Chapter 40- The Originals

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica stands in Damon's bedroom packing up some clothes she left there to take with her to New Orleans so she can make her flight. "I'm just saying that you just flipped the switch and you should probably take it easy," Damon tries but Jessica just sighs, annoyed with his continued argument.

"Damon, what was the point of me turning it back on if my life stops? I have to make this interview or I might not get in," she pauses, looking into his eye to show she's serious. "This school has been my dream since I was little. My dad always said where we came from was important and I came from New Orleans, okay?" He finally relents and she kisses his cheek before walking into the foyer where she is stopped by Stefan and Elena.

"Okay, explain your plan one more time?" Stefan commands and she rolls her eyes but obeys.

"I was going to stuff the ballot so that Bonnie would win," she begins. "I figured Rebekah would get pissed and back out of her deal with Elijah and kill her. If Bonnie was dead, it didn't matter if Silas had the cure or not because nobody could drop the veil. I got sidetracked when I went to stuff it though because Rebekah and April wouldn't stop talking and then Damon made me dance with him. I passed the cure to Silas before he attacked you two then I was crowned queen and Elena came after me. In other words, my plan would've worked because Elena would've taken down Bonnie had she won so really, it's Damon's fault."

"Of course it is," he agrees with a sarcastic smirk that makes her giggle.

"Look, it doesn't matter. Silas has to convince Bonnie to help him, which hopefully she won't now that she's our Bonnie again so I can go to New Orleans," she explains before hugging her sister. "I love you, Elena. Try not to get yourself killed." With that, she grabs her bags and gets in her car, driving to the airport.

Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Klaus arrives and begins his search for Jane-Anne, only to find someone else he'd thought dead, Marcel Gerard. They spend the day drinking and catching up, both suspicious of the other, unaware of the arrival of both Elijah and Jessica. While they are drinking at some bar in the quarter, Elijah makes his way to Rousseau's. He approaches the bar and the blonde bartender, whose nametag says Camille, pours him some bourbon. He begins to tell her that he is there for his brother, who has gotten into some sort of mess, when he catches a familiar voice, making him turn his head, Cami forgotten.

"Hello, I'm Jessica Gilbert," she introduces, holding out her hand. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"Hi, I'm Alexander Croft, the admissions officer," A young man returns. "And believe me, it's a pleasure." He takes a folder out of his suitcase and opens it up to reveal the information he has collected on Jessica. "According to your transcripts, you're a highly qualified student, a bit overqualified for a state college if I may say. It also says that you have your IQ scores," he prompts and she smiles.

"Yeah, I have them here," she says, pulling out 4 envelopes, drawing the attention of not only Croft but Elijah and Cami as well. She opens the first one laying it on the table. "That one was from when I was tested at the age of 5 because my kindergarten teacher thought I was too much of a smartass," she reveals.

"You scored a 311 when you were 5?" He asks shocked.

"Yeah, that's what everyone else thought so they made me take another one that wasn't multiple choice and that's when I got this one." She opens the next letter.

"322?" He questions taken aback. "At 5."

Jessica shrugs nonchalantly. "Yup and then I finished Junior year early because I had some things to handle and they made me take another IQ test and I had to do a repeat of what happened when I was 5." She hands him the remaining to scores and he blanches.

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