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Jessica's P.O.V.

I can't believe it. How can I have a twin sister? I listen to her talk about her life and I wonder if she knows that I already saw it all. She says she was taken at birth by these people called guardians that are like angels but...not. She said they raised her to be the girl from the prophecy that Vivianne told me about. She said it had to be someone that was a doppelgänger from our line.

Apparently, they took her because there was another prophecy that I was going to die so they took precautions and made sure that if I died, my power would go to Meredith instead of back into nature. "I guess they thought you would die at birth so they took me and wiped Grayson and Isabelle's memories of me, but you didn't die until yesterday. Then you came back so prophecy fulfilled, you get to be the all powerful leader that unites everyone and I finally get to have a family," Meredith says like an excited child.

I'm not very good with emotions and it's times like now that I wish I were. I never wanted a different mind because I don't know what I would do without my knowledge, I just wish that I got something else from being a genius like being socially awkward or not understanding social cues. Instead, I have trouble processing, understand, and, most importantly, feeling emotions and now isn't a good time for my lack of feelings.

"Right, well that was a really...nice story," I state and I see her face begin to fall at my lack of response so I sigh. "Look, my attitude has nothing to do with you, I promise. You said you watched my life from this Other Side with the guardians, right?" I question and she nod furtively, almost making me giggle. "Then you know emotions aren't my strong suit, not to mention what happened with Damon and Elena," I tell her but she looks at me confused.

"What happened with Damon and Elena?"

"You don't know?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"As soon as you woke up in your casket, the guardians released me. I've been trekking through the bayou, trying to find the city. I didn't make it out until I felt your energy. You have nature magic but I can only practice spirit magic until you teach me nature magic," she tells me, making me confused.

"Wait, if you've watched my life, don't you know how to practice it?"

She shakes her head. "Jessica, you don't practice it so much as just use it. Nature bends to your will because you are so connected. It chose you and you have to choose everyone else. Your magic is pure power. It's not diluted like spirit magic or even traveler magic. It's incorruptible so long as you yourself don't practice spirit magic, which I'm pretty sure your connection to Nature will prevent," she tells me and I nod my head, quickly processing the information she told me when I notice her giving me a look like she has a question but is scared to ask.

"What?" I ask as politely as possible.

"You, um, never told me what happened with our sister and Damon," she says nervously, and I sigh.

"I went to bring Damon the cure for his wolf bite and caught them kissing," I inform her and she gasps, which makes me smile. She's so innocent. I don't think I've ever been that way.

"I'm so sorry, I never would've thought Elena would do that to you," she tells me sincerely, and I give her a confused look.

"It takes two to kiss, Mer," I say and she smiles at the nickname.

"Yeah, but Damon was most likely hallucinating so you can't really blame him," she claims but I shake my head.

"Yes, I can, because Elena wouldn't have done it if he hadn't said something. She loves Stefan, I've seen it, but she's started to care for Damon," I reveal and she nods before she gets the nervous looks again.

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