Venomous Purge (Part 4)

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"Come on Todi, let's go!" Kirishima said as he helped him down the street. After Todoroki was cut multiple times, the venom sinked. He was barely conscious.
"S-stop..." Todoroki said. Kirishima looked at him confused.
"Todoroki, I'm getting you to safety." Kirishima responded.
"No... DIE!" Todoroki shouted as he pushed Kirishima to the ground.
"Todoroki!" Kirishima shouted. Todoroki was seeing things. Hallucination caused by the venom. Everyone effected through a direct cut would revive this part of the sickness. Kirishima didn't know what Todoroki was seeing.
"PLEASE STOP! I'LL KILL YOU!" Todoroki shouted again, thrashing around. Kirishima got up.
"Todoroki! Listen to me! It's not real! Whatever you're seeing! It's fake! It's in your head!" Kirishima yelled trying to calm him down. Todoroki calmed down a bit, but wasn't enough to stop it. Kirishima sighed.
"I didn't want to resort to this." He said. He charged Todoroki as he hardened his hands and grip around Todoroki's wrists. Kirishima pinned Todoroki down, which caused Todoroki to change emotions.
"MOM! WHERE IS SHE!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He yelled. Kirishima was even more confused now. He began thinking back. He began remembering the sports festival. What Todoroki told everyone. His entire childhood. Kirishima realized he was taking the entire wrong approach. He was making things worse. He let got of Todoroki's arms and sat up.
"She's alright." Kirishima said. Todoroki's facial expression seemed to calm a bit. He slowed down his breathing and stopped thrashing around.
"Mom?" Todoroki asked. Kirishima didn't know what he did but it was working so he went along with it.
"Yes? She's okay." Kirishima said. Suddenly Todoroki jumped at Kirishima for a hug. Whatever Todoroki was seeing, Kirishima somehow made everything better. They sat there for a moment before Todoroki stopped hallucinating. He was sorta unconscious but not. Kirishima picked him up again and began waking to the evacuation point.
"Alright. We have to find Iida and the others. Look! People! We're close!" Kirishima smiled. Todoroki's eyes opened a little. As Kirishima drew closer, he could see civilians but to vehicles nearby, or ark east any active one. In fact, there was only that one group of people. Kirishima looked around to see more separate groups of people, each group probably a group of family and friends.
"Hey, what's going on here? Where the evacuation?" Kirishima asked. One man turned to him.
"Oh, it's a mile ahead. Take two lefts and a right—" The man began before being cut off.
"Why aren't you going there!?" Kirishima asked. The man smirked.
"Everything's fine! The heroes will stop this! What's the point of useless panicking when things will be fine?" The man asked. He seemed to be with his family, a young girl and his wife. Kirishima was speechless.
"Why not just go!? It's a lot safer!" Kirishima shouted. The man sighed, beginning to shout back.
"IT'S A SMALL WAVE OF VILLAINS! THAT'S IT!" The man yelled, drawing some attention. Kirishima was speechless. Todoroki's face struggled a bit.
"What did the evac announcement say?" Kirishima asked.
"A group of many villains were heading toward the city and that many heroes were sent to stop it! Honestly, things will be okay if they're just rookie villains like they said." The man said. Todoroki snapped.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" He shouted. Even Kirishima was speechless. Everyone was looking at him now as he drawn the attention of people nearby.
"Endeavor's up there! We'll be fine! How would you even know anyway? You're just a teen!" The man said.
"YOU GUYS WILL BE KILLED! YOU'RE IDIOTS TO STAY! THEY'RE LIKE TWO BLOCKS FROM HERE YET YOU STAY AND TEST YOUR LUCK!? RUN!" Todoroki's shouted again as a tear fell from his eye. He was in pain. He saw the young girl. He didn't want someone so young to die.
"YOU HEARD HIM! LETS GO!" Someone shouted. Everyone began moving as explosions were heard to get louder. Todoroki was breathing heavily.
"Nice job. I couldn't have done it. Let's get you back to safety." Kirishima said, carrying him to the evac...

"You can't hide forever!" SandStorm shouted as he slammed a bunch of glass shards against the cover they had.
"Well, what do you guys think?" Kaminari asked after finished his plan.
"Well, it's the only one we got. Let's do it." Momo nodded. Everyone agreed to it as well. They sat in there for another minute to prepare.
"Really, is suggest getting out or I'll force you out!" SandStorm yelled again.
"NOW!" Kaminari yelled. They jumped out. As the glass shards cane from their right, they had shields to protect them. Momo began creating something as the others did their job. Jiro pulled out two metal tubes and stuck them to the ground. She placed her ear jacks in them. None of the class could it her. She used her quirk to create a massive earthquake directly at SandStorm. He stumbled back a bit.
"I can do that too!" He yelled. He was going to change the direction of all the shards. Kaminari predicted this. He knew that when he would change the direction, all the glass shards would stop for the smallest moment.
"GLASSES ON!" Kaminari yelled. Every placed glasses on as Toru leapt forward.
"LIGHT REFRACTION!" She yelled. Just as the glass stoped to move toward Jiro, the light from Toru struck all of them, creating a blinding light. The light reflected off all the shards, making it impossible to see a thing, but with the glasses they had on, it would protect them from any eye damage. All the glass shards fell to the ground. Next up was Aoyama and Ojiro. After Momo created her thing, which was a catapult, Ojiro got on it. Aoyama struck SandStorm with his laser, making SandStorm fall to the ground. Ojiro was launched off the catapult toward SandStorm.
"GOD DAMMIT!" SandStorm shouted throwing all the glass shards forward at everyone. Ojiro landed on him, slamming him to the ground.
"NOW!" Ojiro shouted as he pulled out two metal rods. Kaminari grinned. (The metal rods had an insulator for a handle so that he wouldn't get shocked)
"INDISCRIMINATE DISCHARGE, 1,300,000 VOLTS!" Kaminari yelled as he descharged all of his electricity toward Ojiro. Just as planned, all the electricity went strait to the rods and SandStorm, leaving Ojiro unharmed. Once it stopped, everything was quiet.
"Yay... Whoo..." Kaminari cheered as his brain shut down.
"We did it!" Jiro cheered. Everyone began cheering. SandStrom was unconscious and probably in a coma due to the shock. Whatever, at least he was done for. Momo made handcuffs to place on SandStorm.
"Good... job guys..." She huffed out, trying to catch her breath. She could barely move due to using too much of her quirk. They began escorting him back to the police so that they could help the others, if they could even get there in time...

