Deku vs Blight

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"Well, I communicate with them, I'll have to go back on my own." Blight said. He began taking steps. As he left, Deku got closer to the warehouse. He ran over to Hawks.
"Are you okay? What happened?" Deku asked. Hawks grabbed his arm.
"Don't get cut. Call for backup." Hawks said. Deku was looking over the large cut across Hawks' chest. The green ooze.
"Okay, what happens if I do get cut with that ever that is?" Deku asked as he grabbed a nearby radio off the ground. What came out of Hawks' mouth next made Deku angry.
"You'll have a week to live. It's a poison that destroys your body." Hawks said. Deku froze. He had this thought since he saw the cut, but now he was certain. Whoever did this was responsible for Eri's sickness...

*Back on the Day when Eri was Infected*
"Okay, so that's off the list." Deku said as he walked along side Ochako and Eri. Eri was in between the two as she held their hands. The list they had were for games at a festive type place. This was the same one Ochako and Deku went to for Ochako's birthday. They were playing the basic carnival games. That's when Eri saw a big stuffed Panda. She wanted it.
"Dadddy! Look! Let's get it!" She exclaimed. Deku and Ochako smiled as they walked over. It was a shooter one where you have the fake rifle and you need to shoot the cardboard cut outs as they move along the track. Deku was determined to hit all of them. He payed the guy there and started shooting. He missed one or two, resulting in leaving two guys left.
"Wow! You can't even miss a shot." Deku said to himself.
"Deku, let me try. I'll do it." Ochako said embracing her competitive side. Deku nodded as the two looked at each other. Deku turned to Eri. She didn't have a smiled anymore. Deku looked around before picking her up.
"What's wrong honey?" Deku asked.
"Nothing, it's just... I'm feeling... sleepy..." She said as she rested her head on Deku's shoulder. Deku was confused.
"Dang it! I missed a single one! Arg, we should let Eri try once... what happened?" Ochako asked as she turned to the two. Deku turned to Ochako.
"I don't know. She fell asleep. Should we leave?" Deku asked. Ochako nodded.
"Mabey she isn't feeling well. We'll come back another time when she's feeling better." Ochako said as she placed her hand on her forehead. Deku looked around some more. He didn't see anyone standing out, but for some reason, the only thing he remembers from looking around was a trench coat. A long, black trench coat. After a few minutes the three made it out, with the help of a random citizen. The trio thanked them, then headed off to the dorms. They made it to see Kaminari setting some traps.
"I don't think it's April first anymore." Deku said walking to his room. It was April 2nd. Deku made it to his room as he placed Eri on her bed. Ochako was downstairs getting ice. Deku felt the heat on her body. He rolled up her sleeves, assuming Eri was hot. He then turned her over to check her breathing. He learned that the best way to do that was the back. Aid stuff. She loved her shirt to find a small cut on her back. He leaned into it and squinted his eyes. He swore he could see a hint of green before the cut fixed itself insanely fast.
"What the..." Deku began.
"I'm back! How is she?" Ochako asked placing ice on her forehead after Deku finished.
"Her breathing seems fine. Mabey a small fever?" He asked her. Ochako shrugged.
"Whatever. Hopefully it's nothing too big. Whatever it is, we'll get through this." Ochako said with a determined smile. Deku nodded with his own smile. He then looked back down at Eri.
What was that cut? I must have been hallucinating. What was the green? There probably wasn't any. This is just a fever...

