Chapter 34- Grief and Confessions

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Jessica's P.O.V.

Stefan brought Elena and Jeremy's body back from the island. He said that they hadn't found Bonnie and Damon stayed, hoping that she could do something about Jeremy. Elena went upstairs with his body and laid it on his bed. She kept saying that the ring would bring him back. I could see Jeremy on the other side already and I tried to explain it to her, but she just wouldn't listen. She kept saying that the tattoo disappeared so there was hope. Eventually, I had to get away, so I went to drink away my sorrows at the grill.

I sat in Damon's usual spot, as he wasn't in town, and Ric sat in his. I ordered a bottle of bourbon and I must've looked like I needed it because the bartender didn't even pretend to card me. I pour it into the glass until it's full and start to sip it while Ric frowns. "You know, drinking won't help the pain," he says disapprovingly.

"Pot, kettle, you know the saying," I mumble, going back to my drink.

"Why don't you bring him back, like with Vivianne?" He suggests and I frown.

"Can't, the energy to bring Vivianne back was staged perfectly by her. It was all centered on me being hurt by the betrayals of Damon, Elena, and Klaus. It was pure luck," I explain, pouring another glass. I can tell he wants to add something but decides against it and leaves me to my wallowing. I'm satisfied, thinking I can finally drink in piece, when someone takes Ric's spot.

"Tad early for alcohol, don't you think, love?" Klaus queries, but I ignore him. I can sense him frown before trying again. "Are you angry, love?"

"Nope," I respond, popping the p.

"You're lying, why? You loathe lying, you only do it when necessary. What's bothering you, Jessica," he presses and I sigh.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that your sister got my brother killed with the help of Katherine, who I stupidly convinced you to let live, or maybe it's the fact that I can't go home because my brother's rotting corpse is starting to smell." He frowns before putting a few bills on the counter, grabbing the bottle and picking me up bridal style.

"Let's go somewhere more private so you don't become a town cautionary tale, hmm." I roll my eyes but allow him to carry me to his car and drive me to his mansion. We drink on the couch for a few hours, God only knows how many, while I explain Elena's denial. The more we talk, the closer we seem to drift on the couch. He's surprisingly comforting but I guess it's because he lost a brother too. "You can't control what your sister does, but she'll need you when she does accept it," he tells me, making me realize how close we are. I can't help my eyes as they flick to his lips before looking into his blue-green eyes. I see him lean in and go to do the same when my phone rings, breaking me out of the moment.

I answer it and Caroline tells me that Damon found Bonnie and they are at my house. I tell her I'll be there soon and walk to the grill, allowing myself to sober up, before driving home. When I get there, Caroline tells me that they called Dr. Fell, who told Elena that Jeremy was really dead, so she was holding out hope for Bonnie, and Matt took Elena away for a while. Everyone is upstairs right now and as I begin to head up there, Elena comes storming down the stairs.

"Elena, it'll work, Shane told me," Bonnie promises. "All we have to do is complete the triangle and it'll bring Jeremy back."

I scoff. "You can't be serious," I snarl and everyone turns, noticing my presence. "You want us to kill 12 people to bring the veil down? That won't bring him back, Bonnie. That'll drop the veil inside the triangle, screwing everyone in Mystic Falls."

"No, Shane said it would bring him back!" She retorts.

"Shane is dead, Bonnie!" She looks at me, shocked. "I saw it, Silas killed him after he killed Jeremy. He is using you, making you see Shane to get you to do his dirty work. That's Silas' power. Vampires have compulsion, well Silas' is worse. He gets in your head and can make you see, think, and do whatever he wants you to. I hate to break it to you, but I told you that Expression was dangerous, I told you all that Silas was dangerous but just like always, somebody decided that they knew better and now we're all screwed!" I yell, throwing a lamp at the wall.

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