"Find a way to make him defenseless!" Ochako shouted as they circled him.
"That's would be useless. I am never defenseless." Phelps said as he grew move vines. Once again they tried to attack them. They again deflected the vines and got closer to Phelps. He grinned. Just then a large vine, and I mean the size of a human vine, came from the ground and lifted Phelps up.
"How the hell!? That's dumb!" Sero shouted.
"It's called a quirk. Now die." Phelps said as he used trees to try and to damage. They all dodged out of the way. The tree moved into the ground and stopped. The roots began growing heavily along the buildings and such. Ochako landed on her feet as she heard a distant explosion that was closer than she imagined.
Is that Bakugo? He's probably with Deku fighting Blight. I need to take care of Phelps fast so I can help them.
"Keep up the pressure!" Ochako shouted. Everyone charged him at the same time.
"Fools!" He said as he grew a vine and used it as a whip. Sero quickly taped it down to the ground. Shinso wrapped his scarf around Phelps and pulled him closer. Phelps crew a quick tree and propelled himself over Shinso. Shoji tried to grab him as he was falling until Phelps used a vine to swing above him. Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to cut the vine. Tsu wrapped her tongue around Phelp's legs and pulled him to the ground.
"Looks like it's time to pull my ace." He said as he puked out a new type of seed.
"Don't tell me..." Shinso began.
"What is it?" Ochako asked. Phelps used his quirk.
"That..." He pointed. It was a Venus Flytrap. A large one.
"Really writer? Doesn't this seem a little op?" Sero asked the writer. The writer didn't respond. The flytrap moved down, being controlled by Phelps and all, and trapped everyone in it. It's mouth closed. They were trapped inside. Nobody had any power type quirks so they couldn't get out. There was one solution though. I solution that will be revealed later.
"Now that you guys are in there, die a bit faster, okay?" Phelps said.
"What do we do?" Sero asked.
"Well, we have to find a way out. Once we do that, we have to find a way to take out Phelps." Shoji said. Ochako looked around.
"Alright, we can make a pulley system with Sero and Shinso." She said.
"Guys..." Koda said, trying to get their attention.
"First, Sero will have to put tape from here to there!" She said next.
"Guys?" Koda said again.
"Then Shinso, place your scarf here. We can have Shoji pull it and—" Ochako tried to explain before begin cut off.
"GUYS!" Koda shouted now. Everyone looked at him. He pointed to the side of the flytrap. There was a hole.
"Huh?" Sero sounded out in confusion.
"Well... it's a plant, right? So I had some insects eat open a hole..." He said. Everyone smiled.
"Way to go, now quietly." Ochako said as he walked to the hole. She made people zero gravity as they left. She lifted them up to the top, where Phelps was sitting.
"Hey; are you gonna die soon or what?" He asked. Shoji used his quirk to but a mouth down there.
"Yeah yeah, keep talking." He said. They snuck up behind.
"Great, well I'm leaving." Phelps said getting up. He turned around to see all of them. He instantly tried to teleport away before Sero grabbed him with tape. Shoji took the tape and pulled Phelps back up. Tsu instantly wrapped him up and slammed him to the ground. Sero then taped him up.
"HAHA! We are not the ones dying!" Sero cheered.
"He isn't either." Tsu said.
"I know, I was just... whatever." He said. Phelps looked up at the sky. As everyone was cheering and talking, Phelps saw a grayish, bubbly gooey thing form above. An arm came out. Shoji noticed it.
"Guys, we aren't done!" He said. An arm stuck out of the thing. The sleeve it had seemed to bulk up with air. It punched down, suddenly forcing a large amount of strength to push everyone back. Phelps' tape around him came off. It was Shigaraki. He lower himself down to Phelps.
"Look, I'll get straight to the point. Blight's in trouble. Help him." He said and left. Phelps nodded. He had multiple vines grab onto everyone. Ochako and Tsu were able to get out of the way before that happened. Phelps used a large vine to push himself to building height.
"Just follow him! We'll get ourselves out!" Sero shouted. Ochako and Tsu followed behind him.
"We can't catch up." Ochako said, seeing how fast Phelps was going.
"Yes we can." Tsu said as she wrapped her tongue around Ochako. Ochako already knew the plan so she used her quirk on herself. Tsu then proceeded to throw Ochako as fast as possible at Phelps. As Ochako was flying at him, she was able to see Blight, Deku, and Bakugo in the distance. Bakugo was holding Blight's arms behind his back as Deku began to sprint forward at Blight. Ochako was catching up to Phelps. Phelps looked scared to see the danger of Blight being beaten. That was until he saw Ochako. He grinned. He had a large vine cone out of the building below him, right in front of Ochako. Ochako couldn't do much so she braced for impact. As she reached the vine, she went through it? No, teleported. She came out of the building side to go flying. At the time, Deku jumped in the air. Just like in slow motion, Ochako and Deku made eye contact. They collided midair, stopping Deku from landing a finishing blow...

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