An Old, Disgusting Friend

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After that hectic week of training to near death, they got the weekend, which allowed them to relax a bit. They were all relaxing in the living room as always. The weather was turning more cold now as it reached near the end of Summer, but was still pretty hot outside. Anyhow, they were all relaxing until Mina existed. Honestly, you could probably guess where this is going.
"Let's do something!" She smiled happily. Toru stood up.
"Yeah!" She agreed. Nobody else did anything else.
"Come on guys!" Mina pouted.
"I'm sorry, but my entire body is sore while it's mixing with my motivation to already do nothing." Shinso said staring at ceiling with his eyes closed.
"Well... what if I give you a place you would actually like to go?" Mina asked. Everyone looked at her.
"If it's shopping, then no." Todoroki said.
"Okay, get this. You're sore. You want to relax. Some want to not relax. Well, what's the best place for that?" Mina asked. Nobody responded.
"W-THE BEACH!" She shouted.
"Hey, no need to shout. That's Bakugo's thing." Kaminari said as he revived a small explosion to his face.
"Actually, that's fine by me." Shinso said.
"I'm down." Sero said. Everyone seemed to agree to it. Mina began jumping up and down in joy.
"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Let's go! Be ready by twelve!" Mina said as she ran up the stairs. Everyone looked at the time. It was 11:27. They all instantly ran to their rooms. Anyone not there to hear the convo was told about it and decided to go along with it. All 20 kids were going. This should be fun...

*Sand Crunch*
"We're here!" Mina said happily. Not everyone was there yet, only about 5. It was Todoroki, Deku, Toru, Mina, and Iida. Iida placed an umbrella in the sand and opened it. He then layer down two chairs.
"Alright, I am set up. What about you guys?" He asked. Deku and Todoroki were both struggling to open up their umbrellas for some reason. Iida sighed in disappointment. They soon were able to set up their umbrellas. Mina and Toru has their own.
"Hey! We're here!" Ochako shouted. The five turned to them to see almost the rest of class A there. Ochako, Momo, Tokoyami, Tsu, Kirishima, Bakugo, Kaminari, Jiro, and Sero were rocking up. The rest would be there soon.
"Hi!" Momo said with a smile.
"We already set everything up." Todoroki said as he presented the three umbrellas and six chairs.
"Wait, Iida, I forgot to ask. Why did you bring two chairs?" Deku asked. Most people had somebody to hang with already, as in Deku and Ochako, Todoroki and Momo, etc. Iida's glasses shined.
"Well, that's when I tell you my secret." He said.
"I'm hoping someone sits here so I don't be lonely." He said.
"What about Hatsume?" Mina asked.
"Don't." Iida replied.
"Wait, I'm being serious. You should invite her." Mina said. Iida didn't respond. He wasn't mad, he was flustered.
"We should call her over here." Ochako said. Mina grinned evilly.
"Hey guys." Ojiro said, now indicating the rest of class A's arrival.
"Hey!" They replied. They all quickly set up in the small area they claimed. After that they had some actual fun. They did whatever at the beach. Splashed in the water, Burt each other, relax on a towel or chair, all that sorts. That was all until a specific group of people showed up.
"Well! If it isn't Class A! What bring you here!?" Monoma asked. Deku, Ochako, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Iida looked his way. They all got prepared to attack.
"Please relax! We don't have to start a fight!" Kendo's said pushing Monoma back. Bakugo stood up and walked over to Monoma.
"Yeah it does." Bakugo said with a grin. Monoma grinned two.
"Volleyball?" Monoma asked.
"I'll kick you a$$!" Bakugo shouted. Monoma and Bakugo quickly went and made teams.
"Deku! Round Face! Kirishima! Tail Guy! Nerd! Get over here!" He shouted. Confused, Deku, Ochako, Kirishima, Ojiro, and Iida walked over.
"Alright, we gotta destroy class B in volleyball, ya hear me!?" Bakugo shouted.
"Y-Yes!" They all responded.
"Good." Bakugo grinned turning to see Monoma and his team. It was himself, Kendo, TestsuTestsu, Sen Kaibara (Sen), Kosei Tsuburaba (Kosei), and Shinso. (If you don't know any of their quirks, look them up, ok too lazy to explain.)
"Shinso? Traitor!" Deku called out.
"I actually betrayed them first." Shinso said. They all got onto the volleyball court. It was one of those sandy ones. Momo was a judge.
"Ball starts with Class B! Begin!" Momo yelled. Kendo was serving, and quirks were allowed. The rest of Class A and B were watching. Kendo served the ball like normal since she needed it to be inbound. Bakugo quickly hit it up for Deku to set. Ojiro then jumped up and slammed the ball with his tail. Kosei quickly made an air barrier. The ball slammed into it, then broke the barrier completely. It hit Kosei's head as the ball fell to the ground.
"1 - 0!" Momo shouted.
