Chapter 15- All My Children

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Smut Ahead! Look for Smut Ended for when it stops.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Klaus Mikaelson sits on his bed, thinking about the revelations of the night before. The woman that he loved, the woman he had killed and tried to bring back, was alive, yet she was different and he couldn't help but feel that it was his fault. Maybe whatever monster he had brought her back as had changed who she was, as she was no longer the sweet girl he once knew and loved. His door opens and he looks up. "Vivianne, if you have come to torment me more, I'm afraid you should get in line," he tells her, and the doppelgänger cracks a grin.

"I'd ask what you've done to Vivianne but judging by your usual behavior lately, I'll assume it was bad," Jessica laughs and Klaus knows it's her as he can see the necklace he gave her. The necklace he had worn for a thousand years and got Greta to spell to ensure she wouldn't die.

"Jessica, what are you doing here?" He asks, shocked and she smiles.

"I came to make sure Vivianne told you about your mother. Wicked woman, Esther is, even Nature hates her and that's hard to do," she jokes as she sits on the bed next to him before looking into his eyes with a serious expression. "I also came to check on you. I know how much it would've meant to think she forgave you and that you were going to be one big happy family, so I needed to make sure you were okay," she tells him and he scoffs.

"You don't need to pretend to care, love. You've made your feelings abundantly clear."

"Nik, you're still my friend and I still care about you," she says and Klaus's eyes find their way to her lips. Her pink lips that had always looked so kissable, and, for some reason, look even more so right now, and before he can stop himself, he leans over and kisses her. She pulls away. "We can't, Damon-" she begins and he cuts her off.

"Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't want this and I'll stop." She looks into his eye but says nothing, making Klaus grin and kiss her again. Before he knows it, she's straddling him, grinding down against him, when she pulls away with a grin. She drops from his lap onto the floor in front of him. She unbuttons his pants and opens the zipper, making his breath catch in his throat. "What are you doing?" He questions in a husky voice, and she grins.

"I've caused you so much pain, I want to make you feel pleasure too," she says as she pulls his pants and boxers down. She grabs his hardened cock in her hands and looks up at him through her lashes.

"Jessica," he tries to protest, but it turns into a groan as she slips her mouth around him. She takes him in until he can feel the back of her throat and then pulls back only to do it again. Her pace gradually increases, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. "Jessica," he tries to warn just as he feels himself explode, only to shoot up from his bed.

Smut Ended!

He sits up and realizes that it was just a dream when he can feel his, now sticky, dress pants that he had fallen asleep in, when he hears a giggle from the corner. He looks up to see Vivianne. "Sorry, I don't mean to laugh it's just that you dream really, umm, loudly, I guess. Anyone making the slightest accidental effort to see that dream could and let me say, you should not tell anyone about that dream because Jessica will not be happy," Vivianne giggles, thinking about how Jessica had destroyed the sire link after she found out about Jeremy. She thinks about mentioning it to Klaus but decides against it, not wanting to face the wrath of Jessica.

"You were in my head? How?" Klaus asks in shock while Vivianne shrugs.

"Jess taught me how to do it when I was a ghost, guess it was part of her nature magic but like I said, you were projecting that dream. Now, we have matters to discuss so I'll let you get... situated and I'll meet you in the living room," she tells him before standing from her chair and leaving the room.

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