*Back to present day Deku*
Deku dropped the radio on the ground. He realized. It was definitely him. The man behind the sickness. This was his chance to stop him now. Deku surged One for All around him. Hawks just watched.
"Wait, what are you—"
"Backup is on the way. I'm going to stop him." Deku said as he walked over Hawks.
"Wait, you'll die! You won't be able to do it!" Hawks called you him. Deku didn't care. All he was right now was angry. He had that look in his eye. He wanted revenge. He kept walking forward until he saw Blight. Blight was just walking like he didn't do anything.
Didn't do anything, did you? You'll pay for what you've done.
Deku jumped at full speed toward Blight. Blight, at the last second, turned to realize it was too late. The kick landed on his chin, sending him upwards. Deku then jumped to a tree then back at Blight. He then punched his chest straight to the ground. He landed on the canister, which broke. Blight yelped in pain from the glass. Some of the glass impaled his back. Deku jumped down at him, which this time, Blight rolled out of the way. He then jumped up with a swipe before Deku grabbed his arm. Blight swung his other arm, but then was thrown further into the forest. Deku was angry. He didn't want to deal with this. All he wanted, was for this guy to die.
"W-Wait, what did I do? Why are you this angry?" Blight asked getting up and stepping backwards. He still had the box on him.
"You're the b!tch that infected my daughter with that venom you have there." Deku said, his daughter being Eri. Deku and Ochako basically adopted Eri. They were her parents and nobody objected. In fact, everyone thought it was a good idea for the fact that Eri didn't have any real parents. This would definitely help her emotionally. Deku just walked at him. He wanted to kill this man for doing this stuff.
"W-Wait, your Izuku! Sh!t. Well, I guess it's my lucky day." Blight said as he switched from scared to confident. Deku froze, confused. He then felt a huge weight on him, like he was begging crushed. It was a tree. It wasn't the biggest, but it was heavy. Deku was slammed onto the ground as the tree came down with him. That would've kill him if the tree didn't land on a lopsided hill, which just trapped Deku now. Deku was struggling as Blight walked to him.
What happened? Did I... that's him, but how did this happen... whatever, I'm thinking again. I'll finish him for sure.
"Oh ho, so little Izuku, you fell for my trap." Blight said. Deku looked to where the tree fell down and saw a green bubbly substance. He cut the tree at some point to make it fall down. Blight was getting closer.
"Oh my, you were right. I am the b!tch that infected your daughter. Why? To get you out of the way! Now I can kill you here. Oh, I wonder how Ochako will deal with two deaths." Blight said. Deku was angry again, but this time thinking. He quickly charged One for All and punched the tree. The tree snapped in two from the punch and went flying in Blight's direction. The tree missed. Deku jumped to his feet as he look up at Blight. He then jumped from one tree to another, and began doing the Grand Torino. Blight threw out his venom shots, missing each one. That was until he aimed for the tree. The tree started corroding and soon, they began falling. Deku was looking for an opening. One hit was all he needed. Deku began firing his air shots. Blight saw them coming and tried to cut them with his venom shots. He couldn't cut air, which caused him to be hit five times by different air shots. He was disorientated, which was what Deku needed. He jumped at full speed toward him. His fist connected with his mask, shattering it to pieces and causing Blight to go flying backwards. He lay there for a moment as Deku breathed heavily. He then got up.
"You held back, why?" He asked. Deku jumped at him again, which this time, Blight sidestepped. Blight swung his finger down which Deku was able to dodge due to momentum. He then began jumping off everything he could find.
Why did I... that didn't feel strong. His mask must have protected him, but there is more to it. Deku though. He didn't know, but at the time, his anger and sadness held him back. He wasn't using it to fight. That's why his punch wasn't strong. It wasn't a physical thing, it was emotional. Sure, he wanted to beat the heck out of him, but he didn't want to kill him. After he regained thinking, he didn't want to loose it again. He was jumping around on the trees. Blight kept throwing Venom shots at the trees as they fell in his direction. The trees quickly withered away to nothing. Deku still hopped around looking for an opening. He shot more air blasts. Blight was hit. Deku jumped at him. Blight grinned. He quickly turned and shot out venom, which Deku barely dodged. Deku then landed his fist in the ground and caused the ground to shake. Blight fell on the ground. Deku stood up.
Sh!t, I guess it's now or never
Blight grabbed the box and opened it. Deku sent to knock him unconscious until Blight quickly swiped his hand. Deku luckily saw this fast movement and jumped out of the way. He then shot air blasts. They all hit Blight. Blight stood up disorientated.
"Now you're dead." He said. On his head was the devise that was meant for his skull. He didn't feel the full affects, but he was still stronger. It was meant to go on the skull, but this was his only option. He jumped at Deku. He was faster than before, but not as fast as Deku, for he barely dodged it. Blight then shot out venom, which Deku flipped backwards to dodge. As he turned backwards, the venom cut up his shirt. He landed on the ground as venom dropped from the shirt. He quickly pulled off his shirt, leaving him shirtless.
"Smart move. If you touched it, you probably wouldn't have been able to fight anymore." Blight said as he threw more shots. Deku quickly jumped out of the way and onto some trees. He quickly jumped around as fast as possible. The shots were faster than before. Deku jumped downward at the ground.
"Saint Louis SMASH!" He screamed as he kicked the ground. The ground cracked as portions of it rose up. He then punched forward, trying to send any rocks at blight. This was one of his many combos. Blight quickly cut through all of them.
"How did you even..." Deku began before he couldn't speak anymore.
"My nails were improved from my quirk and this devise. Sadly that's all you'll be seeing." Blight said as he walked forward. Deku looked down. A green liquid moved towards him in a large area. The only way to evade was to jump. Deku jumped up on the air to evade the attack.
"Wrong answer." Blight said as he swept his hand upwards at Deku, who was almost motionless. Before Blight could shoot, Deku seemed to see things in slow motion. He looked to see the trees that survived the venom and the shirt on the ground. They were mostly destroyed but were still there. There was no venom on them. That's when it clicked for Deku. He needed a cure, not beat him. He could see lights flicker in the distance. Backup arrived. They were getting closer to the battle. He saw some bushes move as Endeavor and some cops appeared. Deku looked back at Blight. Things seemed to move like normal again. Blight shot out his venom. Deku quickly kicked his foot in a different direction, which evaded the shot and send him at Blight. Blight quickly took a step back shocked by the approach, but then got in an attacking stance. Endeavor saw Deku flying at Blight.
"KID! GET AWAY!" Endeavor yelled. It was too late. Deku punched his fist in the air as Blight charged him for a cut. Deku's fist connected with the air, causing a massive air pressure to be exerted. Blight reached Deku, cutting him along the arm before being flown back. Blight and Deku were on the ground. Blight slowly rose to his feet.
"I win, you'll die with these new improvements." Blight said. He placed his hand on the top of his head to realize that the device was off. He turned to see it slightly sparking on the ground. Deku was still on the ground hiding his cut arm. Blight turned to see Endeavor throw a fire spear at him. Blight jumped out of the way, grabbed the devise, and began running. Endeavor began running after him until a certain voice called out.
"Don't! Get the paramedics!" Deku cried out. Endeavor stopped.
"You need to go as fast as possible, hurry!" Deku yelled. The cops just stared at him.
"Go get them!" Endeavor shouted. The cops nodded.
"Tell them to bring a syringe or something like that! Quickly! You need to be fast!" Deku yelled still holding his arm. The cops, confused, nodded and ran over to get them. Endeavor was confused though.
"Why?" He asked. Deku sat up a bit. He then slowly revealed his arm. There was a large cut along it with blood and a glowing fluid. It was the venom Blight used.
"This could be a cure. Quickly, give me that torn shirt." Deku said pointing at the worn shirt on the ground. Endeavor quickly ran over and grabbed it. He then returned. Deku wrapped it around his arm.
"You know the medics will be here in a second." Endeavor said. He was hoping Deku didn't run after Blight. Deku smirked.
"I figured it out, why we haven't found a cure yet." Deku said. Endeavor was still confused. The medics quickly arrived to pick up Deku and place him in the ambulance.
"You can come to visit and I'll explain. Tomorrow." Deku said. Endeavor nodded still confused. Deku was placed in the back of an ambulance to be driven to a hospital to be treated. His wound was large. He didn't care how hurt he was. He was able to find a cure, hopefully anyway. He hoped that he would save Eri...