"We're still warming up!" Monoma shouted. It was Ochako's serve. She served the ball with ease as it came to Monoma. He hit it up as Shinso set the ball to Kendo. Kendo jumped as she used her quirk and slammed the ball downwards. Thankfully, Kirishima hardened and took the hit. It went up. Bakugo ran forward the slam the ball down with an explosion.
"Idiot!" Shinso shouted.
"What was—" Bakugo began before stopping. The ball hit the ground. Shinso then released Bakugo from his quirk.
"W-wait... What just happened?" Bakugo asked.
"Shinso happened." Deku said.
"1 - 1!" Momo shouted. Now they were getting a crowd. The battle between the two continued as the score kept changing. They were only doing the game, so they weren't switching sides. At some point Ochako spiked the ball but activated her quirk on it. Shinso quickly hit the ball up which made it fly upwards for a while. Ochako then released it as it fell out of bound. This game was heating up. Sen used his quirk to slam the ball down. Deku stopped it from falling as Bakugo jumped to hit it.
"Idiot!" Monoma shouted.
"Ha! You can't—" Bakugo said before stopping again. Monoma used Shinso's quirk. The ball fell. The game kept going. Deku was about to spike before Monoma and Kosei created multiple walls of air. The ball went through the first before it slowed. Deku then flicked hit finger to make the ball move a different direction. It hit the ground. Kendo slammed the ball again as Iida saved it. Bakugo ran to hit the ball.
"Idiot!" Kendo shouted.
"For sure you can't—" Bakugo began before stopping. Everyone was confused as they looked over at Shinso. He was taking his mask off.
"When did you bring that!?" Deku shouted.
"A few second ago." He said. After a while, the score was 26 - 25, Class A in the lead. They had to score once to win. Deku served it over. Soon, Tetsutetsu spiked it down and Kirishima stopped it. Ochako set it as Bakugo ran to spike.
"It's time." Kendo said with Monoma. They ran up to the net as they used their quirks. They completely blocked the way over. Bakugo hit it as it deflected off and went over to Ojiro. He hit it up. Ochako, Deku, and Ojiro nodded. Ochako set it upwards with her quirk, letting it levitate upwards infinitely. Ojiro slammed his tail as he took Deku's hand and tossed him up. Deku was now perfectly aligned with the ball. He charged up One for All to 100% I'm kidding. He charged it to his max and slammed the ball. It came down at the speed of light as Tetsutetsu truer to stop it. It his his arms and legit created sparks. The ball the proceeded to go flying away over Class A's head.
"CLASS A WINS!" Momo shouted.
"WOOOOOOOOO! YOU SUCK!" Bakugo shouted at Monoma. The two began arguing.
"We should probably get that ball." Ojiro said.
"Yeah." Deku said. The two and Ochako ran off to get the ball. After about a minute of searching, they found it. They picked it up then heard a girl screech. They all turned to look. They couldn't see her.
"Come on, she might need our help!" Deku said as he charged One for All. He ran ahead of all of them. He then stopped to see the girl that screeched. She seemed angry and looking down at someone. She then proceeded to walk away angrily. Deku looked to see who it was. It was...
"YOU!?" Deku asked. Ojiro and Ochako caught up.
"What's up... YOU!" Ochako said. Ojiro just gave him a death stare. If you haven't already guessed, it was Mineta Minoru.
"Ow! That hurt... oh! Hey guys!" Mineta greeted. He got up from the ground and walked over to them.
"How have y'all been?" He asked. They all looked over him.
"W-What?" Mineta asked. They all just stared.
"I didn't do anything to you guys! Stop being rude!" He shouted.
"You know, you're right. Whatever. Let's get the ball and leave." Deku said walking away. He heard another scream.
"What did you— oh my—" Deku began before being hit across the beach. People were running. Deku placed his hand on his cheek to feel it bleeding. He looked up to see someone that stood out. He was walking forward toward Deku. People were running while Ochako, Ojiro, and Mineta watched for a second.
"So, you're still up?" The villain asked.
"Well, yeah. You think a single hit will hurt?" Deku asked which getting up. The man was holding a whip. He was dressed in a black trench coat.
"By the way, might I ask how hot you are in those clothes?" Deku asked. The man attacked again. Deku jumped the the side. As he did, the whip followed him and hit his arm again. Deku fell to the ground.
"My quirk is a sort of telekinesis. I can force an object to another as a fast pace. The name is Whiplash." He said.
"Great, well, you seem to have something against me." Deku said standing up again.
"Well, if I took out a powerful hero, people would be sure to know me." Whiplash said.
"Well, you'd fail at that." Deku grinned. Suddenly Ojiro attacked. Whiplash quickly had his whip wrap around his tail. He then threw Ojiro to the side. Deku charged forward as he used One for All to hit him with air. Whiplash stumbled back before Ochako placed her hand on his back. He began floating. Deku jumped to hit him before he went straight to the ground. As he did, he used his whip to hit Deku. Deku flew over Whiplash and landed on the ground.
