Chapter 23- God I Hate Funerals

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's been three days since everything changed. Three days since Elena became a vampire. Three days since Klaus and Vivianne left town. Three days since Alaric died on the Young farm mere hours before the house exploded with the remaining 12 council members inside, including Pastor Young himself.

Stefan is trying to teach Elena the bunny diet but Damon's been consistent on insisting that Elena needs human blood from the vein, but Stefan would listen. "How many vampires do you know that haven't killed anyone?" He'd asked and I scoffed.

"Caroline," I answered and he shot me a look before saying that if he can train Elena to drink animal blood, she'd be better off. I still think it's more worrying that she hasn't fed in three days, ever since she drank my blood, but it's her call, as Stefan likes to tell us. I've been getting closer to Damon again, ever since we made out in the warehouse. He told me that he loves me and not Elena and that he's happy for them. I can tell he means it from the way he is there to mediate even their slightest arguments as if he's worried what will happen if they break up.

Which is why, while Elena is off practicing feeding, I'm with Damon when Liz walks into the grill, asking if he blew up the council. She tries to sit on Alaric's stool but Damon won't let her so I grip his hand before turning to Liz. "Why would a vampire blow people up? If they want to kill people, they tend to just eat them," I point out and Liz nods.

"I'm sorry, Damon, I just can't imagine who would do something like this," she sighs as some dark-skinned man approaches and asks to speak to her.

"Wow, great manners random guys I've never seen before," I state, making Damon and Ric, who is watching us, laugh. The man turns to me, probably to snap back, but when he catches sight of me, a smile appears on his face.

He holds out his hand. "Connor Jordan," he introduces. I down Damon's bourbon, much to his protest, before taking his hand.

"Jessica Gilbert, a pleasure, I'm sure. Sorry but I'm a bit of a stickler for manners, just how I was raised," I apologize, smelling the vervain on his glove. I smile before turning back to Damon as Conner leaves with Liz. As soon as they're out of earshot, I tell Damon. "Looks like we have a new hunter in town."

"What do you mean?"

"He had vervain on his glove. He's an actual hunter, not like Ric was," I hear a protest from Ric, but ignore him. "I can try and read his mind, but who knows what I'd see," I offer and he shakes his head.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can get him to touch you again so you can use your other powers," he responds, jealousy assaulting his tone. I'm about to tease him for it, when Elena shows up saying that she tried to feed on the animal blood and threw up.

"Caroline couldn't stomach it either. Feed on me, that's what she did to learn control and then I started giving her blood bags," I offer but she shakes her head.

"I already fed on you once, I don't want to do it again," she says and I glare at her.

"It's not like you hurt me, Elena. Not to mention that there's a vampire hunter in town and I happen to like my sister and I don't want her dead," I snap but she still refuses so Damon tries to get her to feed on someone else yet she won't agree. He looks at me with a questioning look and I know what he's asking; if he can give her his blood. I nod and he takes her to the bathroom to do just that. I know that blood sharing is personal but usually only if both parties do it and I don't see any reason he would drink Lena's blood so I get up and head out to tell Stefan about the hunter.

I had just finished explaining things to him when Caroline shows up with Tyler, who had been shot. I immediately start helping and can't help but notice the way Tyler almost flinches away from me when I touch him before relaxing as if he was worried or something. I wonder briefly if Vivianne had done something to him but shake the thought off. I help Stefan remove the bullets as Tyler describes the hunter and I confirm that it's Conner Jordan. I suddenly catch sight of the symbol on his bullet and I gasp.

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