out a way to counter his tail. The battle begun. Deku waited for him to make the first move. Ojiro spun and swung his tail at him. Deku ducked it. As he did, Ojiro came around and swung his foot. Deku just barely dodged that as his tail finished him. Deku hit the ground. He groaned as he got back up.
"This will be hard." He said to himself. The day kept going as he fell to the ground multiple times. After a while, Deku got the advantage once. He won once. Ojiro and Toru went back inside as Deku thanked them. Ochako walked over to Deku.
"You're not ready, are you?" She asked. Deku shook his head while sitting down.
"You know, you can ask for more time." Ochako said. Deku nodded.
"I can't. I need to show them that I don't rely on my quirk. Tomorrow. I have to. I can't have more time. If I do, that'll show how unready I am." Deku said. Ochako nodded.
"Well, I'll help you train." Ochako said. Deku nodded.
"Alright Eri, I'll take you to my room." Ochako said. Eri nodded.
"Good luck!" Eri waved. Deku waved back. He pulled out his notebook. He had it on him the entire time. He started taking notes.
"Ojiro's tail is like an extra part of him. He can use it for mobility and attack. It's placement allows him to keep up a constant attack. I have to dodge and wait for a strike. The best time to do that would be... I GOT IT!" He said to himself as he muttered out those words. Ochako giggled.
"I heard all of that." She said.
"Yeah..." Deku responded. The two fought a bit more and trained. Deku still couldn't beat Ochako 100% of the time. He thought he never could. However, he felt ready. He had a tactic to beat Ojiro. One to beat Toru, and Shoji. All that would be left for him was to outmatch Bakugo and Iida. He knew Todoroki would be some sort of challenge, but nothing to hard. He thought that Kirishima would also be a bit of a challenge. He went to bed that night feeling ready. He had to outmatch Ochako at all costs. She was the biggest threat next to Ojiro. She mastered martial arts and is still learning. She was probably the best there at hand to hand combat. Thanks to her quirk, she needed to know this stuff. Deku sighed as he started to fall asleep.
"Deku." Ochako said.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I won't go easy on you." She grinned.
"I won't either." He grinned back. They gave each other a quick kiss before going to sleep. Aizawa has tomorrow planned out. If Deku could at least beat 90% of the students, then he'd pass. He knew Ochako, Ojiro, Bakugo, and Iida might be a challenge as they were the best or the ones most determined to take him out. If he lost three times, Aizawa would deem him a failure. He needed Deku to win. He wanted him to win. He wanted to know that he was going to be the next Symbol of Peace. Aizawa sighed. Iida was thinking this same thing. Three losses and he would deem Deku not worthy. If he could win without One for All, he deserves it. Everyone went to bed that might ready. Deku Th w most determined.
All Might, Ochako, Iida, Aizawa, Bakugo, Nighteye. I swear I'll prove that I'm worthy for One for All. I swear I will...

Things are getting interesting. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be fun to write and will probably be the next on to come out.

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