Trying to End Things

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Where everyone was during that...
Deku proceeds to 50% smash multiple villains into a wall. He turned to see Akemi trying to run. Todoroki ran to his side.
"Let's stop this." Todoroki said as he made ice around his legs. Akemi turned to see Deku running at him. Deku took step after step, then suddenly...
"AHHH!" Izuku went flying forward but didn't take any punches. His leg hurt a little bit. Akashi walked up.
"Sure, our quirks aren't any physical damage, but..." He began. Todoroki's eyes widened as fire and ice shot from both of his sides. The ice melted.
"We'll make you kill yourselves." Akemi said.
Akemi's Quirk- Force Use
It causes his target's quirk to be auto used to any extent. This works well with Akashi's quirk, and like Akashi's quirk, receiving a blow hard enough will cancel his quirk's effect.
"I can stop it!" Todoroki shouted. Deku looked up to see Akashi walking his way. Deku's body started forming a large amount of green energy, at 100%. Deku couldn't move or he'll hurt himself.
"You know, your friend Tokoyami, I'm done with him. He's not needed for me anymore. However, we'd like to take a few more of your friends." Akashi said. Deku's eye twitched.
"Her name... Tsuyu Asui? Yes, I'd also like to take Shoji, Jiro, Mineta, and anyone else that catches my eye. So—" He began before Deku launched himself forward and punched him at what he though was going to be 100%. Though, Akashi brought down the percentage to 15% as Deku sent Akashi flying. Todoroki got control of his quirk's power level as he lowered the amount of ice and fire he was making and attacked Akemi. Deku quickly shifted to 50% and lunched himself at Akemi and landed a blow. This caused him to lose control on both of them. Deku stopped and ran over to Todoroki.
"You good?" He asked. Todoroki was freezing his left side.
"It burns..." He said. Akashi has Todoroki use a lot of fire and had him burn himself. Izuku looked to see Akashi and Akemi up again...