*At the dorms*
"Deku?" Ochako asked as she banged on the door. This was about ten minutes after he wanted his alone time. There was no response. Todoroki and Shinso came up, probably wanting to sleep after the bad news.
"What's the matter?" Todoroki asked seeing Ochako worried.
"Deku hasn't come out of his room or said anything. I'm worried." Ochako said.
"He's probably just asleep. I'd go in and wake him up. Everyone is worried." Shinso said. Ochako nodded as she placed her hand on the door knob. She took a deep breath.
"Deku, are you—" Ochako began before realizing what happened. Todoroki and Shinso walked in behind her to see Deku. He wasn't there and the window was open.
"Oh my god!" Ochako gasped as she placed her hands on her mouth. She began to cry a little
"Oh no, where did he go?" Todoroki said as he ran over to the window and looked outside. Shinso turned to the stairs and ran down.
"Did anyone see Midoriya come down here?" Shinso asked. Everyone, who was still crying over the news but were a little calmer, shook their head.
"He's gone." Shinso said. Some people rose to their feet.
"Midoriya? Why would he—" Kirishima began before Shinso cut him off.
"I don't know, but he left though his window." Shinso said. Some people began moving to the stairs. After a bit, everyone was upstairs at Deku's room. They saw Ochako crying on the bed while Todoroki tried to comfort her. Bakugo pushes through and entered.
"Where the f$&k?" He asked to himself.
"Somebody get Mr. Aizawa!" Toru exclaimed.
"On it." Kaminari and Tokoyami said at the same time. They quickly ran to the front door. Momo, Mina, and Tsu ran over to Ochako.
"I'm sure things will be fine." Tsu said.
"Yes, we don't even know if he left because he didn't want to be here anymore or he just had some personal thing she had to do." Momo said. They all tried comforting her.
"T-thanks guys, but I'm gonna try to get some rest." Ochako said.
"Are you sure, I'll sleep with you tonight." Tsu said trying to comfort her. She shook her head.
"No, no, it's fine." Ochako said. Everyone slowly left the room as Ochako closed the door. She went to her bed and lay in it. She had no clue that Deku was out fighting Blight. She didn't know why Deku left. Did a villain take him? Did Deku decide to leave for good? She had no clue. She cried a small bit before sleeping. That was one of the worst days for Ochako in her entire life on Earth.

Happy Birthday BoomBoom Boi! Just to lighten the mood. :)

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