Chapter 1- The Birthday

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A/N: Okay so I know that in this episode Elena turns 18 but since Jessica's B-Day is in October and she is older Elena will be turning 17 which makes more sense to me since you can start kindergarten when you're five.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica Gilbert sits in Saint Anne's church talking to her best friend Caroline Forbes on the phone. "Jessica Isabelle Gilbert, I spent an extremely long time planning this birthday party for your sister and you're just not going to come?" She asks incredulously.

Jessica sighs. "It's her birthday, Caroline, and it's already going to be hard enough for her since Stefan won't be there, she doesn't need her angry and pissed off sister, who might not be able to control her temper, at her party," she tells her as an excuse for not being there for her sister, who she caught kissing her at the time boyfriend.

"So are you not coming home then? What are you gonna do about school?" She asks, worried Elena had permanently driven her sister away. Ever since Jessica left, things have been going to Hell in Mystic Falls. Alaric tried to blame Damon so he wouldn't blame Elena but since Damon was hallucinating he couldn't. Jenna was upset that Jessica had left and had decided to stay on campus when Alaric agreed to watch the remaining Gilbert siblings. They decided to break up because as much as they care about each other, Jenna wants to stay out of the supernatural and Alaric can't seem to stay away.

Stefan was angry at Elena for kissing Damon but eventually forgave her. Elena, however, didn't forgive herself and began pulling away from everyone. Stefan, thinking she pulled away from feelings for Damon, decided to head out of town about a month ago. No one knows where he is, but Damon has been tracking any animal attacks to make sure Stefan is okay and so far, there are no signs of a ripper.

Damon has been taking things the worst. He is angry at everyone. He was angry at Ric for not stopping Jessica, Jeremy and Caroline for telling her to go, Elena for kissing him and not explaining why to Jessica, but most of all himself because no matter how much he looked, he couldn't find her. As of now, he has forgiven everyone but himself and Elena. He won't even be in the same room as her and when he does, it's worse than when the pair first met.

Caroline isn't sure that if Elena's life were in danger, Damon would save her, which worries her. Caroline also knows from Jessica, who won't tell her how she knows, that Damon has been tracking Klaus. According to Jess, he wants to find the hybrid because he is convinced that Jessica left with him. Caroline is the only one who knows where she is because Jessica knows she won't tell anyone.

"Care, I'm not saying I'll stay away forever," Jessica says, breaking Caroline out of her thoughts and Caroline gets frustrated.

"Then what are you saying? And why won't you put me on FaceTime? Are you hiding something?" Caroline asks and Jessica laughs before switching the call to FaceTime.

"Are you happy now?" She questions patronizingly.

"Yes, actually, because now I know," Caroline begins before seeing a cross behind Jessica. "Are you in a church?" She asks, shocked as she knows Jessica doesn't believe in religion.

"Wait, did you just say Jessica Gilbert is in a church?" Tyler, who was having lunch with Caroline, asks, dragging a chair around to see the phone.

"Yes, she is in a church. Sadly, I fear it isn't improving her viewpoint on sinning," comes a voice from off camera that Caroline and Tyler don't recognize.

Jessica, however, snorts. "Oh, fuck off, Sean. I'm so sorry I can't be perfect like you," she says and Sean shakes his head at her.

"You realized you just swore in a church, right? That's blaspheme, Jessica," he tells her condescendingly and Jessica smirks at him.

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