"I need some help over here!" Gran Torino shouted being overwhelmed by the amount of villains. This organization was BIG. Ochako and Tsu hopped in and helped take down a bunch of them.
"Girls. There's a Nomu in a room over there." He said pointing down a hall.
"Let's go!" Ochako said.
"I can't. They're protecting it." Gran Torino said. They saw Compress, Twice, and Dabi standing by it.
"I'll hold them off. You need to destroy the canister it's in." Compress said.
"I'll distract them too. Uraraka. You have to do it." Tsu said. She looked over to them, which they looked at them.
"Okay." She said. The three ran over at them. Dabi grinned as he launched blue flames at them, in which they all dodged by getting above it.
"That's a long hallway." Ochako said looking down it. There were doors left and right, all opened already. It was just the Nomu's doors that was closed. Compress threw out three marbles then flicked his finger as they turned into large pieces of debris. Ochako threw one back while Gran Tornio and Tsu dodged. Dabi then melted the piece of debris as Twice ran forward. He created two clones of Dabi. Gran Tornio quickly wiped the two out. Ochako made Twice float as she kicked him forward. She ran toward the door. Compress threw out a marble to block the door before Tsu pinned him down. The marble rolled on the floor. Twice quickly made a clone of Compress.
"Snap your fingers!" Twice shouted.
"What!? Why!?" The clone asked.
"Do it! Please! Idiot!" Twice shouted. The clone snapped his fingers as the marvel turned into a large thing of debris, blocking the door. Ochako went to place her hand on it before Dabi shot fire at her. She barely dodged, singeing her right side. Gran Torino quickly jumped in and kicked Dabi multiple times.
"Damn old man. Aren't old people supposed to be slow?" Dabi asked.
"Not this old man." Gran Torino responded landed a few more kicks in. Ochako moved the debris as Twice jumped in with the Zero Gravity still effecting him. Ochako quickly released as Twice came down only to reach her leg, as he stabbed her. Ochako let out a cry of pain but kept going. She lifted the debris and kicked open the door to see the Nomu in a large cylinder. The Nomu looked distorted yet almost finished. Pieces of its flesh wasn't intact, the mask it had was melded weirdly. Ochako could tell it wasn't finished. She took a step in when a beeping went off. Suddenly four turrets came up from the floor next to the pod. She instantly jumped back and took cover as bullets flew by her, some hitting her injured leg. Twice dashed at Ochako, trying to get a stab in. Ochako used her martial arts to quickly flip Twice over her, and pinned him down. Dabi and Gran Torino were still fighting. Gran Torino went for a kick before Dabi grabbed it.
"You're getting predictable." He grinned. He lost his balance as Tsu grabbed his leg with her tongue. Gran Torino pinned him down.
"Gre~at. Now what?" Dabi asked. They all looked at each other. They had one person pinned down each. They ran out of handcuffs since they didn't think there'd be this many villains. Dabi chuckled a little.
"Didn't think far enough. However, I on the other hand..." Dabi began as he spat out two blue marbles. He then overheated himself as fire engulfed the entire area. Ochako, Tsu, and Gran Torino flew back and hit against a wall. The Dabi and Compress were gone. All that was left was Ochako, Twice, Gran Tornio, and Tsu. Twice's mask was burnt. He grabbed his head.
"I'm gonna split! I'm gonna... I need to stay together!" Twice said to himself. Ochako quickly knocked him out with a chop to the neck.
"I'm done for." Gran Torino said. Tsu was unconscious. Ochako looked up at the door.
"I have to complete the mission!" She shouted as she ran toward the door. Her injured foot was barely sustaining, let alone half her burnt body. She ran past two marbles on the ground. She grabbed debris and ran in.
"THAT'S SUICIDE!" Gran Torino shouted as he grabbed Tsu.
Deku always completes his battles. I have to do the same if I want to become a great hero!
With the debris she collected up, she threw out all of them in a flash at the turrets. Before they could lock on, the debris crashed into them and broke them. Ochako ran for the Nomu. The two marbles on the ground came out to be Dabi and Compress.
"That was close." Dabi said.
"THE NOMU!" Compress shouted. Dabi turned to see Ochako running full speed at the Nomu.
"We can't let her break it!" Compress shouted as he threw out multiple marbles. Dabi sent out fire.
I need that. That can help significantly...
It was too late. Ochako places her hands on the front of the glass. She used her gauntlet upgrades to shatter it to millions of pieces as water spilt out everywhere and a few wires exploded. The Dabi's fire hit against Ochako as the entire room was blew alight and filled with smoke. Dabi and Compress stood at the doorway.
"The other two got away. That girl's in here." Dabi said. The looked forward as the smoke cleared to see debris and fire everywhere.
"She's in here somewhere." Dabi said angrily. He wanted that Nomu to be finished. Suddenly Ochako came out of nowhere as she knocked into Compress and ran. Dabi shot fire but stopped as he grabbed his hand.
"Too much! Stop her!" Dabi shouted as the two ran forward. Compress reached into his pocket to grab out... nothing.
"It's gone! She took it!" Compress shouted.
"THEM BLOW THEM ALL!" Dabi stopped and pointed. Compress shook his head as he snapped his fingers. Their eyes widened as they looked up. The marbles and marble bag was floating. Dabi threw Compress under him as he blew out a shot of fire that burnt everything that appeared. Everything settled as they looked forward to see a blocked path.
"We had ONE job." Dabi said. Compress lied down as they were stuck. Dabi gripped his arm, as it hurt a lot from overuse...
Ochako was running like hell. She couldn't see Gran Torino or Tsu. She could've ran past them for all she knew. Villains and Heroes were fighting, heroes getting the upper hand. She started getting tunnel vision as her sight became hazy. She was burnt, her foot was basically non existent, as she couldn't feel it, and she was tired. Her quirk exhausted her a lot. She tripped and fell over. She hit the ground and fell unconscious. She didn't care. She got the mission done. A villain ran to her to attack her before he was sent flying by a strong kick. Iida landed on his feet.
"I've heard you did well from Gran Torino. Let's get you to safety." He said as he ran away with her on her back. They went through the portal as a med-area was set up there. Kirishima, and a few other heroes were being treated. Gran Torino and Tsu were also healing up.
"She's safe!" Iida said setting her down.
"Thank god! I had to retreat. I felt like I left her to die." Gran Torino said as he looked at her bloody, charred body.
"You're alright. You saved Tsuyu as well. You taught till your last." Iida said. Gran Torino sighed. He looked through the portal and through the battles.
"No. I still have a fight to finish." He said standing up and walking.
"Shigaraki... Tenko..." Gran Torino said...

Back to Mirio, All Might, and Shigaraki...
"MIRIO!" Eri screamed as she reached out to his decaying body. Everything around her was rewinding as Spinner fired another bullet. It her leg as Mirio was reworded back to his normal state. The rewinding stopped. Shigaraki grinned.
"Maybe I can get a two in one!" He said as he also reached out for Eri.
"SHIGARAKI!" Deku shouted as he jumped forward. He finished up with Akemi and Akashi. He was bleeding a little bit. Shigaraki went for Eri and Mirio. Deku reached out his arm. He didn't notice. Nobody did. Something grabbed Shigaraki and pulled him. Shigaraki felt it as he was pulled away from Mirio and Eri. Deku then slammed his fist into Shigaraki.
"100% DETROIT SMASH!" He shouted as Shigaraki went flying upwards through the ceiling. It made a hole that showed the night sky. Bakugo came in and freed All Might from the metal he was trapped in.
"He's gone for now. Are you guys good?" Deku asked. Mirio grabbed Eri.
"Eri..." All Might began before Bakugo spoke up.
"Shigaraki is up there. Right?" He asked as he pointed at the hole in the ceiling.
"Yeah." Deku said.
"Good. Let's get him." He said.
"Wait. There's still a war going on down here. We have to help!" Deku responded.
"No you don't." Gran Torino said. They turned to him.
"The heroes are completely dominating them. They'll win." He said. Deku looked up.
"What about Eri. What happened?" Deku asked All Might. A tear rolled down Mirio's eyes. He held up a red cylinder. Deku eyes widened as the green energy around him flashed everywhere.
"Let's get him... now..." He said as his energy flashed a bit of red...

The OC's will probably get a chapter to themselves since they didn't get a lot of action recently. Also, the story is getting close to the end. Prepare as the next few chapters lead into chaos...

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