"Well, release him. He can completely counteract that." Deku said. Ojiro was back again.
"Try to distract him." Deku said. Ojiro nodded as he rushed forward to do exactly that. Mineta was watching this all go down. As Ojiro blocked a whip attack, Deku charged One for All in his foot. He slammed the ground, which caused a bunch of sand to float in the air. Both Ojiro and Whiplash was blinded. Deku then ran in and side-kicked Whiplash. He went flying to his left, which was the direction of the parking lot. Deku felt him get a good hit, and knowing his quirk, he probably couldn't withstand it. Deku quickly ran over to see Whiplash crawling on the ground.
"I... won't... go down alone..." He said as he grabbed his whip handle. There was a parent and a child trying to enter their car nearby. Whipelash stood up. Deku quickly jumped forward.
Not again
Whiplash pulled back his arm, ready to strike.
He tried to whip forward but couldn't. Deku made it in time to slam in into the ground with his foot. This time, he fell unconscious. Deku sighed as he looked at the whip. It was in the ground attached to purple balls. Deku looked to see Mineta standing there with a thumbs up. Deku walked over. Ochako and Ojiro were there too.
"Thanks a lot." Deku said.
"Yeah, has things could've happened if it were not for you." Ochako said.
"Yeah, I know. Well, I think I deserve a little reward." Mineta said.
"No." They all said at the same time.
"Fine fine, but I have a favor to ask." Mineta said. They all listened. (This may seem not-Mineta, but I need him to act like this)
"Could you find some way to get me back into UA?" Mineta asked.
"Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen." Deku said.
"Wait! Seriously! I know what I did was wrong! Just think about this." Mineta said. Deku listened.
"I still wanted to become a hero. I wanted to save people like you do along with everyone else. After the incident, my parents kicked me out. I have nowhere to sleep other than the streets and can barely live right. Plus, I think the beat down you gave me was good enough!" Mineta said. They thought about it.
"Look, I'm not even sure we could. Aizawa and Nezu might not want it." Deku said.
"Yeah, after what you did, you might not get in." Ojiro said. Ochako was still angry but gave it a thought.
"Look, I think we should try." Ochako said. Deku scratched the back of his head.
"I'm not sure. We still need to talk it over with the rest of the class." Deku said.
"Talk about what?" Kirishima asked. They looked over to see the rest of class A standing there.
"Where the trouble!?" Bakugo asked.
"He's taken care of. He's over there." Deku said pointing at the unconscious body on the ground.
"The three of us stopped him." Ojiro said.
"Ahem, four!" Mineta said. They all looked at him.
"Hi guys." He said. Mina slapped him.
"I deserved that." He said. Toru slapped him.
"That too." He said. The rest of the girls slapped him.
"Okay, we're even." He said.
"Not even close." Momo said.
"Fair enough." He said. Deku sighed.
"Look, he gave a pretty good speech on how he still wanted to become a hero. I guess he could hold back his pervert side and all that. He still wants to help others, and, we were thinking that we could somehow bring him back to UA." He said.
"No." They all said. After a bit of convincing that I'm too tired to write, they agreed. After that villain attack, he was handed over to the police, and no, he isn't an important character. The class went to Aizawa to convince him. They started with a simple question.
"Can we let Mineta back in?" They asked.
"Sure." He said. They all stayed silent for a minute.
"Wait... WHAT!?" They all asked.
"Well, if all twenty of you are here, then sure." He said. They were in disbelief.
"But! Send him a message." He said. They all listened.
"I will make him study endlessly until he has catches up with you. During that, he'll go through hell. He has almost half a year of training, probably less. I'll make him want to drop out. Got that?" Aizawa asked.
"Sometimes I forget how heartless you can be." Kaminari said. They all reported back to Mineta with some information. There were a few open dorms so he could come back. He would be back on Monday. After that hectic day, things calmed down as the rest of the weekend ended and the next week began, holding more surprises for them...

Alright, big update. First of all, Mineta. Yes, he'll be back to the story. Honestly, I kinda miss him. I want him back. I think that kicking him out was a decent punishment before bringing him back. I kinda want him back. Since his departure, I felt a new good for him. Comic Relief. Also, again, like I said, it didn't seem like My Hero Academia without him. Next up is about this profile and the other stories I've written. I want to update them but I feel pressured to write this more. I don't know why. So, for those of you who actually want the other stories updated, I will do so on them. I really want to update stories such as Re:Hero and Return to Level Zero. I probably will scrap The Thousand Volt Hero and restart The Legend of the Joestars. If you guys have any questions about any of this, please ask me. I'll be trying to juggle between these stories as in updates. I just feel like I've been forcing myself to write some of these chapters when I want to do a different book, so now I'll try to evenly divide them. I hope you understand for those of you that only read this story. Well, until next time, I hope you enjoyed.

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